Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Bridging Heaven & Earth Presents: Art Project Music Video # 7

Bridging Heaven & Earth Presents The International Art Project Music Video: Part Seven, by a beloved collaborator of the BetterWorld4YouAndMe organization.

The intention is to highlight and feature, in music video format, all the wondrous art and the magical artists who are collaborating in the International Bridging Heaven & Earth Art Project ( ) in a series of videos. So please keep watching to see all the new amazing videos (and art) as they manifest.

The Bridging Heaven & Earth Art Project is, simply: a world-wide energy amplifying process using art and the collective energies of many.....basically it is that each artist produces an all-new (so it is fresh, spontaneous and NOW) work of art (painting, sculpture, collage....anything that comes through them) based on the theme " Bridging Heaven & Earth "....the collective energies of so many unbelievable, creative, people, from all over the world thinking, meditating on, and manifesting "Bridging Heaven & Earth " will be huge......

Bridging's International Art Project website is:

Bridging's website is:

Remember: The intention of the Bridging Heaven & Earth Art Project is to spread/enliven the vibration of Love--that is the Heart of the Project......

Please join us in collaboration to spread the vibration of Love and Oneness.....

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