Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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At 6:25pm on May 6, 2009, Corbin Doak said…
Hey there Richard,

Actually I am mainly Teaching English here but I am always doing my design work. Its a pasion of mine just like my photography. I freelance in design when I can. I hope you have luck in finding the venue.

At 4:53pm on May 6, 2009, Pedro alejandro sanchez DO said…
Thank you for your warm welcome,I look foward to many positive vibes from the architects community
At 2:12pm on May 6, 2009, Mike Balitao said…
hehehe bro you dont need to hire me i can volunteer and im glad to be part of AOand and you know i hope that one day ill be in the team and stuff too bad man i dont live in san fran but oh well atleast im a part of AOAND
At 10:15pm on May 5, 2009, Iris Obregon said…
Richard...thank you for the welcome to aoand!

To a brighter tomorrow we move...
At 8:50pm on May 5, 2009, Mike Balitao said…
Hey Richard your very welcome bro I will do the best I can to improve AOAND and I hope that one of this days I will be a member of the Aoand architec team crew. My blipback video don't work anymore I don't know why I think I need to install something like adobe flash or java. Thanks again for the comment bro

Your fellow aoand
At 5:42pm on May 5, 2009, Clint Shepherd said…
Hello Mr. Lukens,
I was wondering if we could post some kind of Invitation for all Architects to join together to extend our LOVE & PRAYERS for the people of Mexico. I think we can make a difference if we show how much we LOVE & CARE for them.
At 8:25am on May 5, 2009, Peter Ashman said…
The event is June 5th at the Palazzo. In looking at your bio, I wish I could have picked your brain about six months ago or so. But the event should be good. For a group of lawyers, no matter how well-intended, to work together in or out of their field of expertise is never easy, and next year we probably want to engage professionals, but we are absolutely thrilled that Carlos' schedule worked out the way it did. Cirque du Soliel is also an awardee. The emcee is comedian Alex Reymundo and I was fortunate to have some contacts at the Las Vegas Academy for the Performing Arts, our local fine arts magnet high school, who is sending their Grammy foundation award-winning jazz band (I'm a freak for music education). So they are working on a Santana tribute medley and hoping that Carlos might feel moved to sit in on it with them. So yeah, anyway, if you're inclined to attend please let me know. BTW, we're already working on June 2010 event in Washington DC and tentatively have Elton John and Martina Navratilova and want to promote LGBT/immigration issues.
At 12:07am on May 5, 2009, Mike Balitao said…
hey bro richard how ya been hope all is well i saw you guys videos about architects of a new dawn thats cool oh ya Somebody made a AOAND myspace page its on bro carlos santanas myspace page its pretty cool who ever made it he rocks. anyways if ya ask me im doing great bro just staying bussy
At 10:35pm on May 4, 2009, Peter Ashman said…
Thanks for the welcome, and thanks for the thought that has gone into pooling so many great and positive thinkers into one place. I found the site from the link on Carlos' website. I'm chair of a benefit in Las Vegas in June where he will receive an American Heritage Award from the American Immigration Law Foundation. Our goal is to show the positive contributions of immigrants in America and relate it to our heritage as a nation of immigrants. It's high time to treat all people in this country with dignity and respect regardless of who they are and where they were born. I'm hoping this event will help raise awareness, and am thrilled that Carlos Santana is lending his celebrity and good name to this worthy event..
At 1:48pm on May 4, 2009, Kevin WIlliams said…
Thanks Rick! I am looking forward to seeing how all this unfolds! I am going to begin a "group" and I hope you will join...I am going to learn how to do it and try to give it the name "GoNewsNOW". We shall see. Kevin =)
At 9:39am on May 4, 2009, Cindy Paulos said…
Aloha Rick

My sister Charmaine turned me on to this great site. I live on Maui and sometimes it's nice to feel more connected to the rest of the world. used to Live up there in Sonoma County and know how Gret San Rafael is.
At 8:38am on May 4, 2009, Chris Cirincione-Coles said…
Hi there,
Thanks for the fabulous greeting and yes I am the niece of Diane and Jerry...
Have a great day!
At 5:20am on May 4, 2009, Gea said…
thx Rick for the warm welcome !

At 1:15am on May 4, 2009, Dawn May Adams said…
Dear Richard: I have a question. What if I want to just send a message privately to someone. I want to respond to a friend, but I'd like to respond privately. Thank you for your help. Dawn
At 1:07am on May 4, 2009, Charmaine Frost said…
Thanks for your kind words of welcome. It was nice to greeted upon joining this uplifting community.
At 7:11pm on May 3, 2009, Oona McOuat said…
Thank you Rick.

Not much posted on my page yet, but that will evolve...

At 6:40pm on May 3, 2009, Celeste said…
Hi rRichard, i actually found this site from the site!! its great! hope you become a member if your not already hehe :) :) :)
Love and Light Forever and Always,
have a magical night Pictures, Images and Photos
At 10:00am on May 3, 2009, Imelda Maguire said…

Thank you for your warm message of welcome Richard.
At 10:49pm on May 2, 2009, Joe Pal said…
Hey Rick, Actually if you noticed it appears that that orb is chasing me... ; )

Also doing some experimenting in photography and video.

At 8:34pm on May 2, 2009, Shanti Chiappetta said…
yea should find some way to advertise it


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