Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

The Language of an Earth, yet to be~

Everything on this earth, from the stones, to the people, from the animals to the very molecules we breathe have no worth, other than that which "we the people" place upon them~ It is high time to once again in our history as a species redefine that which we label as priceless....for life and love are no longer there~

While it is understood within the company of those that may come to read this, that my above thoughts are completely false and can be proven so by the heart and works of good people... we bury...

...that which could have easily been saved if the hearts of mankind, did not burn of fire~

And so I invite all that find themselves enlightened in heart or of troubled spirit to speak with me now, to speak with one another and let a new language that it may be embodied, among those around us all.

Benjamin Twig

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Comment by Jane E. Christenson on October 4, 2009 at 4:47am
Yes, Ben, I love the way you say this. It is time to transform this immense power we all hold to create that which we envision as we share our gifts for the common good of all. Sometimes I get so impatient with the slow pace of change. I think I'll go post a poen for transformation. The beauty in it all is that as we give to others, so are we transformed by our own acts. Thank you for your wisdom. Jane


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