Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Rainbow Love’ was initially formed to raise funds for an eight year old boy from Ettalong on the Central Coast of New South Wales named Levi Ransfield.
Levi suffered with severe physical disabilities including Kypho-Scoliosis and bone deformities also an anomaly of his Trachea requiring a Tracheotomy to allow him to breathe. Levi and his mother required support due to his declining health and need for Palliative Care and consequently his increasing needs both from mechanical devices and 24 hour nursing care. The need to heat the house in which they were living (Levi was unable to maintain his body temperature) and keep it at a consistent temperature also OH&S issues for Respite staff needed to be considered. As they lived in an old house winter power bills were in excess of $1,500. His mother was in need of extra support both financially to help cover other costs such as phone, and personal respite as well as Physiotherapy for a condition related to caring for her son. Levi required intensive care around the clock the majority of this care was undertaken solely by Danielle until the later stages of Levi’s ill health. Sadly Levi passed away on the 19th June 2008. ‘Rainbow Love’ is the Legacy of Levi Ransfield for the friends he left behind who may well be destined to travel a similar path.
At present we are endeavouring to raise funds for these children who because of the complexity of their illnesses do not necessarily fit into necessary criteria for already established foundations.

Since we first started December 2007 we have been raising funds using the talents of local Artists, Craft persons, Musicians and Dancers by holding Concerts, Classes and Exhibitions. Unfortunately we have been without a space to continue in the last few months as the Hall we were using is about to be pulled down for development. However we have just joined with a new Super Arts Project and will be starting to Fund raise again. We believe strongly believe in the healing ability of human creativity and its ability to bring Communities together. We also are blessed to be aided in our mission by local Alternate Therapists, Readers, Psychics who have joined us on Spiritual and Healing Days held to raise funds and also bring our small community together.

We believe that children everywhere no matter whether healthy or unwell are our greatest hope, joy and link to building a future full of love, laughter and happiness. We look after them with love & gratitude for all the gifts they bring especially when the smile! We are currently setting up a website so please have a look Love & Gratitude for opening the door of this wonderful website to me, I look forward to sharing....

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