Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Dr Masaru Emoto talks about Industrial Hemp as a solution to Fukushima

A message about HEMP to heal the radiation from Dr Emoto.
It is the suggestion to plant a lot of hemp in the land of Fukushima. The plant, hemp is prohibited in almost all places in the world, but I am supporting the movement for hemp to revive. Hemp has high frequency, and by its vibration, I think it has the effect or potentiality to purify the environment made by the radiation. Presently, the figure of Becquerrel seems to be high, so I am interested in it. I believe that the hemp fields will bring the eradication effect. The only concern is that Japenese government dooesnt show their interest or understandings. They say it is outrageous, and so we can be sometimes suppressed, So I would like to cooperate with people around the world who truly understand hemp and with people who know very well that "Hemp is nothing like that", so we can advocate together the movement of hemp revival globally.
Legalize Hemp !
Architects of A New Dawn
on Facebook:
"Legalize Cannabis~Hemp & SAVE Our Earth & Lives"
Legalize Hemp (Group)

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Comment by Mary Ann Isom on October 7, 2013 at 6:20pm

If and when all the powers take an account of the forces ofgood doing good to forget about evil for a minute and let one's body float out of its boundaries on a course set by intellect and common sense, the solutions will be made manifest.  My most anxious question is why was the Santana Band on Tour in Osqaka japan this year in March of 2013. Was not that tripscheduled a bit rancid?

Comment by jb on August 13, 2012 at 2:33pm

A message about HEMP to heal the radiation from Dr Emoto.
It is the suggestion to plant a lot of hemp in the land of Fukushima. 
The plant, hemp is prohibited in almost all places in the world, 
but I am supporting the movement for hemp to revive. 
Hemp has high frequency, and by its vibration, I think it has the effect 

or potentiality to purify the environment made by the radiation. 
Presently, the figure of Becquerel(unit of radioactivity) seems to be high, so I am interested in it. 
I believe that the hemp fields will bring the eradication effect. 
The only concern is that Japenese government does'nt show their interest or understanding. 
They say it is outrageous, and so we can be sometimes suppressed, 
So I would like to cooperate with people around the world who truly understand hemp
and with people who know very well that "Hemp is nothing like that", 
so we can advocate together the movement of hemp revival globally.


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