Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Wreck-Less Abandon and Sacred Partnerships (c) of 2012

The Mother is alive. Her development has always been marked by milestones; they are cyclical. Some future cycles will be easy, some will be difficult. Climates and weather patterns change and shifts happen; people live, people die. This is life.

What matters most for our species is how we choose to respond to the shifts. We think of relationship as a condition that is between ourself and other chosen humans. Sometimes we think of relationship as being between ourself and animals. But as participants in these relationships we are allowed to believe we are in control.

However, we are in a sacred relationship with the Mother. Mother Earth and humans are in Sacred Partnership (c) so when one partner shifts, the other partner must also shift. When we humans do not shift to accommodate the Mother, we are in breach of partnership. In the language of dance, sometimes we Waltz with the Mother, sometimes we do the Two-Step but when the Mother, who is always in the lead, decides to switch to the Paso Doble we can loosen up and follow, or fall on our derrieres!

I have read many of the comments about 2012. I believe we humans are *"leading edge creators of our reality"--to be so is our gift--and each of us will create 2012 as a reflection of our personal reality. The evidence of our personal reality will be magnified when the energy on the planet (and beyond) becomes magnified. So those of us who choose to question our belief systems (the first step in the process of clearing our old karmic energies and attachments) will, through this process, create a more loving, centered, and stable reality. And those of us who choose to retain old and irrelevant belief systems that neither represent the truth of who we have become nor acknowledge the Father who created us will continue to create chaos and fear for ourselves. The tasks at hand for all of us (regardless of the date) are the same as they have always been; to acknowledge the mystery of our creator, to walk gently upon the Mother, and to love our brothers and sisters with wreck-less abandon.

*The Gardnerville, NV Abraham-Hicks study group

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Comment by Arieljoy Fine on January 2, 2010 at 12:44pm
You Go Girl!
Me, too. Isn't it quite the privilege to "Be here now?" There have been three events in my life that serve as proof to me that angels dance with the human spirit, IFF we allow it. 1. The first time I set eyes on my husband, 2. Being present at the birth of my niece. 3. Being here on THIS planet at THIS time to participate in THE MIRACLE of ALL TIME.

Thank you so much for your comment and I wish you Love and Light in 2010 and beyond.
Comment by Lynne Adele Whiteside on January 2, 2010 at 10:28am
Loving, centered and stable reality, yes. I'm in a new phase of life that leaves me open to all potential, this is my wish for myself, to open the potential whether in my new work or my personal life, I'm ready...


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