Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Below is a slightly dramatized version of the thoughts I had while on my way to work today. Although no question is posed, my hope is that at least a few people might be able to share thoughts spurred by my sharing of frustrations I sure wish I would outgrow.


Driving to work this morning I felt a lot of frustration over the fact that I would have to spend a good portion of my day involved in agendas and tasks that do not seem or feel conducive to improving our planet, our species, or even my personal situation. As a matter of fact it is fairly easy to see how almost any job anywhere on the planet feeds the opposite of improving our planet, most of them do not improve our species, and the majority of jobs assist only in merely maintaining an illusion of personal satisfaction based on meaningless stuff and things. For instance, on a planetary scale, just the act of paying taxes in my country feels to me like condoning a very destructive agenda by a federal government being destructive on a planetary scale. On a species level, the current construct of society has us competing with one another, and promotes forms of said competition that can be vicious. And on a personal level my job maintains a status quo so that I can maintain access to my family because should I fall below that status quo, it would be painfully obvious to any “normal” person, that I am not capable of parenting in a healthy way, which in turn means I must maintain the status quo, which ensures I will pay taxes. This frustration often leads me down a familiar path of considering, planning, and to a small degree even acting on how to bring attention to such matters. This leads to a larger frustration though in that most people seem unwilling to consider such matters, which in turn leads to the issue of mass consciousness, or lack thereof. This gets to be such a big set of questions that I get overwhelmed and decide once again to acquiesce, and just do my job without complaint.

Chill out

In the end it does not matter a lot, because this is my frustration, born of my perception, which is in turn born of my experience. So what has been wrong with my experience that I should perceive such erroneous behavior on the part of myself and others as to be frustrated enough to write the diatribe above? I follow the example I was given and I fight the things I see as wrong. That is what is wrong with my experience. I fight because I see fighting as a way to improve things. That is the example I took from childhood, and continue to see around me in business, in government, in personal relationships, and anywhere I look. It is becoming clear however that as long as I see this, and act accordingly I am limiting myself. In the end I am only fighting my past and my perception. What then is the alternative? The alternative is to find the things in life that are in alignment with how I would like the world to be and nurture those things. If I see things I do not want I should ignore them. If I see what I do want I should nurture it. Quit fighting and start nurturing. I must nurture processes in my own life that attract what I want as opposed to defending against what I do not want. I must nurture relationships that have an intentional basis of peace and love at their core, and either convert or walk away from the other relationships in my life. I must nurture my children, and give them a different example to take into adulthood, so they may live that example in the world. I must come to terms with the possibility that living this way likely means less stuff and things, because the stuff and things are not part of nurturing, but rather a distraction from it.


If I fight, I am only fighting myself, if I nurture something……..anything, I nurture the whole world.

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this reminds me of a story in The Power of Awareness by Neville. a woman drives in to work every morning rehearsing the fight she knows she'll have with her boss. one morning she starts rehearsing the wonderful way she'll feel when her boss stops fighting with her and instead they work together beautifully and creatively. FEEL the difference you want to make.
thank you for wanting our world to be different.
love, erin
This was while driving to work? ...another good reason to take the train... all the noisy people, talking about redundant crap, makes it impossible to get that deep. And thanks for reminding me why I don't want a job or a car... etc...

Vision is only limited by what you can see... You have the ability to see a broad swathe of the big picture and its interconnecting complexities... you can see its shortcomings, and you feel overwhemed by their numbers and size... do you see its miracles? do you see the innumerable acts of love that led to this moment? do you see the voila moments in the steering wheel you grip?
Erin you brought an example to the idea of feeling change that that I can use. This is a concept I have cognitively believed, but never been able to use. The idea of thinking about the feeling I will have once something occurs has never crossed my path. This example gives me a way to use it. Thank you

Jeanne, thank you for a kick in the pants, and yep that was driving to work. Wrong side of the bed I guess.

In any case, I do see the love, and the miracles, but almost never simultaneously with the shortcomings. A reminder of that love was needed. Someday, and soon, I am fairly sure my outlook will incorporate a more complete view, for now I vascilate from being overwhelmed with shortcomings to seeing many miracles. The gap is closing and your contribution here reminded me that I need to work on that gap. It also reminded me that even if the apparent purpose of my job is meaningless, I can still be me in that place and use the interactions I have with other people as a vehicle for fostering a better world, or at least better to me.
Sorry, Lee... didn't mean to kick... but I will admit that the Frustration paragraph brought up unpleasant memories... of jobs I've hated, co-workers I tolerated for too long and guilt for not figuring out a solution to my predicament. ...then I think about little Conan pushing that wheel for years and years, until he turned into Arnold Schwarzenegger... and I think... it could be worse.

Lee said:
Erin you brought an example to the idea of feeling change that that I can use. This is a concept I have cognitively believed, but never been able to use. The idea of thinking about the feeling I will have once something occurs has never crossed my path. This example gives me a way to use it. Thank you

Jeanne, thank you for a kick in the pants, and yep that was driving to work. Wrong side of the bed I guess.

In any case, I do see the love, and the miracles, but almost never simultaneously with the shortcomings. A reminder of that love was needed. Someday, and soon, I am fairly sure my outlook will incorporate a more complete view, for now I vascilate from being overwhelmed with shortcomings to seeing many miracles. The gap is closing and your contribution here reminded me that I need to work on that gap. It also reminded me that even if the apparent purpose of my job is meaningless, I can still be me in that place and use the interactions I have with other people as a vehicle for fostering a better world, or at least better to me.
Hello Lee

A very profound journey always ends in Light eventually.

"If I fight, I am only fighting myself, if I nurture something..... anything, I nurture the whole world."


Thank you so much for sharing your life with all of us.

God Bless

Wishing you a life full of Light and LOVE.


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