Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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At 12:07am on March 10, 2009, Leonard G. Horowitz said…
Sure. Check out


At 10:21pm on March 9, 2009, Lou Media said…
Hey Rick,

Hope you are well. Great site. Well done. I support the objective and Carlos' vision.
Let me know if and when you would like to extend your presence in Second Life.
Take care. Peace.

At 10:16am on March 9, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
tired fingers woke up feisty this a.m.?
jazzing so early! you are the m.a.n.
Chun & JinAn would do the sal.m.o.n.
for moi salads & green is just f.i.n.e.
At 10:11am on March 9, 2009, Karen Mehringer said…
Thanks Rick! It looks like a great community to be a part of! Blessings,
At 10:08am on March 9, 2009, Rubin Naiman, PhD said…
Thanks. looking forward...
At 11:28pm on March 8, 2009, Leonard G. Horowitz said…
Hi Richard,

The “Universal Solvent” is Water. The “Universal Language” is music. The “Universal Healer” is LOVE. Put them together to create life anew.

LIVE H2O explains and celebrates "The Living Water" inside you. The lessons assure personal health and longevity; and encourages remedial action against geopolitical corruption and environmental degradation.

The Concert for the Living Water shall present the most important revelations in history, including what Water really is and how it offers a solution to every problem facing humanity--from free energy generation to infectious disease elimination.

If you perceive an unfolding Spiritual Renaissance for the forthcoming Age of Peace, the "LOVE Water Experiment" on Sunday, June 21, 2009, will warm your heart to receive the greatest spiritual blessing.

LIVE H2O focuses on the power of the liquid crystal super conductive "Creative Juice"--The Living Water--inside each of us. The music will vibrate your "temple" with 528Hz frequency--the "music of the light"--the sound of LOVE.

This Concert for the Living Water is how we shall take back our planet for the LOVE of God.
At 11:08pm on March 8, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
made a contact today at a friend's birthday party, thought you might have a good connect with him, Richard Felix, Earth Investor Group
very involved in raising finances for good projects--I have contact info if you want

also very surreal eve at a bistro cafe jazz spot in El Cerrito,JinAn had a meeting there, good rich jazz ensemble, had a chair massage while listening to jazz, the guest guitarist had played with Miles Davis--the name of the place is '33 Revolutions" 10086 San Pablo, El Cerrito,com_events/Itemid,1/agid,6/day,08/month,03/task,view_detail/year,2009/
At 10:09pm on March 8, 2009, Sirah Vettese said…
The site is getting better by the minute. Hang in there Rick....!
love to you,
At 8:01pm on March 8, 2009, Jodith said…
Thank you Rick, I'm already the better for meeting you.
At 5:43pm on March 8, 2009, zulma said…
thank you...carlos santana site
At 2:44pm on March 8, 2009, Shell said…
How wonderful to be welcomed! It's so amazing so many coming together for transformation of the self and world. This site helps all of us to stay focused on the light.
At 1:14pm on March 8, 2009, valeria said…
i'm having the coolest day ever....=) actually a night...

i guess that you in a middle of a day so have a great one yourself!!!
and be happy!!
At 12:45pm on March 8, 2009, valeria said…
hey,thank you for your greeting. i have to say that people in this community very welcoming and that is really exciting. I don't know what to say to you... i have not decided yet what i'm expecting to achieve by joining this site....what i know is that spirituality fascinating me... and i think that this site is a very good source of knowledge for me...
when i read people's comments or blogs i'm getting very excited because you can feel the love and the light, everyone trying to help each other and that is beautiful
i want to change something in this world, make it better . I don't know how yet.... But i'm sure that the road will show me and lead me to it....
it's all good =]

sorry for my English... feel free to correct my mistakes. ;)

At 6:53am on March 8, 2009, Yuriko said…
Hello Rick. Thank you for your " welcome " Nice to meet you.
I got invited from one of my friend who is Santana's fan. He told me about AechitectsOf A New Dawn,so I dicided to join this site. I belive that there will be no border and war in the future. yuri.
At 1:20am on March 7, 2009, John Kurzer said…
Thank you.
At 12:55am on March 7, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Beam us up Scottie!
We'll be there with our little pointy ears at attention
our translators set for earth language simulation
our tummies in need of nourishment
our whistles dry, our robots programmed to serve
we can be there @ 5 at the whim of traffic
D McW, JW, Cy
At 12:03am on March 7, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
ok I'm home, after soup& apple turnovers
I broached the subject to those two
Chun's not sure if she's going to LA next weekend, she definitely is going to New York to meet with her publisher on the 17th, will be gone for a week _(yes, I believe she is looking for another publisher for her other 2 books-they are stunning, in case you have any suggestions for while she's in the Big App--Jinan teaches Tues Wed & Fri during the day, I was looney tunes about Wed. I work till 4 not 8 so they are saying Wednesday or Sunday could work (if Chun here) JinAn working this weekend on Maya Skya so this Sunday out
(you probably didn't want to see us that soon anyway)
what works for you? I mean you need time to plan a menu, hire a staff, read Chun's book,
get permission from NORAD/CIC for the alien types to visit...
At 10:36pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
I'm playing hookie at work
will head home at 11
Chun & JinAn both at our place
will find out some times
I know she leaves for NY on 17th & may be going to LA before then
will get back to you later this eve before the witching hour
I have Sun, Mon off & work till 8 on Wed so have to work around that
we will commune & then communicate back at ya
At 10:21pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
depends on who's attending--
JInAn will eat--almost anything (you know those Chinamen!)
elegant, beautiful Chun seems very balanced--so she'll probably eat anything too-I know she likes fish cuz she's appeared with salmon lately
(a one woman performance with the backup band)
me--well I eat anything that doesn't walk, talk, stare back at you or know my mother, or that I can bear to harvest before it goes to seed
the aliens--do you have any spare cow parts?
I'll wing it on the website & do the emails one at a time
I'm glad you're not too techie, then I'd think you were bionic not organic
At 10:05pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
forgot to mention, many of them are...aliens


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