Our sense of Vitality is a function of our light divided by our sense of loss. If and when we focus on "loss" we rob ourselves and others of our light.
Notice your thoughts of lost time, lost opportunities, lost love, lost health... don't resist, just notice when that sense of loss is consuming your energy and diminishing your light... and then choose to shine your love instead.
Ray Charles, for example, did not focus on being blind, nor did he let the culture of his youth and the color of his skin disable his dreams. He focused his life and his light on his love for people.
His music was a tool to enable him to make a difference for others in the world... His light shines still and although he's left his body behind, his vitality lives on...
Take a look now... what is the source of your Vitality? What is your light to shine? Perhaps it is just a smile, perhaps you're an artist, an engineer, a parent, or a friend... and what sense of loss has you with holding your light?
A sense of loss is just another attachment to the past. Notice that and let it go.
Your light is another word for your bliss... like joseph campbell says, just follow your bliss.
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