Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

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At 1:20am on March 7, 2009, John Kurzer said…
Thank you.
At 12:55am on March 7, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Beam us up Scottie!
We'll be there with our little pointy ears at attention
our translators set for earth language simulation
our tummies in need of nourishment
our whistles dry, our robots programmed to serve
we can be there @ 5 at the whim of traffic
D McW, JW, Cy
At 12:03am on March 7, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
ok I'm home, after soup& apple turnovers
I broached the subject to those two
Chun's not sure if she's going to LA next weekend, she definitely is going to New York to meet with her publisher on the 17th, will be gone for a week _(yes, I believe she is looking for another publisher for her other 2 books-they are stunning, in case you have any suggestions for while she's in the Big App--Jinan teaches Tues Wed & Fri during the day, I was looney tunes about Wed. I work till 4 not 8 so they are saying Wednesday or Sunday could work (if Chun here) JinAn working this weekend on Maya Skya so this Sunday out
(you probably didn't want to see us that soon anyway)
what works for you? I mean you need time to plan a menu, hire a staff, read Chun's book,
get permission from NORAD/CIC for the alien types to visit...
At 10:36pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
I'm playing hookie at work
will head home at 11
Chun & JinAn both at our place
will find out some times
I know she leaves for NY on 17th & may be going to LA before then
will get back to you later this eve before the witching hour
I have Sun, Mon off & work till 8 on Wed so have to work around that
we will commune & then communicate back at ya
At 10:21pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
depends on who's attending--
JInAn will eat--almost anything (you know those Chinamen!)
elegant, beautiful Chun seems very balanced--so she'll probably eat anything too-I know she likes fish cuz she's appeared with salmon lately
(a one woman performance with the backup band)
me--well I eat anything that doesn't walk, talk, stare back at you or know my mother, or that I can bear to harvest before it goes to seed
the aliens--do you have any spare cow parts?
I'll wing it on the website & do the emails one at a time
I'm glad you're not too techie, then I'd think you were bionic not organic
At 10:05pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
forgot to mention, many of them are...aliens
At 10:03pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
You're on--I here its like a spaceship-will dress appropriately (?)
so, I'm inviting several friends,
(on to Architects, not to your place!)
if I cut & paste email addresses will they show as bcc's?
At 9:44pm on March 6, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Hola! Aloha!
Checking in
Good time was had by all. (still eating the leftovers!)
Working on our website, wondering if ok to mention Architects...
under "Inspirations" for others to check out with the website address?
No prob, right?
Best, McWong the Waster
At 12:25pm on March 6, 2009, James D. NOble said…
I got an email for Jerry Jampolski...So i just discovered it this week. I noticed that you are ver outgoing and have made friends with almost everyone so far so I thought i better quick get on your list
At 6:41pm on March 5, 2009, Leigh W. Jerome said…
Nice to meet you Richard. I have been in Hawaii for 15 years...long time friends of Jerry and Diane. I am happy to be on the site.
At 4:58am on March 5, 2009, Glenn said…
Hi Richard, I am in Ontario, about two hours east of Toronto.
One of the projects I am thinking of launching is an email newsletter of sorts, that would likely come out once a week, and is focused on 'good news' or short articles that have people feeling good. There's lots of bad news all the time. How often do you get 'good news'? Anyway, thought I'd share that as it seems to relate somewhat to what you are doing Richard! Take care. Glenn
At 5:23pm on March 4, 2009, steven parke said…
Hi Richard. that is me. Sorry I haven't been around to reply. And THANK YOU!
At 4:57pm on March 4, 2009, Raw Ipharadisi said…
Aloha Richard,

I found this community network via an email from an old friend Nige.

I am not sure I will be here too often...I am currently with sparse and sporadic internet usage...but no doubt, sometime down the golden road I'll be more of a presence here.

Thank you for your welcome :) and I second the comment below "Thank you for the Playground" ~(O)~
At 3:06pm on March 4, 2009, Michael Elley said…
A close friend of mine, Maryanne Hamilton, who had also gone to Russia with Jerry and Diane, sent me the link. I definitely wish to communicate with both Jerry and Diane...If you can let them know, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanking you in advance. Michael Elley (615-364-6363)
At 2:05pm on March 4, 2009, Cathy Smedes said…
Thank you, Rick. I have a strong passion to help others through education. I am starting an inner-city training center (nonprofit) where I can use my community college teaching experience to help adults in my community. I'm just starting out and so very excited about it. I hope to share success stories via the AOAND site.
At 1:47pm on March 4, 2009, Debra Blum-Tong said…
thanks...I am a Santana friend Lola and I used to watch Carlos play in a garage in SF back in the day...I took my son to see the last leg of the concert in Concord in 08
At 1:12pm on March 4, 2009, LeslieAnn Butler said…
Question -- how do I add my website link?
At 12:03pm on March 4, 2009, SPIRITVIEW said…
...thanks for spinning up Architects of a New Dawn webworx...

....this image was captured in dawn light...Kam
At 11:47am on March 4, 2009, Elizabeth Reveley said…
Thank you Richard. Please let me know the next time you are over here. I work with Jerry and Diane on the Forgiveness Project. August 2 is the annual Forgiveness Day Event. Please join us. We will soon have a call for the art and poetry awards for this event. I will let you all know.
Waves of ALOHA
At 11:44am on March 4, 2009, Elizabeth Reveley said…
Thanks Richard,
I work with Jerry on the Forgiveness Project in Honolulu. August 2 is the next annual Forgiveness Day event. Please join us. See you soon.
Waves of ALOHA, Elizabeth


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