Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Coming Attractions for this watershed year from the Sedona Journal of Emergence, set to the soundtrack, "Amazing" by One Eskimo. The lyric, "I have no skin, and I feel everything" is almost identical to a healing dream message I received a decade ago.

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Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on January 6, 2010 at 9:31am
A source of a pure love that makes my hearth trembling as i hold his music through me. Carlos is working on an album that will be part of the change and i do excuse if i wrote something not apropos or not adeguate to his own mission. My hands are trembling as i were a teeneger asking to a girlfriend for eternal love but more it is.
I subscribe every word of the video so i don't need to repeat them but just remark that change gives us a lot of pain but mother mary Samba pa Ti and holy father Europa will give us enough force to not succumb.
The change will involve breaking the chain of violence starting from new generations but "healing" old broken one.
There are ways to cure depression not pharmacological and this will be the year.
The change will continue through my calculus as i foretold until 2023.
The old gipsies become wise because "They stand up next to a mountain And they chop it down with the edge of my hand" this power did come to them having been an object child..........
Comment by Lorenzo Abbiati on January 6, 2010 at 9:21am
This things I am going to say have never been written before but theese words are not mine, they come from the angels and I am only a vehicle for them. please believe me. might someone of you read till the end without considering me mad as usual can occur........
I have so little time to watch what people do say in this network because I have seriusly being engaged into writing my lifestory.......and whithout shame i admit my depression I have been elected to bear to discover truth.
I decide to post here and this is is probably one of the many "lugs threads" to which i could attach in this wonderful community
Well, I stand up next to a mountain And I chop it down with the edge of my hand. (Jimi Hendrix)
We are here alltoghether united by a great humility to learn without at least dating as primar intent and this is very important for growing sane.
First of all we all have to thank Carlos for giving us this opportunity but thank him first of all for his music which leads us to love all music and bring us a sense of justice, dignity, never ending, a source


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