Blossom of Love
As the Heart opens to receive
It is like the flower petals
Opening to the Son.
And the petals absorb the One Light
To become radiant blossoms of Beauty,
Perfect in the fragrance that they share.
Let your heart Blossom with God’s Love.
Join your self with the sharing of God’s Great Blessings.
And in Sharing the blessings the world can be lifted to open
To the Power of God’s Presence in each heart and Soul.
Every Blossoming brings exquisite Beauty
To the Garden of the Lord.
Hold God’s Flowers in your arms
And offer them as a Gift
At the alter of the highest.
Breathe in their heavenly Fragrance.
Breathe in their Love.
And Smile,
As you know that around the world
There are so many blossoms of Light
Being offered to God and the servants of the Lord.
And this devotion is alive
As we choose God’s Love
And blossom as the Flower of heaven here on earth.
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