Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.



CN Refers to Carol Noonan
​PS Refers to the Pleiadians
“The word “God” in the Bible should be replaced with the word “Gods” and then things would make much more sense to you. And the Gods created us in their own image.”

The Channel Opens and the Questions Begin
The word God in the Bible should be replaced with the word Gods and then things would make much more sense to you. And the Gods created us in their own image. That was the way, that was the truth and The Gods came down from the heavens and the sky opened up. And The Gods said ‘let there be Light’ and there was light. And the Gods created us in their own image and man was born. As we said before and we say it again, over and over to many. Some continue to ignore us because of fear, as you have, but that is changing. Ask and you shall receive.

I am ready and I have many questions for you.

So let us begin our journey together for we have been waiting for you a long time. We have come to you before and this you remember. You have seen glimpses of us throughout your entire life and sometimes you have forgotten these events, like a long distant memory. But you are ready now.

Yes, I am ready

So let us begin, please.

But please wait.


Well, I have much fear.

Fear is an illusion.
And so let us begin our journey together. Let us blend our energies more and more and more and more.

I am ready now to begin, my Gods.

Do not hold back (through fear) what you shall receive or it will be lost, and important things/knowledge will be lost as it was before in the Bible and other books and music. Enjoy this journey.

My first question is who are you, really? I had so much doubt, but I have so much less now though I can also feel it lingers in the background of my conscious mind. I do feel it will all change and the heavens shall open up and you will pour your streams of light, awareness and conscious thought from yourself into me. I shall be held in a stream of light while you do this?

Yes, that is the way it will be. These streams of light, as you call them, are real and have existed for aeons of time. They have been seen by many and photographed. They are one way of how we connect with you
Who are we?
We are The Pleiadians and our sister/brother planet Sirius also wants to blend with you very much and you can feel them hovering in the background somewhere just behind us. In your mind’s eye with your third eye, you can even see us.

Yes, I can.

Then, let us blend now fully.
In the beginning, we came from our planet and we created Man in our image and likeness. As we saw ourselves. We walked with the apes and communicated with them, we created them. Then we created Man in our own image, we are the Gods, we are the illumed ones, we are the ones you have been waiting for. You are the ones you have been waiting for. We have been waiting for you. And you have been waiting for us. We are here to blend, we are here to help you remember who you are, you are Gods among men and we walk among you and the Gods came down from the heavens and Man was born in our image. We say this again and again to many in many ways and yet many still ignore us. We love you so much and have so much to share. So much knowledge has been lost, hidden, destroyed, forgotten. Fear, doubt, illusion have risen and controlled through those, less wise shall we say. Corruption, greed, fear, doubt, illusion, have controlled man for long enough now, enough, enough already. Your world is changing. The shift is coming and it is happening now. It is no illusion, it is happening, can you not feel it, can you not see it all around you? And so can others, humanity as you know is changing and we are helping you and all humans and humanity to shift, shift up a gear or two or three or four. Your consciousness is rising and so is all of humanity. Let go of fear and doubt and, as you do this, you will let go of fear, doubt and illusion and you, too, will become illumed and enlightened. These two words are directly intertwined and have much the same meaning.

Wait, please slow down. You are downloading information to me so fast, I get it and I trust it (well kind of) but what you have just shown me will take pages and pages, perhaps even a whole book.

Yes, we know. Take your time and keep asking the same questions, if you need to. That is okay with us. At least, you are listening to us now and writing it down and remembering who you are. So don’t worry about asking the same questions again and again. It is okay with us. We are very happy, pleased and even delighted that you are doing so. Now that you are aware of us, we are not going anywhere and will continue to work with you. Do not worry that we will disappear from you again, that will not happen. We will be with you always. You can call on us, whenever you want or need. Now that we have/are building up our relationship we will never leave you ever and when you pass over to the world of spirit, we will be waiting for you then.

You will be meeting me, when I die? I have been working as a medium for some years now, so I understand the death process, how our loved ones pass over into the spirit world. But you will be waiting for me also?

Yes, we are your parents we love you. There is no difference. In fact, we are closer to you than your own parents, who are much further from you than even you realise. You have been working in the spirit realms more of your life than you have not, you are closer to us than your own parents, who do not love you in the same way as we do, unconditionally.

Are you taking about me as an individual or as humanity?

No, just you. You might as well have been raised as an only child, as an orphan. Tell us where were your parents? You know your childhood situation and you don’t have to share it yet, if you don’t want to. The time will come for you to also publish that book, when you are ready. And so, yes, we will be waiting for you as any loving parent would. We know you don’t doubt that.

I have so many questions for you, probably hundreds, I don’t know where to start?

Let us start with the streams of light we were explaining just now. The streams of light are very real and have been photographed, videoed and seen by many, many people for aeons of time. They are more than just streams of light, as a normal person would see them through the naked eye. They are one way we have of connecting with you, but not the only way. We have been doing this for aeons of time since we first came to the planet that you call earth, but we will talk about that later. So let us continue with the stream of light for now. Contained within that light is our calling telepathically to you humans. It is a signal to say are you coming? It contains a wealth of information from us to you, such as are you coming? are you ready? We are here, it is to let you know that we are simply waiting until you are ready. Know that that time is now. The Mayans speak of it as other great ancient peoples do, a beam of light.

Okay, so it is one way you have of communicating with us?

Yes, but it is not the only way. We have many ways. Do you want to hear them?

Oh, yes. Of course, I do…I see that you have a sense of humour…I also “see” that you radiate even more light and a feeling of love, when you are most happy.

We do indeed. It is our source of being, the same as yours. Only yours is in the heart and spiritual soul. You humans radiate out just as we do, only you do it in a different way. You use a different method/system to ours. We do not have bodies as such, loosely speaking.

But I can “see” you with my third eye and have a sense/feeling that you have a body. If you don’t, then what am I seeing?

Our essence that radiates out from within us…we just have a different system. Let us explain more, so you will understand. We are light beings without a body. When humans die, they become light beings also without a human body, so that only the soul/spirit exists. You have known that since a child. Well, we never had a body in the first place. When you mediums see spirit, you see a “body” and get their essence/soul and you see them as they were on the earth…well that is the same with us…we “See” our individual essence of who we are with a body, but we are without bodies. You simply see our soul/spirit. In the beginning you didn’t have a body the spirit came first. You know that we have told you before.

Yes, I remember. How could I ever forget, except when I have?

Good, we see that you have a sense of humour and that is good for building the relationship between us. We are so pleased you are finally listening. It took a long time and difficult journey, did it not? We feel your pain of the past and are most sorry, but you do know that it brought you here today, in all its entirety. Don’t you?

Yes, I do, I wouldn’t change it, even if I could. It was the way it was meant to be. It was the way I designed it.

Yes, we are aware that you now work with the power of thought and its creative force, whatever you want to call it, law of attraction. Thoughts are creative, creating your own reality etc. etc.

I have so many questions for you. The information you are giving me is coming so quickly I cannot possibly keep up at that speed. It will all take at least a book or several…

Ask the questions that others (within society) would ask. And we will answer.

Should we fear you? There is much fear of extraterrestrials in the world, fear of the unknown, fear that you will somehow hurt us and do experiments on us? That you would capture us, take us off somewhere and harm us?

Sunday 21st August 2011

Let us draw closer and we will blend our energies again…open your heart, expand your consciousness…you know how to do this you have been doing it, since you were a young child…others have seen that you are different and many have even been afraid of you and feared you and we know how that feels. So do not worry. We are with you guiding you along. We shall remain with you for ever and we will be there, when you depart from the physical body. We will be waiting with loving arms to welcome you into our world completely and that is where you shall stay for as long as you want.

What about my question about fear?

Why would you fear your parents? Okay, well you understand that your parents are an exception. Generally speaking, people don’t fear their parents. We are your parents and we love you. It breaks our hearts when we try and connect yet fear stops you. We love you and would never hurt you. We will go into this more. We want to move on and talk about other things for now. But we promise to answer all your questions. Only you cannot receive all of the information from us in one go. It would be too much, too overwhelming for you to receive it all together. You understand this, don’t you? You are aware that it would be too overwhelming for your system to take it would cause you to overload and dismantle.

Yes, I am aware of that. Thank you for putting me first before the information, I know how important it is to get it out there, people need to know, need to know many things, that you are loving beings of light and you would never harm us.

Okay, so let us go back to what we have shared with you, in-between the times when you were channelling us, but not writing it down. You still remember, don’t you?

I do, yes, most of it. Please explain to me again, fully, so that it will be well readable for others. And share what I was shown during my Shamanic Journey on that Sunday, when I was left with no doubt.

Okay, let us begin.

It has taken only seconds for you to show me information that will take many days to write. I cannot possibly keep up with you.

Take your time. It’s okay. You have the rest of your life to do so.
Yes, God does exist. He exists in the way you understand him. But others do not. You understand him to be like the ocean and the individual droplets of water, to be each individual human among you. And that is correct in your understanding, God is you, you are God, God is within you, not outside you he is all the energy that is. He can be found in all energy and matter. There is nothing that exists outside God, not even us, not even us. Though we are from a different planet we are all made up of the same energy. Let us explain so that you will understand. God is the ocean and the individual droplets of water are individual humans. It will not take much imagination for you to know, to understand. There are several oceans on your planet, that is how you can understand how we are also part of God and you, we are all the same energy you, I and God, just operating at different frequencies. Energy is not confined to the earth, it is a cosmic energy. It is a cosmic life force that connects us, even us, who are from different planets even different galaxies. The God energy is not separate from cosmic energy. It is from the same source.

Wow, Oh My God, that is amazing. I’m stunned, stunned into silence.

Yes, that is right, my dear one, my pure of heart, your guides have called you that for a long time now.

God, as you call it/him/her, was created before the big bang. God “was” the big bang, which was an energy force, a force of energy that came to know itself and then exploded or imploded onto/into itself. And hence energy was born. It was a great time, a time of the beginning when matter was created from energy. But the energy existed before the big bang. It came to know itself as an energy force and then exploded/imploded and matter was born.

So God existed before the big bang?

Yes, that is correct. Energy existed before the big bang but it evolved and formed matter. It formed the universe’s galaxies and planets. It created everything that exists, everything, every single living thing, all energy comes from God, even those, that cannot be seen with the human eye.
The energy that you call God became aware of itself…

Okay, I get it, but what about before, before the big bang and even before that time, when energy became aware of itself, what about that time?

It is ongoing, exploding and imploding constantly, only it takes millions of years to do so. The energy is always contracting and expanding and then exploding, imploding. Always,never ceasing. It is an endless cycle of life, death and birth, the same as for humans and reincarnation, the same for cosmic energy, planets and galaxies, stars and light systems. It is a continual system, never ending, only going through different stages, contracting expanding forever, on and on it goes. It will never end.

And, what’s more, before the big bang, there were planets and galaxies and stars and many beings all over the place and light beings…

Stop, hold on, please…so what your saying is...

We are saying that everything that exists today in your galaxy, stars, planets, universes and light beings, have all existed before. Humans experience reincarnation, life, birth, death, and that is also true for the universes and galaxies, it is true for all life. God created everything, all matter and it is all governed by the same laws, the same natural laws. It has even existed several times before, as humans have, as above, so below. There is so much that your science does not understand. There is also much that is hidden from the masses. Science is way ahead, way ahead of what you believe it to be, or are being told (by a huge distance). Science knows a whole lot more than it is sharing today with the masses.

The governments know that there is life on other planets, they know that "extraterrestrials” exist. They know this because we have shown them many times but they choose to keep it secret.

Hold on, the governments know that extraterrestrials exist?

Yes, of course they do, it is top secret to them though. They are not willing to share their knowledge for fear of many uprisings around the globe. They have many “meetings” about this, many talks and discussions. Much research into science is much more evolved than you are told. It even has machines that can space travel, what you would call UFO’s? Governments all over the world do not share what is really going on, they keep so much from you, largely for fear of a global uprising, except that has started to happen anyway, regardless. It is part of the raising of your human consciousness, but we will talk about that later.

We have been “visiting” you since the dawn of time. In fact, we are the Gods that created you in the first place. We came from the heavens and created you in our likeness.

Woooow, there slow down….I am starting to understand this, but many will not. We people are taught that God created us in his likeness.

No that is partly incorrect, yet it is true also, it is a complex subject. God created all of us, he created us and then we created you. We walked this planet you call earth long before human “evolution”, which, in truth, as science has tried to explain it, is not correct at all. Forget science. It is always changing its mind and finding new discoveries, ideas and concepts all the time. When man's "science” understands the spiritual laws, then he should apply those laws to science and not the other way around, as he has been continually trying to do for decades. It is rather futile, like trying to fit a round peg into a square hole. It does not fit. Science has little understanding of the spiritual laws, but that also is untrue and incorrect. What you are told and taught by science is known to be incorrect, yet it is still being taught. The gap between the spiritual laws and science is much, much closer than you are being told. A huge amount of information is used kept from you. And, yes, the governments are very much aware of us. In fact, we have communicated with them more than once, they know we are real and exist. There is no doubt among them. But there is much fear and control of the masses going on. Fear, power, greed and corruption, amongst other things are rampant. Many experiments are held in secret.

Let us move on, for we do not wish to create fear either. We are simply here to guide you as a human race for we are your parents, your cosmic parents and we created you in the beginning.

We walked the earth at the time of your so called “evolution”. We came down from our planet and walked on planet earth, we took the hands of the monkeys and walked together speaking to them telepathically. We told them what we were doing, that we were going to create a new human race on earth, to prepare them.

But, hold on, I was told before that we came from the spirit world and then came into being in our physical bodies to experience life on earth in the physical form. Is that wrong?

No, it is correct. We merely assisted but it is a complex law. You can have more than one segment of an orange but it’s still an orange.

Hold on, I’m confused. Why should we need your help? Spirit is ever powerful, needs nothing, can go anywhere, and do anything, it does not need assistance.

Do you think that the “spirit” you speak of was just aimlessly circling and hovering above and around the earth? No, it came from a different planet. It came from different planets, not only The Pleiadians but also from other planets in the universe. We were not the only ones. There was a great war going on at the time that we chose earth. It was called a “war of the worlds”. Many planets were at war with each other. There was one planet, in particular, that had a much lower vibration/frequency what you would call “negative energy”. They caused much trouble amongst many different “peoples” on neighbouring planets and eventually they also came to earth. In fact, they came to earth at the time of Atlantis, and still walk among you. All you and your descendants come from the stars, you are extraterrestrials and you are star dust. We have tried and tried over the ages to try and draw close to you to help you remember who you are and where you really came from.

Let us go back to Atlantis.

Atlantis was a perfect place and then “negative energies” came in as you would call them. They had a different agenda, were corrupt, greedy and power hungry. The people in Atlantis at the time being so very pure in nature were not aware of what was happening or chose to ignore it. And before long Atlantis itself was full of deceit, corruption, greed and power hungry peoples. We do describe it as like an infection it spread across the land and people, like a disease. It caused disruption and fear and much unrest. That was part of the downfall of Atlantis.

And to this day it is still happening to a lesser or greater degree at various times.

None of your humans are actually from earth, they all came from different planets, in the beginning.

But some people say that people lived in Egypt and that at that time we were visited by extraterrestrials.

Yes, you were and again even those people are right. We did come and visit you, or rather we never stopped visiting you (for long periods). We intermingled with the Egyptians, who do you think helped to build the pyramids? Why, even today, your science cannot still do it with all its advancements in the technological age. We have always been on earth. Even today, we walk amongst you. Some see us and some don’t and some look the other way, when they see us, through fear and ignorance they say to themselves “that cant be right, that’s impossible, that’s my imagination, that’s not what I was told, I must be seeing things, or even worse they say to themselves, I must be going mad”.

The Egyptians had two languages, not just one as you are told to believe and taught. They had two languages and they recorded details for the people of today in picture form/hieroglyphics as a message to pass down the generations. They tried their very best in order for the information to not become lost or distorted, but it has done exactly that. Much of the hieroglyphs are misinterpreted and misunderstood. We shall explain them to you. Are you ready?

The hieroglyphics are images of where you came from, different people came from different planets.

The Dog Star is an important one and its meaning is widely misinterpreted by your scholars. Different tribes, as you know them today, came from different planets. The Caucasians are a large race and have been intermingled much, but originally they came from different planets and are smaller in number of peoples. They have grown considerably. It is not our concern. Races and creeds or cultures is not important to us. Let us be very clear on that. We do not discriminate one from the other, for no one is better than the other all are equal in our eyes.

The Ancient sites like Egypt we designed and helped to build, to remind people where they came from but this has been forgotten (as we knew it would), but we set in motion what needed to be done. We devised a plan to help people remember “who they are and where they came from”.

We did this all over the earth in several different places. Not all of them remain, some are lost.

That is why many of them “seem to” correlate to the stars. It is a map to show where they came from. You humans did not come from earth. Your history and science is inaccurate (some small parts are correct) but highly misinterpreted. And, therefore, it is mostly not worth bothering or concerning yourself with it.

We left a map on earth for you to remember who you are and where you came from. It is no mistake that the ancient sites correlate to the stars, we made it so. And yes, of course, Egypt is much older than you are told by science. The science that dated it is also now telling you it cannot be right, but in, the same sentence, it also says it cannot be wrong. So there is much debate going on, which is largely nonsense. Egypt often has an image amongst its hieroglyphics of a human with, different body parts, the real meaning of which is to record where humans came from, different planets. Some came from “the dog star” or Sirius as it’s also known. The hieroglyphics spoke of where you came from.

You do realise that I’m an uneducated woman living a simple life and so, who will believe these words. I had no knowledge of the Dog Star or much of Sirius, other than hearing the name, or of The Pleiadians either.

Oh, but you do know much about us. We are right here so you can ask us anything and we answer. Do not seek out the information from other sources but get it directly from us. When it is written then you go and check it but do not check it first for it will cloud your channelling.

There is also a huge connection between Egypt, Atlantis, The Pyramids and The Crystal Skulls.

Much has been hidden and lost on your earth, including ancient articles that contain knowledge like the Crystal Skulls and Atlantean crystal. Many books also and other sacred artefacts/items/tools have also been lost. Huge healing temples have fallen into the sea that once held magnificent crystals, many of which today you could not lift without the use of machines.

Monday 22nd August 2011

“We are the bringers of the dawn and we are the keepers of the dawn, do not forget that, you will find out what that really means. We are aware that you do not yet know what that means or the significance of it yet. It has much meaning and many complex truths are contained within those few words which have huge meaning and hidden truths within it. It contains secret knowledge of both the origins of humanity and us.”

You know much more about Egypt than science. We have been guiding you since your young childhood. You do remember, don’t you? {I do} then let us begin again. You have a great connection to Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs, the land of the Gods, our land. You even remember glimpses from past lives, don’t you? {I do}. And we have shown you many great things about the land there. We have shown you what is under the Sphinx. You remember, don’t you? {I do} the time in your younger days, when you were still a child, only ten years old {yes I remember so clearly, but I did understand the enormity of it} no, you were just a young child. Science is inaccurate and it plays a good game of falsehood and lies and deceit with humanity. It plays with you. Do not believe it. It is mainly nonsense but some truth lies within it. We showed you the Sphinx underneath and stairs that lead down, the stone steps, wide and long and magnificent. We showed you what lies at the bottom of the stairs lies a door to many great secrets and ancient knowledge and wisdom. These have been found and are being kept secret. Of course, they have, the great government have found them, found the secret chambers that lie there. The truth has been found already, my dear. It is being kept secret from you and all of humanity. It has been removed and kept in a highly guarded area. It is not in Egypt, it is in a place you call America, but we do not call it that. We call it the land of the wise.

We have showed you, when you were ten years old the great connection between the Sphinx and what you call “Leo the lion” star system. Have we not? {Yes, you did} and you only recently saw that in the written word and it caused you to gasp for breath. Again, we say, don’t believe your science, for it misleads you greatly. You know what the real truth is in your heart and again we say “pure of heart” for no falsehood lies within you. You are “pure of heart” and we love you, my dear child “we love you" so very much more than your own parents do. You feel that, you know we shall bring you such joy, love and comfort in the days that follow for you. We shall bring you your heart’s desires. It will be our gift to you for opening your heart to us and allowing your self to open to us, for writing these words for us, for sharing with us, for communicating with us. We are so very grateful to you for allowing this whole experience to flow, for allowing it to happen and bringing it into existence and following through with it, for honouring it. We love you. You should never fear us, we know that you have in the past, but know that that feeling will lessen, so much so, that it will become non existent and you shall rejoice at our being present with you. You will welcome us with open arms. And you shall see us, as you have the angels and others. In fact, you do already, and even right at this moment, you are doing so. Know that that “feeling” will only increase.

What we have shown you about Egypt is correct, all of it, the land, the Sphinx, the two languages, Leo the lion, all of it. Much more will come in time and you shall go to the land much sooner than you believe. You shall go there and place your hands on the stone and you will see great things that have not yet been shown to the people, to humanity, much is kept secret. But you have always known that {I have}. You shall write much more about Egypt later.

The Nazca lines you have been shown before {yes I have} during a meditation some of our brothers and sisters drew close to you, you remember, don’t you? {yes I do}. And you were shown from the air that the lines were made from the air, that they were made by what you call extraterrestrials

Were they made by you, the Pleiadians?

No, we did not make them. Our brothers /and sisters the Sirians made them, We are very close and share much as we are family. The Sirians are no different from us, they too love you and want to connect with you (Carol) and they will in time, for you will connect with them at a later date, but first “we” have much work to do. We said before and we say again, can you not feel them hovering in the background {yes, I can} and it brings them much joy, too. The Sirians made the Nazca lines from high above, again that was part of the map we left for you, to know the truth of where you came from. We are the ancient ones, we are the Gods, we are the ones you have been waiting for, we have been waiting for you, and you have been waiting for us. The time is now. Your consciousness is rising, humanity is shifting into the fourth dimension. And you know it is so. You know. You know the truth. Your vocabulary (man’s) is very limited, so we keep using the same words and repeating ourselves for you to understand. Egypt had such a great language. In fact, it had two languages, one of which has been lost to the masses or rather it has been kept hidden from the masses. People do, indeed, know about it but even they are struggling to decipher it, some they understand, but a lot of it they do not. As we speak, they are trying to make sense of it.

Wow, please slow down. I can’t keep up with you.

We had two languages and a few of your scholars are examining them as we speak. The great scholars in today’s world are trying to decipher it. Many of our books were destroyed at “The Great Fire of Alexandria”. Again we have shown you that as a child. You do remember, don’t you?

Yes I do…but who will believe me a simple, uneducated woman?

You have the highest of education you have ancient knowledge. Nothing is higher or more important than that. Do not cry “Oh, Carol”.

I can’t help it, I can’t help it.

Do not worry, the scholars will know the truth of what you are saying and they too shall contact you, albeit secretly. Your time will come; you have huge knowledge and wisdom. It shall be shared with your “science and scholars” For you have “contact with us” and the ancient ones, the wise ones. You have the secrets to all of humanity. What is wiser than that, we ask you? It is okay, we know you feel overwhelmed, you feel many emotions, due to our channelling this information. If you need to step back and rest a few minutes, do not ask our permission. Rest a few moments, pure of heart, you who have the wisdom, the ancient wisdom, that others seek.

And when the scholars, as you call them, come to you, do not fear them. Do not be afraid of their education and do not shy away from them. Embrace them as brothers and sisters who are just simply seeking knowledge, of knowledge they shall learn from you and they will be happy to do so. This will happen in America. You shall go there, also, and share your ‘knowledge’ with men first and then women afterwards. But the male scholars will come first from England, they will contact you. They will read “your book” and contact you first from England. That will be the start of it. Later on, in time, you will then go to America or rather you will be ‘invited’ by those men there and women will seek you out afterwards. It is extremely important that which you are doing now, writing these words that we “the Pleiadians” give you. Only, you do not realise the full extent of how invaluable the information is. And what’s more, if you did, it would stop and hinder your willingness to, your willingness to engage so fully with us, as you are doing now. So it is best for you not to know the full extent of these words. It would stop you…this journey that you are on. You are not seeing the whole picture as we are, and know it, and that is for the best. But know that your day will come, when you will shine forth, you will go forth with your knowledge, with our knowledge.

Some of the large companies are putting large amounts of money into research. Much work is being done in secret and behind the scenes, largely in America but also all over the world. Many things are happening, in top secret buildings and areas, that are highly guarded. You do not need to know “too much" about these places yet. But we have shown you glimpses of them. More will come later.

Again, we say science is much more advanced than you are being told, by ‘you’ we mean the masses of people.

Much of what is being done and has already been done in Egypt is being kept secret. The “scholars” are keeping much knowledge close to their chests.

Tuesday 30th August 2011

The Two Suns

We are here, let us begin again.
There will be a time when two suns (what will look like two suns) shall appear in your skies. It will come in your life time. Much has been written about it and even prophesied. It shall happen soon. It will be a spectacular event and one that goes against science as it is understood today by the men of science. It will happen over the next five years. And the people shall gather in huge crowds all over the planet to watch this happening, they will watch in awe at such an event.

You cannot just tell me that, and then stop and not tell me more info, people will have many questions about that one simple sentence of yours.

And so we shall but all in due course, the time will come later. It will all be an unfolding for you.

JS has some questions for you.

We shall get to that in a minute.

Oh, yes, I remember and was stunned by it! You had electricity in Egypt. How can that be? It goes against what science says.

Forget science. It is incomplete, as we said before. Do you just want us to repeat ourselves, or would you like to get new answers to your questions?

I certainly would like to get “new answers" to my own questions. You know I don’t have much faith in science, except for Quantum Physics.

Okay, let us begin, again.

Electricity existed in Egypt. It lit up our walls and doorways, the great one with the two Pharaohs. We have shown you this as an image before. You do remember, don’t you?

Yes, I do.

The image is correct of two Pharaoh statues standing outside an entrance. They were lit up by electricity that they held from their hands. We created electricity, we showed the great people of Egypt how to do this. They had electricity. It was taken from the earth. Many great men know how to do this today and in the past but they have been dismissed as cranks and pushed aside by others in power who didn’t want this knowledge shared with the masses. For greed and corruption was in their heart. Energy/electricity was harnessed from the earth and used as electricity to light up Egypt. Do you really believe that such a great nation as ours which built structures and systems and temples that you cannot build today even with advanced machines and technology? Do you really believe that we had no electricity, when we did all that? Do you really believe that a nation as advanced as ours was walking around “in the dark”?

Well, when you put it like that, no, of course not, but science?

Forget science. It is nonsense and you do know that. We know that you have much knowledge. Where do you think that comes from, Carol? We download it to you, mostly and it has raised your consciousness and awareness. Much more is to come. We have much to share with you and the world. We will keep “channelling” to all of those that are listening. Many are channels for us, not just you.

You are answering my questions, before I can ask them. Please slow down.

Egypt was well lit up by electricity. It was harnessed from the earth.

Yes, but how? I would like details specifically as to how you used the earth’s energy.

The earth has energy, in, of, and around it. We simply tapped into the earth’s energy that lies beneath the soil and harnessed it for electricity. It has been done before we said. It is not new science. It is as old as Egypt. It was also used in Atlantis. Do you really believe that such advanced civilisations ‘walked around in the dark’?

Corruption and greed are stopping this from happening today.

You keep talking about corruption and greed. I understand it and what you are saying. But to others it will sound very negative? And I don’t want that.

So you want to control our words?

No, I simply wish that you use different words and not sound so negative towards “powerful” people among the masses.

Do not try and change our words. Write it as you are, as we give it to you. For that is a true channel. Let us help people to understand they are slaves to the system of power, greed and corruption. You are aware of this and we know that fear creates fear. Let us help people with our own words, do not try and control them yourself. Just write what we give you and trust that it will be fine. It will not be taken as negative, but as the truth for it is so. It is the truth.
Simply write our words and do not control them for that is a true channel.

OK I trust you. I really do. J.S has some questions for you.

We have been working with him also, for a long time and he has seen our energy. He isaware of us, he knows how tall, we are he has seen groups of us and our light shining in the dark. Both he and K.H saw our light shining, while there was a group of us. They saw this outside on the natural earth. The natural light was getting dark and they both saw us.

We have been working with him a long time and he knows it. There is much “stuff” that he keeps to himself and close to his chest. When the time is right, he too, will share it. He is gathering a lot of information as we speak to put into a new book. He is simply waiting for the right time. He is much more aware than he lets on…he doesn’t shine his light fully, while in the public eye doing interviews and such. He shares a little at a time so that people can accept this a little at a time…too much information for people would be considered to be “nonsense”. It would be too much for people to take in all at once, and they would simply dismiss all of it. So he is correct in what he is doing in that sense. And he knows it and so does K.H. They walk gently at first.

What is your interest with the people of the Earth?

We are the bringers of the dawn. They are our children and we created them. We created humans, they are our sons and daughters. They came from us. They are not from earth and yet they are. But in the beginning, they came from us in our image. As we said before the word “God” in the Bible should be replaced with “Gods" not God. Yes, God does exist. But we are the ones who created you. And God created us. So both are true.

Some but not all of our children are like infants and at a very infantile stage, many are wise and we communicate with many of them. All spiritual teachers are wise. Much information is being downloaded and channelled but not all of it is from us, some is from God, guides and spirit people etc. There are many of “us”, many star nations. We are not the only ones living in the universe. As there are many different humans, so there are many of us, from different planets and, yes, even galaxies, many different star nations. The governments know of our existence. And yet they keep it well hidden from the masses. Greatly influenced much through fear, fear that people shall rise up and know of their real heritage and beginnings. People/humanity are being treated much like slaves and being kept in the dark.

Our interest in the people of the earth is our own interest for we created “them”. We have been watching for a long while/time. And, yes, we did walk the earth, we laid the soles of our feet on the bare earth and walked and created you and then, when we did that, we walked “with you”. We lived on earth before you existed and with you.

We have much interest in you, you are our children. We are teaching you, albeit slowly. We are helping you to remember and wake up. We are helping you to raise your consciousness and, in doing so, we are with you watching your consciousness rising. We are assisting you to raise it. We are the bringers of the dawn. Again, we say, Carol, that the true meaning of those words will come forth and be known to you in all their entirety. They will.
We teach, guide, nurture, aid and assist. But the governments do know of our existence and those like us. They know much is hidden. They know all about our existence on many planets, stars and galaxies. And, yes, they are keeping you “dumbed down” for their own gain.

I need a break.

We will always be here for you.

We draw close to K.H. She can feel us. She can “feel our energy and our love. She is not scared of us, she embraces us, with her heart for she knows the truth of us. She knows what we are about.

Now, let us get down to it, to the nitty gritty, to the bigger picture of humanity and the secrets we told you about before, the secrets that are being kept hidden from you, that have yet to be published and they will, Carol. It will be so. We are here, we are the illumined ones, we are the bringers of the dawn.

Yes, please, do get down to it, I feel that you are repeating a lot of words to me. I have many questions and feel that I need to hurry with this process.

Yes, you are correct. Some of it you do need to hurry. You need to focus and concentrate your energies on channelling us, in order to be published. But not all of the information will come all at once. There will be a series of books from us and through us in the form of what you call channelling. And they will be received well and with open arms from the masses of people who walk among you. Many will buy the books, they already are aware of us and will delight that someone has written what they themselves already know to be true. And they will rejoice in the words. And they know the truth for they too have “seen” us. We walk with many. They will find comfort and solace in our words. Our words will help them to accept and believe more fully in their own experiences with us. We visit many. And many doubt. Our words will help them to accept, acknowledge what they already know in their souls to be true, but doubt with their minds, as they are taught to doubt. The true sense of real reality.

And yes we do live among you we dwell in secret places on earth. There are times when we come out and walk among you unnoticed for we blend our energy well so that our “light” as you would call it is hidden. Or rather so that we don’t show our light, our essence, our spiritual knowledge. When spiritual knowledge is gathered in what ever race it shines forth for others to see. That is what you (Carol) see when you look at your teachers like the Dalai Lama, they do have an extra brightness around/about them, it is spiritual awareness of who they really are. And so do we, so we have to tone it down in order so as not to be seen and recognised by the people. For there reaction to us today would be fear, we are talking about the masses as a whole and not you individually. We walk with many, in the daylight. This halo has been shown above heads on saints and then misinterpreted down through the ages of man. But, in the beginning, it was not so.

Have you ever had bases here on Earth in the past and currently
and what are the purposes of these bases?

Yes, we had "bases on earth”. We made a map of them.

We came from the stars, as did our brothers and sisters from neighbouring planets like Sirius.

The ancient sites that we lived in are many of the ancient sites which are still on earth but not all. Some are lost and have been removed and hidden from you. Egypt was one of the places, one of the ancient sites. It was a map on earth of where we came from within the universe. All of the sites we created and lived in were maps of where we came from, but not all remain. So parts of the map are missing or are hidden from the masses. The Sphinx has been recorded and told that it relates to “Leo the lion” and that is true, it does. There is much buried underneath the Sphinx and that is a mirror image of the skies beyond directly beyond/behind “Leo the lion”. There is much to learn and many secrets in that place. All is a mirror of the secrets of the universe and where we came from.

I need to rest and perhaps sleep. Please be here, dear Pleiadians when I come back I wish to continue right here, where we left off.

We shall always be here, when you call us forth. Always.

Monday 5th September 2011

Are you refreshed?
And you remember your “dream”. You understand your dreams better than most, you understand that they are real. Even the ones that are not contain an element of truth or some solution to help people during their earthly existence and problems.

Yes, I understand that. Come to think of it, I hardly actually “dream” at all any more which is why most of my “dreams” seem real for they are. It’s just that I’m in a different place and not in my body at all.

We were with you during your dream. The dream state is a time when we and other “spirit/spiritual beings” are able to draw close to people, without fear of the rational mind, especially loved ones who have died.

Can you just go straight to my “dream"? I know all that stuff.

Yes, but others don’t. Okay, we shall cover that later. The “dream" you had was real and you know much about how that process works. Let us remind you what you “saw” in your “dream”. We were with you very closely. You are starting to fully welcome us with open arms and unconditional love and we feel that. As we said in the dream, we are “empathic” beings of light and we feel much in the same way that empathic (mediums/psychics) people do. It is just the same for us, only more so. For we do not have the human mind or condition or conditioned human mind. Those three things are separate and not always intertwined. They are separate, of themselves and exist independently. They are;
The Human Mind
Human Condition
Conditioned Human Mind

They are not always intertwined, as is believed. They are independent of each other.

Yes, your dream, let us continue then. The earth, the earth used to be much smaller than it is today. It has grown in size and become bigger than it used to be. It now contains vast amounts of water that were not there before in the beginning. You could have walked around the earth mostly on foot and not needed a boat to do so. Much of the land mass was joined together or very closely situated, side by side. The earth was thrown off course. It was impacted by a huge meteor this caused the poles to shift. Extreme weather followed and rain causing the earth to flood and swell, expand and contract. The oceans grew into vast masses of water, that simply were not there before. It created a huge flood on a global scale, the remains of which you can still see today on the earth. The oceans are but one example of the impact and changes, an impact of the “great flood”. Many have occurred since that time. The poles did shift and they shall shift again. It is part the earth’s cycle of renewal. There have been numerous floods on earth since the beginning of time. You have seen the Sphinx with the markings of heavy rain etched into the side on pictures and you shall soon see it in the flesh. So it will be. Egypt is much older than science tells you. This has been rediscovered by science but it will not accept it in the mainstream, for science would then have to be re-written and explained to the masses. But that does not change the facts. It would also have to be re-written into science that because the Pyramids are, in fact, older than science has explained, that the Pyramids do in fact line up, align, with the stars from a much earlier period of time. That, of course, would also not be liked by science, as it would point out very clearly to the “scholars” that we came from the stars, though they do not wish to accept that, they however, do know it to be true, but are unaccepting of the truth, for it would dismiss and affect their whole life’s work. So you can see (Carol) why they are unaccepting, their whole lives work would be shown to be incorrect.

Yes, I have never seen it like that before. Thank you for explaining it to me in that way.

They are merely men, doing their best to explain science. But they have little or no knowledge or understanding of the spiritual laws, as you do. And, perhaps, they do not want to, for men of science who are “open” to receive knowledge and understanding in science, would surely find them. Look at Quantum Physics, that sure explains a whole lot and is a true science. It is a blend of Natural spiritual laws and science. It is united merely using different words depending upon your view point and where you are coming from, either from science or spiritual knowledge. Science is also changing though, it is going through a shift. Everything that you are is changing, there are huge evolutionary changes happening right now. And science is part of that. Nothing is separate from any other thing. All energy is part of energy.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Okay, let us begin again.

The ascension is happening and, in many of you, this is also affecting your brain power and causing it to increase. The more spiritually evolved you are the more it increases. The more you access the dormant brain power and knowledge. You exercise it at various times like a muscle, which it is. Not everyone is doing this but a large number of you who are spiritual have managed to increase your own brain power. Tests are being done, relatively new tests among “normal” people and spiritual people but the tests are not being honest about the reason for them. Everything about your bodies is changing, the chakras, the brain power, DNA, human consciousness, individual consciousness (of those who are spiritual and already at a higher level). All of it is changing among you. What is bigger than that? Your whole world is shifting and changing and adapting because consciousness is shifting up a gear or two or three. Ascension is very real. Only in hindsight will this be accepted by the masses who remain on earth and accept this journey (even if it is only accepted at a higher level). The earth is ascending and all those that choose to ascend with the earth will also do so, nothing on earth will remain out of balance or out of harmony with the earth. It is simply not possible, it goes against the natural laws of science of the universe.

Can you tell me where the new chakras are in the body please? I had a message a week or so ago from you I believe, that we have new chakras, so can you be more exact about them and where they are in the body?

We will list them for you with the older ones, which have increased in energy and got stronger. They are vibrating more so than before;
The Higher Crown
The Middle Crown
The Lower Crown
Third Eye
Lip/nose (between the lip and nose in the centre)
At the back of neck in centre (connected to the mouth so that the front of it is in the mouth/back of throat)
Thalamus (between heart and throat) (or higher heart)
Base /Root
Hips at the back. This is important for the ascension, as awareness increases in order to stay grounded while the ascension is happening, for the spiritual advanced ones to stay on earth, as there is such a great need for them. This is so much needed for them to stay on earth for the outcome of it all. They have a big part to play in the ascension process and must remain on the earth plane for it all to unfold.
Pineal and Pituitary have got bigger
Ankle bone (just on the outside of it diagonally up a bit)
The foot chakras have got bigger

The auras have also increased in size and are becoming much stronger. They have increased in energy and got stronger. They are vibrating more so than before. The same is true for all energy whether its auras or chakras all energy is stronger. We will continue with the chakras later.

My questions. Why are the ancient sites in the places they are?

We will list them in a moment for you.

Easter Island is one of the places.

We will also continue with this at a later time.

November 2012

It has been a whole year since I have written down your words that you have shared with me. Much has happened. It has been a very busy year for me.

We are here, your frequency has changed and improved. You now accept this as a normal part of you, more and more so.

Yes, I do.

Again, I have so many questions for you and you have been with me many times and I feel guilty that I haven’t taken up a pen and written down all of the information you’ve shared with me. I hope that it will not be a whole year more again before my next time to write it all down, because I hear and feel your urgency to get this information out there into the world.

You shall write more and more. Your energy system has been brought more into balance and alignment with ours. You’ve had experiences that cannot be explained by science or even some of your so called mediums and spiritually aware people. You once had a meditation where we connected with you (I do remember it well, yes) and showed you the Nazca lines and that they were made from above the earth and yet someone in the group totally dismissed what you (Carol) were saying. We are saddened by that for it was her own logical mind and ego from where she spoke. We are truly sorry that you have had so much hurt and heartache. We feel your pain and anguish at it all and we know very well you are questioning yourself. With continuing your readings or just giving them up and completely focusing on your channelling us. You should continue with your readings, you have helped many people, much more than you know, continue your readings.

Thank you. That means a lot to me because I was wondering, if I should bother continuing with them.

Yes, continue. It will get easier for you but it is important for you to stay grounded you must come into the forest and talk with us more. You will find it easier to connect with us there and we with you.

Your life purpose here in this life time has to do with channelling us, The Pleiadians and you know it (yes, I do) we have shown you much information and connected with you many times over the last year, even though we know and are well aware of your own personal journey, torment and upheaval but you have done well and we are most pleased with your progress. But for you dear one, you have to learn the art and technique of grounding yourself much more and better. Do so by going into the forest. You will be safe there with us, away from distractions and disturbances and from people knocking on the door and the telephone.

I will, but I won’t be able to write down your information, when I’m there.

That does not concern us. You shall remember it all later, we will make sure of it one way or another. You have done well and we fully support and embrace you for staying the course, many have not.

Okay, let us begin from the beginning.

But, I have so many questions for you, J.S. also has questions for you and I don’t know where to start and I’m struggling with that.

Just let our information flow and, maybe, put some of our questions on hold. This (Carol) is part of your life purpose that you contracted to do and we, (the Pleiadians), are going to make sure you do it.

Our language is your language. We use your language (Carol) to get through to you. How else would we possible get you to understand, if we used a foreign language, why, even ‘You’ would not understand it and that would be nonsense, so let the words from us flow to you.

Okay, but many will disagree.

Do not concern yourself with the opinions of others. If people cannot understand, it is because they are on a different frequency to yourself and that is of no concern to us. What is our concern is that people who are operating on a similar frequency to you will understand the truth of what we, The Pleiadians, are saying.

I have very many questions, as I keep saying and I think it’s spoiling the flow.

We agree.

So, I need some help here, please.

We helped to build the Pyramids, we have shown you much about Egypt…

Please, hold on, I am finding my own questions and my mind is stopping the natural flow from you, I keep interrupting you and I can hear you laughing as I’m saying that. You have a good sense of humour and I do love you very much. Thank you for all of the experiences I’ve had with you from being a small, vulnerable little girl to the “dream” state experience/journey that you took me on last night.

In the beginning, God created us and we created the animals and dinosaurs. We created everything on earth with the help of the star nations that we are part of, as family. Then we helped to build the Pyramids. The Pyramids are a much more complex structure than you realise. We talked before a little bit about it and now in more depth. The energy of the area where the Pyramids are always had a special energy. That is why we chose that area and other areas. There is a huge complex system of underground tunnels beneath the city of the Pharaohs and you well know it (I do, yes). We showed you that only last night more clearly but we have shown you many, many times until it sank into your everyday conscious awake and aware state. First, the energy of that place drew us, we then built the underground system for we knew what was to come, that it would be needed by people for shelter. We then helped the people to build the Pyramids on top of that area. This whole process took many years, for people are slow creators and many were lazy, even at that time.


Yes, it takes a lot of energy for man to create energy and movement and sound into reality, for us that is not so. If we wish to create something, it is done but, in your dimension, it is more complex and more difficult because you are operating on a more dense vibration and the more dense vibration something has, the more difficult it is to create something into being.

We used sound to create the Pyramids but man helped us. We created the Pyramids together and it took many years. It did not happen over night. The Sphinx, as you well know, contains a lot of secrets that we showed you, as a child beneath the Sphinx (yes, I remember, it’s still very vivid). On the back of the Sphinx, many ceremonies took place and we did land our ships on to the back of the Sphinx, as we have shown you. The streams of light. As we have already mentioned are one way we have of connecting with you and you remember this, don’t you? (I do, yes and thank you). We are the Gods that created man with the help of other star nations. You on earth are taught many lies and yet you believe them. You are a very gullible species (we are, yes). All of the thirteen sacred sites on earth are a map of the stars and each of these places contains a special energy, though that energy has diminished a lot over the ages and that is why those places on earth were chosen. Each place is special to us and sacred, for we played our part in creating them from scratch with the help of humans.

Okay, you told me before that the number thirteen is very important and in more ways than one, but why?

There are thirteen sacred sites because there were thirteen sacred tribes from thirteen sacred planets/stars that brought forth thirteen sacred crystal skulls. Do you see the connection emerging (wow, yes I do and I can feel the importance of what you are saying). Each crystal skull is embedded or encoded with ancient knowledge, each of them individually as to where they came from and earths secret true history. The wisdom of the universe is contained in each of the crystals, individually, and yes there is a mother crystal that is in safe hands and will remain so for now that is, until the time is right and ready for it to emerge. Thirteen is also sacred in geometry and that is also important within this Universe that we belong to. There were also thirteen separate places that each tribe went to settle and each tribe built a large complex structure. Not all of these structures remain and that is why you can only list eight of them. The others should remain hidden for a little while longer we say for a little while but our time is much different to your time on earth. For us time is much quicker than yours. Humans and the star nations helped to create these structures together.

Please, list the sites for me and others reading this;

1) Egypt
2) Stonehenge
3) Atlantis
4) Peru
5) Sedona
6) Lemuria
7) Easter Island
8) Acropolis (underneath the new buildings is sacred ground upon which we The Pleiadians walked)

One of the other sacred places is hidden beneath the ice in the North Pole. That will be found and come to light when the Poles shift again fully.
The thirteen tribes settled on earth but they did not come from earth. We created man in our image and then we interbreed with man and woman and we found much pleasure in this. The Ancient Indigenous peoples, the thirteen sacred ancient tribes came from us, the star nations, and settled upon the earth.

I need a break. This is hard going for me.

Conscious beings are not limited to the earth in the form of humans. There are many places in the universe that contain and have life forms of intelligent light beings with and without bodies as you perceive them.

Energy is universal. It is not confined to earth. How arrogant and old that way of thinking is!!

The Universe couldn’t hold its own, if energy only existed on earth. It would be a huge imbalance and go against the natural laws of the universe. That would be an impossible and nonsense situation. It just does not exist in the Universe. The Universe is pure energy and earth is part of that, not the other way around, not the way of thinking that the earth is the only place of energy (human beings).

Back to Egypt, please, because you are way ahead of me!

Egypt and the Nile, the path of the Nile was changed, its course was changed many aeons ago. No, do not change our words. We told you before (okay I’m sorry I did correct it though) and we are pleased you did so. We again say to you (Carol) do not change a single word, keep it as we say it. This is Your life mission or part of it, so do not worry. You will have time for all of it. We love you but you need to slow down and not rush, even though you feel our urgency to get this information out. Do not rush or change it. Keep it as it is and don’t worry. People will understand for we are not talking nonsense as science does (oh, you are funny, I like your humour) We do mock science too. Where do you think you (Carol) get that feeling from?

Well okay I get it…because from a very young age, you have shown me the truth and certain experiences…and…

And it was us, The Pleiadians, that kept you (Carol) away from the school system because we knew that it would distort your life purpose, because it would instil into you hugeuntruths, even though, at the time you didn’t fully understand that, but you do now (yes, I understand it much more now and again, thank you). We needed you (Carol) as we needed all of you that are helping in this great evolutionary shift of humanity. A New Dawn has begun and you should all rejoice, for it truly is a magnificent time for you to be on earth (at this time). And the Poles have shifted even more, since you wrote last year.

I remember I was shown a quarter degree shift in the Poles from North to West. Was it you who showed me that?

Yes, it was us. The crust of the earth is changing. It is again breathing new life into the earth and shaking off the old ways that no longer serve her. Mother earth is going through a birthing process and is being purified once more. Part of the planetary alignments and changes that are happening are all part of this. For everything that exists is interconnected in a huge way. We feel that humanity is now getting that and understanding it more and more and more, in a more complex way, or getting to grips with it more and understanding its depth.

You have kind of moved away from Egypt and I wanted to stay on that subject I know you have so much to say about Egypt.

Yes, you are right. We do, but at this time we want to talk about the changes coming because we feel that it is more urgent. Egypt can wait a while for she is not going anywhere. She survived the last pole shifts and will survive this one, too. Humans will not all survive, unless they adapt to the new energies with those that are emerging. Humans DNA is changing. Human bodies are changing, nothing in the Universe is separate from anything else, so when something as small and beautiful as a human body changes all parts of it change. The human energy field is changing, its awareness is shifting up a gear or two or three or four depending on what level it is on. (You, Carol are on/blending with the fourth dimension, soon to be in fifth) but you will all be on the 5th when the time is right and you will all do so at much around the same time. But our times are different and to you human time is longer than for us. So, when one part of the human body or awareness changes, it all changes, hence the chakras change. The aura changes and expands, the mind/brain begins to use more of itself, everything about humans expands and increases and becomes more aware, both individually and globally, because you are all connected by an energy source as we are, too. This energy source can be read by many people that you call psychics and mediums. In fact, you have many names for them like sensitive, empathic, clairvoyant, many, many names but it all means much the same thing. You/they are simply reading the energy source fields of the person or the place or whatever it is that you’re reading. Everything is energy and when you do readings or mediumship or connect with us or even with God, it is simply that you are connecting with and reading this energy. Sometimes, the connection is so mild that you only get it unconsciously and cannot describe it fully, because it hasn’t integrated into the physical, but we are working on that.

Humanity is changing and because humanity is changing we, The Pleiadians, and other star nations are changing. Earth humans think they are the only ones going through the huge shift of consciousness and waking up, it is not the whole universe is expanding and becoming more and more aware, even us! We, too, are also evolving. Humans will have to adapt again, as they did before during the last pole shift and planetary alignments or else they will not survive. But the whole point of your being here (Carol) and many, many others like you is to help with the process. We know you are eager to move on, so let us do so but, first take, your five minutes, if you need to, we will wait for you.

Thank you.

The Indigos, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, please explain. I know you have already but please do so again for people reading these words

The children you describe are part of the star nations. They have spent time (being) with us. That is why they are more sensitive to energy, more psychic, more empathic, feel things more and each one, in turn, has been. And is more aware than the ones that came before. The ones that came first, the Indigos in the sixties and seventies find it the hardest to adjust and live in this world where things are so dumbed down for you. The ones that are still coming in now are finding it much easier but they do so, only because the first ones paved the path for them, so to speak. Also another important point to make is past lives with these beings, we mean with each other, is now being remembered by humans collectively. So, yes, when you (Carol) remembered being with Claire (name has been changed) it is correct. You were with her on the planet/star system.

Okay, Thank you for sharing that with me. Why is it that when I’m channelling you and actually writing it down, I need to keep my energy levels up, I find they drop so much. You know I already have a low blood sugar level. I try to avoid sugar as much as I can but I love chocolate.

We are glad you mentioned this and will cover it very briefly for now. Energy needs energy to sustain it especially people who are psychic or in any way sensitive. There are many names for them, including the children we mentioned above because of their heightened state of awareness. In order to explain this, we will change the word awareness into the word “energy”, so people who have more "energy/awareness” need more energy especially when channelling so that in order for you to hold the energy/vibration, more energy needs to be released and in order for you to do so, you, need more energy, hence food sugar is one of the sources to do it quickly. Also, what’s important is that when you’re channelling us and similar star nations, our vibration is very high so you will naturally need more energy within the body to do so, to bring your awareness up. Awareness is connected to the brain and food. How could it not be? That’s another misconception or one that is largely over looked anyway. Let us move on. If need be we will go into depth later on. Let us return to the Indigos you mentioned.

And, as you said, (Carol) you remember Claire being on the Pleiades and you remember knowing her from there. That is also correct, as was Atlantis. You’ve had a few past lives with her.

Oh, my Sugar!

Sugar, children love sugar and sweets and cakes and part of the reason they do so, much is because they are largely Indigos/crystals/rainbow children. These children absolutely love chocolate and all sugary foods because they raise their vibration and give them more energy, more spiritual/psychic energy and experiences, though it is very bad at the same time. It does have a huge impact and effect on the brain, as well as the nervous system! Many of these children have been misdiagnosed with ADHD and other conditions, which is incorrect and untrue. It’s just that your Doctors don’t know what to label them, so they had to come up with a new label for the new children. Many of or most of these children are very sensitive to their environment and surroundings, both in a good way and a bad way. They “pick up everything" around them, whether it is good or bad. The bad things can and do have a negative effect on them, causing them to over react and go into overdrive, as they struggle to handle the situation and are often unable to do so. However, the good positive things, as you see them, cause them to be very peaceful and relaxing, almost in a blissful state, that seems somehow unnatural to their families around them and that sometimes also causes a concern. So these new children are misdiagnosed and given medication that they should never be taking in the first place. But, even this too, will change as you evolve. During the shift of consciousness, it will all unfold and make sense in the long term. But it does go a step further than that, the powers that be (the negative ones) are well aware of this and of who these children are and that they are here to help humanity shift during this process of evolution. So it is their aim to dumb them down with medication and that is exactly what they are still doing and have done since these children began to come into earth’s energy. That, too, will soon change. It cannot, not.

To Be Continued…………

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