Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

I'm sure you've heard it said when the going get's tough, the tough get going.
I would like to add that one should also exercise the 3-P's of life as well, they are, Patients, Persirverence and persistence.
Not everything occurs on our time table or when we think they should, for that reason don't become over anxious, exercise patients.
When those unexpected things in life seem to pop up out of nowhere, hitting us square between the eyes, knocking us off balance to our knees, we need to remain steadfast, exercising Perseverance.
Persistence, never taking no for an answer, specially when those around us are saying were just dreaming.
Yes, and it's my dream, my life and I have but only one go around and will follow my dream with or without your encouragement.
My wife and I were visiting family during the winter when the fog was at it's worst.
Upon returning home after driving many miles, I began telling myself that I was going to pull over at the next turnout, when I passed a car that was pulled to the side of the road.
I drove no more than a hundred yards when suddenly the fog lifted and the stares shined like diamonds in the night sky.
I couldn't help think of that motorist and how if he had only went just a little further, he would of been in the clear.
The lesson there is keep on pushing on and never give up.

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