Architects of a New Dawn

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Shakti Meditation Music for Yoga Meditation & Kundalini Awakening

Please enjoy this shakti meditation music that transmits shaktipat, the kundalini energy that is felt as bliss & awakens you into deep meditation & spiritual awakening. Just by meditating to the music on this video, you will feel peace vibrating in your body. To hear more samples of this meditation music visit

Kundalini Shakti, known as deeksha, shaktipat, kundalini energy has been around for thousands of years as a means to transmit enlightenment or kundalini awakening to another. Usually given by an enlightened guru, but because of breakthroughs in sound recording, you can receive shaktipat through sound.

By meditating to this shakti meditation music, you begin to feel bliss or peace vibrating in your body. Just by letting your attention rest in that bliss, meditation and realizations of oneness happen naturally. Perfect for those practicing yoga meditation, tai chi, qigong, kundalini yoga. Or for those seeking enlightenment, self realization or spiritual awakening. It is perfectly natural, perfectly safe, and very good for you.

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