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Health & Healing

A place to discuss health holistic healing diet energy and natural medicine

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Mystic Garden Gathering of the Tribes in Grants Pass, Oregon 1 Reply

Started by Gigi Bisson. Last reply by Lynn Mystic-Healer Jun 20, 2011.

Community as medicine.. 5 Replies

Started by Liz McLellan Last reply by Lorenzo Abbiati Jan 25, 2011.

a way to improve creativity 1 Reply

Started by Lorenzo Abbiati. Last reply by Lorenzo Abbiati Jan 25, 2011.

A discussion for those healing a persistent dis-ease. 11 Replies

Started by Marinspin. Last reply by Steven Cox Oct 6, 2010.

Stomp Out Bullying

Started by A Celebration of Women Oct 3, 2010.

Energetic clearing assists physical healing.

Started by Rosemary Lane Nov 10, 2009.

Regarding cures for information poisoning and info-indigestion 3 Replies

Started by Brooks Cole. Last reply by mary rose Oct 4, 2009.

Detoxing Discussion 4 Replies

Started by Marinspin. Last reply by Marinspin Jul 17, 2009.

Using machines to diagnose or treat with for example Rife, Bionic 880 or Bicom2000 4 Replies

Started by Marinspin. Last reply by Marinspin Jun 26, 2009.

Food Combining 3 Replies

Started by Kurt H. Hoyer. Last reply by Kurt H. Hoyer May 12, 2009.

Recipes - add yours 2 Replies

Started by Marinspin. Last reply by Marinspin Feb 18, 2009.

Helpful HERBS and SUPPLEMENTS 1 Reply

Started by Marinspin. Last reply by Marinspin Feb 8, 2009.

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Comment by Erin Michelle on February 13, 2009 at 2:57pm
Try golf balls under your feet! Have you done any trigger point therapy?
Comment by ahimsayinsarawatizen on February 13, 2009 at 12:30pm
I've found that a tennis ball can work wonders for a sore back. Lay on the floor and prop up your lower half on your feet, place the ball underneath and find a balance and pressure the works as you massage out the kinks. Its amazing the toxins that can be pushed out this way. Drink lots of water too!
Comment by Marinspin on February 13, 2009 at 12:19pm
Is anyone here using photons/infrared light for healing?
Comment by Marinspin on February 13, 2009 at 12:17pm
Thank you Chakra Girl. I have been trained to work with charkras and healing energy so your post is a good reminder to take the time and to do so.
Comment by Katie aka Chakra Girl on February 13, 2009 at 6:54am
In an energy context, when a part of your body is acting wonky (i.e. you are aware of it instead of just living your life) your energy field is trying to get your attention. One of the skills we are being compelled to learn is how to bring our power of attention back to ourselves. In my life, my stomach will be an issue when I'm worrying about something that I have no control over. The stomach is in the range of 3rd Chakrum, Solar Plexus energy. That is your personal power source. When you are giving your power away - whether inadvertently (we are taught in youth to do this and the majority of us must reverse the process in later adulthood...when it is causing health problems) or by choice/necessity (abusive relationship, for example, where you must in order to survive) - it will cause physical aching in your body.

The first thing, and most user-friendly, that I can recommend to do is when you are resting - laying down - to place your open palms on your chest...right at the bottom of your ribcage. Use pillows to prop up your arms if you need to *or* simply set the intention that you are sending energy into your Solar Plexus. Ask the Divine to work through you and feed your power source with healing light. Your lightbulb may be dim and needs a boost of electricity.

Hope that helps!
Comment by Erin Michelle on February 12, 2009 at 5:30pm
Valerian root helps me fall asleep quickly and sleep deeply. It's so effective for me I don't even mind the "stinky feet" smell. I like blasting the ozone on the airfilter too. I hope you find comfort.
Love, Erin
Comment by Marinspin on February 12, 2009 at 2:38pm
ahimsayinsarawatizen can you do some yoga? Yoga helps me with a lot of my health issues and mental ones as well.

I am having sleep issues right now myself from stomach issues that need assistance. I was having some insomnia sleep issues earlier last year that a psychic friend did some healing work on. She said I was unable to astral travel at night and get out of my body. She did some work on my silver cord used for astral traveling and it helped at the time.

I hope you feel better soon.
Comment by Humanity Healing Foundation on February 4, 2009 at 9:28am

Our friend request here on Ning does not seem to be working well. If you haven’t seen one from us, please send us one! :-)

Much Metta,
Humanity Healing Team
Comment by Erin Michelle on January 27, 2009 at 1:37pm
Has anyone else tried trigger point therapy? I only know a bit about it but it has helped relieve pain better than any other massage I've tried. I appreciate the straightforward simplicity. No worrying, no wondering, it's easy and obvious. CAUTION: also releases kinks in your feelings! Go figure. Love, Erin
Comment by Linda T Kruger on January 27, 2009 at 12:55pm
I am a massage therapist, Reiki Master and reflexologist. I believe deeply in our ability to heal ourselves naturally and I am most happy to join this group of healers.

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