Architects of a New Dawn

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The Astro Sage: Looking at the Heavenly Climate for April 2010...

The Astro-Sage

Looking at the Heavenly Climate for April 2010...

Do not Christians and Heathens, Jews and Gentiles, poets and philosophers, unite in allowing the starry influences?

~Sir Walter Scott~

Greetings Fellow Travelers!

April enters with the Fulling of the Moon having occurred on the 30th of March and the initiation of Spring on the 20th of March, a passing of the dreary times of winter. La sonnambula now awakens with the robin's call to Western Winds. The trining of the Goddess to faire Jupiter on April 1st allows the Fool forgiveness for his foolery!

Good Friday is a day of grounded communication as Mercury swiftly enters Earthy Taurus and the value of one's efforts are proclaimed! Easter on the 4th is aligned with the resurrected flow of newbourn energy, Gentle Venus trines the Lord of Vulcan and interrupts Pluto's square of Saturn, dispersing smiles upon the land. A day of resurrection this might truly be! Yet wisdom cautions the chela to acknowledge the tension of Uranus's advance in opposition to the Ringed Teacher, at odds from the 30th degree of Virgo to the 27th degree of the Clan of the Fishes in the 12th.

Caution with one's words on the 5th is prudent as Mars feels irritation with a square to Mercury, sparks from the Winged Heels might provoke the Warrior's rage. The following day Lord Pluto turns about and retrogrades in Capricorn, re-examination of the land just passed. Mercury in trine makes the passage less abrupt, spoken words will reveal one's heartfelt thoughts. On the following day Saturn officially reenters Virgo at the 29th degree... lover's quarrels abate. The continuance of the squaring motion of Pluto, Saturn and Uranus make these trying times for nations and their clans...

The union of the Sun and Moon in Aries on the 14th provides renewing of purpose, and the season of planting intends for future gains. The chela and his loved ones will find rewards along the path!

Sunday the 18th begins Mercury's withdrawl, the Sprite of messages and monies retreats back toward Sol's advance. This season of confusion and potential loss begins as the Goddess trines nebulous Neptune and Pluto trines the Sun. The ease of these energies interaction can easily expand the whim of Mercurial misdirection... the pilgrim should be alert for three days before and three days following these “interesting” times. Campfires left unattended might very well reignite!

April 20th sees the entry of Sol into Taurus as the Moon trines Jupiter from Cancer to Pisces... auspicious indeed for those of both Water and Earth Clans! The Goddess gains light as the celebration of Earth Day on the 22nd unites. Following the celebration on the 23rd a square between Venus and Neptune arises to infuse stress in creative pursuits, initiation is best allowed to wait... plans could fail when considering the backward movement of Mercury being added to the strife!

On Sunday the 25th Venus will enter the home of the Twins, duality expressed with grace. Mercury and Mars once again clash and the chela is encouraged to withdraw from places where there's potential for fights. Angry words will cause reactionary spite!

The Moon comes to full on the 28th in the Clan of the Scorpion and sparks ignite fireworks to no one's delight. Extreme caution is advised with the opposition of Sol and the Goddess, as squares and facilitating trines abound! Pluto trines the Sun lending stress to Sol's square to Mars in prideful Leo, and the the Moon in Scorpio joins the fray! Saturn opposes Uranus in union with Lord Jupiter... rigid beliefs will crumble to unexpected events and unforeseen foes! The pilgrim recognizes that wisdom encourages being cloistered this night!

April is filled with tension and reward; Spring causes the breaking of Winter's ice fields and logjams while thunder rolls double across the land. Seeds planted in a timely fashion will grow heartily with the multiple showers in this season of stress and renewal. The alert traveler notes when lightening flashes on the horizon and takes cover in places where safety is sure!

Men should take their knowledge from the Sun, the Moon and the Stars.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

BlessingLight&Love from the Celestial Ashram...

In Humble recognition of our shared Divinity

The AstroSage~

The AstroSage (aka Onefeather) can be contacted at:

His webpage and the services he offers is located at:

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Comment by MorningStar on March 29, 2010 at 5:14pm
WOW, this information make sa weary traveller tremble, as one prepares for the next stage of the Divine Mission, I have 4 grand trines in water and a water tiger, I see the nect stage of the mission which take sme into themagical lands of New mexico, will be an interesting challenge, the planets seem set to test our resolve a little further, to see what buttons are still there to be pushed - thanks for this information - Blissings Morning Star


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