Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

So, you think you can live in abundance life with lots of money?

Humans created problems in order to sell solutions. How can the problems be resolved when the solutions need to be sold for survival? Also, did I mention there is always “the solution for the solution”? When everyone based on this principle to make money, with the money that you have earned, since when you will be able to enjoy a real solution? When the commercialization of solutions rely on problems to be sustainable, who wants the problems to be eliminated once and for all? Simple fact, but none awake.

How can the spirit of love and compassion be encouraged when the medical and health institutions, hospitals and pharmacies, rely on viruses, cancers, disease, injuries, and disasters for profits? How can the anti-virus software companies help to stop viruses once and for all when they rely on computer viruses to survive? How can the food be nutritious and healthy when reducing ingredients means reducing costs and maximizing profits? How can "they" allow you to drive free energy vehicle when "they" can gain tremendous wealth through patrol and gas consumption? How can they wish your problem to be solved once and for all when they want to earn recurring income from you?

Assuming every person needs 100 commercial items for his/her daily fundamental needs, and you're the supplier of one of these items. Also assuming that you only give the best for yourself but lower quality for your customers. So you need to suffer the problems caused by these 99 items except the one supplied by your own. So you think that you can sell to 1000 customers and earn $100 for each item sold. So the total that you earned is $100,000. What you never know is that, 99% of the money that you have earned is in fact being used to buy the problematic items from others who run their business the same way as your do! If you total up the richest and the poorest and average it up, you will realize that no one on this planet Earth is in fact enjoying the solutions but suffering more with the problems that they have bought!

You contribute 1 type of problem to the society but you receive 99 types of problem bounce back to you from the merchants who think the same way as you do. My question is: Do you think that you can live in abundance life with lots of money that you earned from others?

Think about it, humans.

See also:
Swine Flu was Man made in a USA laboratory, June,2009

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