Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Astro-Sage

Looking at the Celestial Climate for December 2010...

Love is the reduction of the universe to the single being, and the expansion of a single being, even to God.”


Greetings Fellow Travelers!

December presents the pilgrim with both challenge as well as new opportunity... this, the final stage of the solar year, is a time of completion as well as rebirth. As with the Moon when it enters it's last stages of waning to the newing, so this is a similar passage with Lord Sol: we have entered the period of disintegration before renewal! The wise chela is given to contemplation of the direction of one's trajectory across space and time, and allows for extra periods of meditation on surrender, release and resurrection~

An easy beginning for all is suggested by the sextile of The Warrior Mars to serene King Neptune and forgiving Chiron, healer of deep wounds to the soul... on the 2nd of December.

Tension replaces calm on the 3rd of December as the Warrior advances to square Uranus, having squared Jupiter in the last days of November. Expansion of unexpected interruptions can result in conflict or accidents... the worthy pilgrim exercises prudence and is supported by the Universe when they apply forgiveness to conditions that might be challenging.

On December 5th the Goddess comes to newing as she seeks union with Father Sun at 13 degrees in the House of the Archer. At the same time the Winged One, Mercury, will conjunct Lord Pluto in Capricorn as Lord Uranus turns direct in Pisces. The seeker might find that those in his circle of family or friends will be inspired to communicate hidden secrets, old sorrows or past regrets. Wisdom allows for worthy counsel, the Golden Rule invoked: “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

December 7th begins the cycle of Lord Mars visiting the House of the Goat, Capricorn, and the beginning influences of his union with Volcanic Lord Pluto... while the 2 Emperors are in communion deeply secreted turmoil will surface in the lives of those who have resisted past change. This is a very purifying passage and the wise seeker will embrace the fiery furnaces
with expectation of transformative evolution; new islands will form in the seas of one's life... a fertile environment to plant seeds once the molten rock has cooled!

December 10th finds the Winged One, Mercury, begin his retreat back toward the House of the
Archer... during this cycle he will hit points of high stress on the 18th as he enters Sagittarius and again as he squares Jupiter and Uranus on the 20th. Combined with the Holiday energy, multiple breakdowns in the life of the chela will likely arise but release comes with the sextile of Mercury to Neptune and Chiron, also on the 20th. Those who have examined the reliability of their sources and resources will fare well during this time... those who are neglectful will be doubly challenged! The insightful pilgrim takes naught for granted!

December 21st is a day of powerful renewal! Solstice brings longer days and brighter light to
the Northern Hemisphere! A lunar eclipse and the fulling of the Goddess in opposition to Sol at the 29th degree of Sagittarius falls in square to Jupiter and Uranus in Pisces... the collapse of the outworn structures in one's life will be a source of tribulation for those unwilling to evolve. Resistance to change and clinging to the past is self inflicted punishment, release and advance is the key to rebirth! Especially noteworthy are the nodes of the moon conjunct Lord Sol and the Queen of the Night during this cycle of fulling: the laws of Karma may seem especially severe.

December 29th finishes the cycle of a square from the Warrior to Lord Saturn and on the 30th Swift Mercury turns direct... advancing back toward the House of the Goat.

December is a time when the chela will come to reckoning with desires of the ego that challenge his/her commitment to attaining a higher expression of spiritual ideals. Rituals during the solstice evokes memories of past lives and hidden wisdom... to honor the expansion of the light during the coming days. Release comes with grace in acts of forgiveness and the sharing of Love. As we enter 2011, may peace become the prized ideal!

BlessingsLight&Love from the Celestial Ashram

In humble recognition of our shared Divinity

The AstroSage

“Baqa is the original state of God. At this state every being must arrive some day, consciously or unconsciously, before or after death. The beginning and end of all beings is the same, difference only existing during the journey.”

~Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan~

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