Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Hi there everybody...

I had an idea that I wanted some feedback on.

AOAND needs to generate some revenue for itself, to support this work.... and one way might be to produce an album featuring the best of the Music Showcase members, from the variety of artists that are here on the AOAND site.

Perhaps people could put forth one of their songs, that has an "Architects" theme and we could create a system for commenting and voting on what we all like best... a collaboration and project of our group. Then we market this CD both on-line and in retail stores. Thus, raising some money for AOAND and gaining exposure for the contributing artists and the network.

An "Architects of a New Dawn" music compilation, with artwork and graphic design from AOAND members...

What do you all think? Thanks in advance for your thoughts



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Rick, love this idea. I just saw Carlos Santana in Vegas and was just blown away by his energy and presence, I didn't want it to end. I was so inspired, that when I got home, I was able to lay down a couple tracks for what sounds like a great song in process of evolving. It has a long way to go to being polished, but would offer it up at that time. I am sure there are many accomplished musicians here with something to offer. Thanks for trying to pull this together!! Joe
Hi Richard! Great idea! I would be honored if you chose a song from my new CD, "Make A New World" - conscious roots rock with a positive message!! I think this would be a great way to support both AOAND and the artists that contribute. Any avenue to expose more people to this new wave of positive and life affirming music would be awesome!! Please keep me posted and know that I am 100% behind the idea!!


I think this is a great idea Rick, and if you ever want to do a concert of AOAND members we can stream it live on the channel ~ people don't even need to be in a single location, each person can be logged in to the studio from their own home and we just cue camera location to camera location ~ a AOAND showcase. Could be very cool. In Peace, Stephen
Hey Richard et al...
Here's a starter ...
for your Mac Laptop A SolarCharger Royalties for each Members submitted music.
Content is to represent Carlos's words on the main message.
The Music selection is all important, we need a Round table from all members or a selection committee of sorts.
Walk The Walk & Lets Hear The Talk ........... >>>> Then Do The Do - ASAP
As Artists on this site are kinda suffering right now!

mary rose said:
Rick and All, After i responded to this with enthusiasm (which i still have) but went to bed and slept on it, another thought occurred to me: what about responsible marketing and production? Statistics from the Ecological Footprint site show that by the Year 2030 we will need the equivalent of one other earth in order to meet the demand for resources we use today. Which means that the ecological bank is already drained and we are in crisis. So, if we are going to get the human family through this time, we have to concentrate on reducing consumption.

Within this line of thought, online distribution would serve the best interests of all concerned, but albums would not as they use both plastic and paper as well as energy for production.

However, let me take this a step further and say that were the DVDs to made mostly from hemp instead of the oil residual that goes into plastics, and the paper labels made from hemp paper as well, much of the environmental damage could be alleviated. And, while the energy problem still remains, if production were powered by solar or wind power, this problem could be alleviated as well.

I have also heard of solar-powered computers and their use would also reduce the tremendous amount of electrical power now needed to power a conventional computer. I don't have the statistics handy, but the tremendous amount of energy now needed to power both personal and business computer use is staggering.

If we are truly going to be "architects of a new dawn" then we must take these things into consideration.

Along these lines also is the issue of creating "healing music" as opposed to that which may create a chaos pattern in the mind/body field of someone either playing or listening to it. We had an in depth discussion on this on the Transformative Media and Entertainment group a few weeks back. And the scientific evidence of how much havoc may be created in the human body/mind field by music not considered as "healing" is staggering. So, here again, with the mission of AOAND in mind it seems to me that we must be extremely careful with regard to products created and marketed.

We have to "walk our talk."
your idea is coo!..i just have technical good mix & sound(used an old program & dont have the way($$$) to produse something profesional and thats my main problem,,,i want to have the best sound & great ideas.....enyway a poor production its cool when has the spirit)........................ok
I would love to participate. Feel free to use any of my work.
Best wishes,
i want be in..i will try for a good tune...please dont harry
try to find whoes gonna help me..dont have many good friends
+you should know that for the most of my oldfriends this site is one more of the american propaganda..and maybe masonic as everything...eeh dont care bout what really is but how i will be into & give a possitive change
-thanks ,best wishes ....hope that i will have one good tune once
you have good tunes Artemi very particular tunes. I would vote one of your song for the cd and other good professional musicians as you
Dear Mary Rose...
~ middle of the night response just to say briefly but emphatically that i resonate with your impulse to have us consider our 'branding' if we regard this as energy we are sending out to the universe....after all, we need to be self-aware in conjunction with a deep sensitivity of our own ecology...there are some interesting marketing methodologies out there that we might consider..
one idea has been tested by musician friends of mine whereby they offer a song online to download in its entirety and simply ask that a donation be left to "grow their forest"..when left open to give in kind, they have realized a great response...i've also heard this 'honor system' approach work with a lady who owned a cafe...she offered great little fresh and local dishes and asked for fair compensation. She was very successful! We are at the moment here of discovery....of opportunity to carry through with ideas that are abundantly peaceful, creative, and technologically cutting-edge!..:)... Well, back to sleep i go....LOVE and PEACE>>>

mary rose said:
Rick and All, After i responded to this with enthusiasm (which i still have) but went to bed and slept on it, another thought occurred to me: what about responsible marketing and production? Statistics from the Ecological Footprint site show that by the Year 2030 we will need the equivalent of one other earth in order to meet the demand for resources we use today. Which means that the ecological bank is already drained and we are in crisis. So, if we are going to get the human family through this time, we have to concentrate on reducing consumption.

Within this line of thought, online distribution would serve the best interests of all concerned, but albums would not as they use both plastic and paper as well as energy for production.

However, let me take this a step further and say that were the DVDs to made mostly from hemp instead of the oil residual that goes into plastics, and the paper labels made from hemp paper as well, much of the environmental damage could be alleviated. And, while the energy problem still remains, if production were powered by solar or wind power, this problem could be alleviated as well.

I have also heard of solar-powered computers and their use would also reduce the tremendous amount of electrical power now needed to power a conventional computer. I don't have the statistics handy, but the tremendous amount of energy now needed to power both personal and business computer use is staggering.

If we are truly going to be "architects of a new dawn" then we must take these things into consideration.

Along these lines also is the issue of creating "healing music" as opposed to that which may create a chaos pattern in the mind/body field of someone either playing or listening to it. We had an in depth discussion on this on the Transformative Media and Entertainment group a few weeks back. And the scientific evidence of how much havoc may be created in the human body/mind field by music not considered as "healing" is staggering. So, here again, with the mission of AOAND in mind it seems to me that we must be extremely careful with regard to products created and marketed.

We have to "walk our talk."
Hello Rick;
This is a great idea. There are so many creative artists and songwriters out there.
I for one have written over 600 songs to date, and would be honored to be part of such a compilation.
I Also have a producer and sound engineer here in Nashville who would consider helping out.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely; Garry Jackson

happy new year

love & love



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