Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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At 11:23am on August 26, 2009, Gilda Harrison said…
Hi There:
I am the one on the right! the other is my daughter Michelle! Very cool site and videos you have. Thanks for sharing. I just joined this website, only because I have known Carlos since the 60's and was curious to see what he had going on and wow, this Architect site is awesome!

At 10:42am on August 26, 2009, Digital Publishing Entertainment said…

Greetings My Brother Of the New Dawn...
To quote you... "YOU ROCK"! Keep up the incredible journey you are on as our mission here in 3D is to create Heaven On Earth for all... Peace, Love, Respect, Abundance & Unity... To shed the Vail... Disolve the Illusion... and to take back our God Give Power as Soverign Beings of Planet Earth & the Great Abundant Universe througt Truth, Education, Communication and Unity... The Sun Has Risen... The People Are Wiping The Induced Sleep From Their Eyes and Hearts and The New Dawn Is NOW... It Is Truly In Our Hands To Create The Change We Want To See In The World...
Many Blessings Rick... Your Friend & Brother... Christopher
At 10:37am on August 26, 2009, Rommy Cisneros said…
Hello back...from the Windy City! Thank you so much for the welcome...I will be filling my page soon.
At 9:56am on August 26, 2009, Scott Michaud said…
Hi Rick - Pleased to meet you! yes I am envolved with ACIM gather and help with a daily show at 10 est there. Last weekend Jerry J and Diane C shared alot of truth with us and welcomed us to join this group. Peace!
At 6:08pm on August 23, 2009, Colleen O'Rourke said…
Wow back, Rick. Those are very impressive projects! I had no idea. An idea of epic proportions came to me last week, and now today I've had two solid signs to move forward. If you have any availability, can you let me know how we can get in contact? Love and joy, Colleen
At 4:06pm on August 23, 2009, Jones Harvest Publishing said…
I was hoping it wasn't a site just for people that design buildings. By the way, I lived in Pacifica for a year then Burlingame for five years.

I commuted to Emeryville, at least until the Earthquake! Ah, to have that energy back...
At 2:13pm on August 23, 2009, Colleen O'Rourke said…
Thank you for the invitation, Richard. I have added content to my page so you will get a sense of who I am. Love and joy, Colleen
Celtic Comments & Graphics
~Magickal Graphics~
At 11:48am on August 23, 2009, Yaron said…
hey Rick.. good to hear from you. Life has it's challenges sometimes...but overall I'm doing well. I hope all is well with you too....blessings...
At 9:26am on August 23, 2009, Aaity Olson said…
Hi Richard, It is nice to be welcomed. If we want to build a new world we had beter not waste an time. It is a very big order. It is hard to be happy artist if you are hungry, if there are too many mouths for too little crop. The first idea is to be a producer and not only a consumer, especially concerning food. What plan do you all have? LOVE Aaity
At 4:26am on August 23, 2009, The Ancient One said…
Like the elephant, we are unconscious of our own strength.
When it comes to understanding the power
we have to make a difference in our own lives,
we might as well be asleep.
If you want to make your dreams come true, wake up.
Wake up to your own strength.
Wake up to the role you play in your own destiny.

-- Keith Ellis, "Bootstraps"
At 4:01am on August 23, 2009, AVIJIT ROY said…
thanx Richard ......
At 1:45am on August 23, 2009, Dr. Sohiniben Shukla said…
At 1:35am on August 23, 2009, Elizabeth Feisst said…
Thanks for the welcome Rick.... deeply appreciated.
Love Elizabeth
At 1:34am on August 23, 2009, Madlen Duval said…
Thank you so much Rick, I'm glad that you had good time with my singing.
God bless.
At 8:36pm on August 22, 2009, Jupiter Rose said…
NAMASTE Richard and thanx for the warm welcome,

I Love the Mission Statement for AoaND. It is an extremely unique time to be in these physical vehicles we have chosen. Uniting like minded consciousness is critical to propelling our planet into a healthier existence. I believe that Art, Music and Math are the only true Universal Languages; so YES, I will be posting some Guitar Goddess music here very soon.

Peace, Love and Light,

At 7:47pm on August 22, 2009, Deborah Danilow said…
Hi Richard and Thanks for the nice hello. Looks like I need to look around and get familiar with all of this and get involved; looks like a wonderful place to BE.
Many Blessings..
At 8:02am on August 22, 2009, julie daley said…
Dear Richard,

Thank you for your immediate welcome to this beautiful community. I look forward to being a part of it.

At 12:56pm on August 21, 2009, Doren Damico said…
Thank you for reading and responding. And thank you for the good works you do! Doren
At 12:54pm on August 21, 2009, Ana Lúcia Duarte da Rocha Paes said…
Thank you.. I´ll try to find some time to get into it!!! it is very interesting and there is a lot to see...
At 11:31am on August 21, 2009, sue said…
Thanks for the welcome, have sorted out my page now :)


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