Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Waking Up To Hope, Transforming Our Reality One Human Being at a Time

The act of self refinement is an act of magic.
As each of us reaches out with our heart and open up into the Universe, we may feel vulnerable or exposed.
There is truth to our vulnerability, our fragility, but for what we risk we stand to gain something transcendent.
The nature of our individuality in the universe is not simply a matter of ego and identity.
There is the soul's role as a nexus, or intersection of light.

As each of us uses our own ability to transform ourselves, others who are waking up may see the light growing and thus, find the confidence to take the risk, to be more open and beaming.

Transformation of the self spreads out across the universe one being at a time, until one by one we light up the stars. Together, as each individual soul light is lit, the universe grows brighter, until we reach the tipping point.

It can be tempting to try to exercise control of externalities, to focus on other beings or transforming environments. Ambitions which flow from altruistic intentions based on a desire to transform our universe. While this is admirable and ultimately a good goal, the process can be daunting and frustrating when we seek to control that which is outside our personal sphere.

Transforming the self is a act of magic and when one examines the upside potential, the mathematics reveal that one plus one, plus one, the universe is transformed wholly, when we reach critical mass together.

This is not to forget our connection, the expression of our collective oneness, more an acknowledgment that as we are one, so are we also singular unique expressions of divinity... whole unto ourselves.

As we reach out with hope to the larger universe, the offerings of compassion and warmth we give each other produce an antidote to fear and judgment. This enables more people to relax and accept themselves, and in turn accept and encourage others. Slowly building toward the critical mass of love which can transform the outer universe.

This week I have been given the chance to exercise my skills in the area of patience with is hard, but when I get through the moments and break into timeless compassion, patience feels easy and right.

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Comment by Jeanne on May 12, 2009 at 4:22pm
"This is not to forget our connection, the expression of our collective oneness, more an acknowledgment that as we are one, so are we also singular unique expressions of divinity... whole unto ourselves."

Truly a beautiful blog, Marc. ...with a spark of magic.


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