Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Garden of Gethsemane


AS we feel the Love God has for this World

And the Love the Christ had to face,

We come to a place where we need to go

To see the problems we need to embrace.

For in this world of God’s creation

Where spirit is alive in form,

We find at some point we encounter

The lines between light and dark that are formed.


Perhaps we have hidden from the Garden of Gethsemane,

Perhaps we were asleep when we knew the pain

That we had to feel to be free.


Yet, in the moment of wonder and love

There comes to each life we have a chance just to Be,

                     and also a moment where we need to kneel and pray,

For those who can not yet see.


When we encounter the cross to bear for being human it may mean,

We each might find ourselves one night,

In the Garden of Gethsemane.


For this Earth can be a heaven

And this earth can be a hell,

But it is all a part of God’s Creation,

Where dark and light do dwell,


And along the path we’re given here

There’s free will to always choose

To face the pain in life we fear

When we choose to love people and we know we can lose.


There are many heroes and Saints that had a choice to make,

And there are those who choose to hide

From this world and all its problems it creates.

Yet still here on earth we face the pain it takes to live here and abide.


And we come to the Garden of Gethsemane,

Where we make a choice, still to love life and all it takes,

To just be alive on this planet as part of the human race.


Views: 65


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Comment by Steve H on March 28, 2012 at 8:32pm


Here's a Magnolia...

Comment by cindy paulos on March 28, 2012 at 8:13pm

Yes, so lucky for the Flowers . here on Maui Gorgeous magical tropicals, I have these outside my house



Comment by cindy paulos on March 28, 2012 at 8:12pm

Comment by Steve H on March 28, 2012 at 12:58pm

Thanks Cindy, and a smile back to you!

Here's another one where a flower looks like a butterfly on the Dandylion...


Comment by cindy paulos on March 28, 2012 at 9:34am

Thanks Steve,for taking the time to read, and to share your flower, and the beauty that we need to 

see. There are reminders around us always, like a flower, that are gifts that are given from Spirit

and when we share those gifts we are blessed to find a moment to be grateful and smile

so a smile from my soul to you!

Comment by Steve H on March 27, 2012 at 10:15pm

Very nice! Thanks for sharing.

Where you said:

"...........There comes to each life we have a chance just to Be,

                                  and also a moment where we need to kneel and pray,

For those who can not yet see."

That makes me think of how when I  just added a picture and in the description I put something like:

"This little flower is the perfect example of how there is beauty all around us if we choose to see it" and when I kneeled down to look at it and then take a picture of it I suppose that was a prayer as I want everyone (myself included) to always notice all beauty. To see how it is a gift to all and there are no gadgets or fast or loud things that we can make or buy that are the equal in that little tiny flower right there in the yard just waiting for someone to stop and look.

I am thankful for the flowers, for life, and all Earth and the Universe.

Peace to All.


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