Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Holly said ".I wrote a story to CNN back in 2006 that resulted in a 5 minute segment about weather wars and the discovery of a small company in Melbourne Florida (where I live) that deals in nano technology and their so called "study of the weather" They air drop thousands of nano sized cubes containing computer chips that relay info over Florida. They claim that ..yes .. some nano bots may be inhaled or ingested by humans and animals but its completely safe *cough*"

My friend/Beach Buddy, just said 3 days ago to me, as he watched the dispersion of what looks to be a new form of chemtrails, "They've gone nano with it."
After I wrote my posting a short while ago about the chemtrails, went onto the terrace, and just to the north, was one of these newer types of poisonings...

I have pictures of what took place here beginning on May 1st and pictures from the day before yesterday.
Melbourne is where I've wanted to live. There's an air force base just north of there and a corporate airport as well as an international airport. I believe the Miami Ft Lauderdale area is too densely populated for there to be a decent chance at whatever---

There's also a strong spiritual community there.

My feeling is that I will have 2 places, one up near Melbourne and one in the mountains.
I've also "seen" group type of houses---or communities, which will be highly important.
More later, I have got to get ready for work---ugh. ;-)

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Look up in the sky---you will see patterns of X's and a cross hatching type of pattern. VERY deliberate, not cloud formations at all---then it will spread out, leaving a webbed type of thin veil in the sky.

Where in SoFl are you?

Joan Gregori said:
Man, now what the heck are chemtrails?! I have been here 34 years (South Florida), and I've never heard of this.
These are the ones from May, not too good, but the ring around the sun was repeated on this past Friday.

I'll see if I can get some others taken this week---
Or find the ones I had from 3 years ago...
They look like standard vapour trails from civil aircraft. The halo effect around the Sun also looks like the normal effect of the Sun's rays when the humidity is fairly high. I wouldn't read too much into these as I've been seeing this kind of thing since I was a kid in the 50s. I don't think anybody had "gone nano" then.
They went nano in 2004, I can provide more info if you like Ron. This is what the small division in Melbourne does for the huge government contractor ENSCO, Inc.

GEMS: An Airborne System for Urban Environmental Monitoring

Randolph J. Evans, ENSCO, Inc., Melbourne, FL; and J. Manobianco, J. L. Case, and J. G. Dreher

Three-dimensional meteorological and air quality data collected over an urban environment would be valuable for air pollution or homeland defense applications. This paper describes a revolutionary, new observing system designed for environmental monitoring that will integrate MicroElectroMechanicalSystems or MEMS and nanoscale technologies. MEMS combine electrical functions with sensors and other mechanical devices embedded in semiconductor chips.

The concept, known as Global Environmental Micro Sensors (GEMS), features an integrated system of airborne probes that will remain suspended in the atmosphere for hours to days and take measurements of pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind velocity as they are carried by atmospheric currents. In addition to gathering meteorological data, the probes could be used for monitoring and predicting the dispersion of particulate emissions, organic and inorganic pollutants, ozone, carbon dioxide, and chemical, biological, or nuclear contaminants.
Well, these aren't normal and they aren't normal vapor trails. Normal vapor trails don't linger in the air, they dissipate quickly. These stay around for hours and hours. It was not a normal ring around the sun---there was massive spraying that morning and right before the ring appeared. And the pattern (of the spraying) is not typical of civilian contrails at all.
I recall seeing what you refer to in the sky in the 50's as well, NOTHING at all like this.

Ron Tocknell said:
They look like standard vapour trails from civil aircraft. The halo effect around the Sun also looks like the normal effect of the Sun's rays when the humidity is fairly high. I wouldn't read too much into these as I've been seeing this kind of thing since I was a kid in the 50s. I don't think anybody had "gone nano" then.
This is something I've not heard of. Sounds a little sinister. If you're breathing this stuff in, I presume it becomes an integral part of you. If it gives feedback that can be read by remote equipment, how long before it can be used to track individuals' movements, monitor diets and so on?

AW I'm not disputing that the chemtrails exist... they obviously do. Neither was I disputing that this is what you had photographed. It's just that the photos didn't look like anything unusual to me.

"They've gone nano" is clearly a new sentence that I shall eventually become accustomed to... a bit like: "why don't you google it?"
Ron said "AW I'm not disputing that the chemtrails exist... they obviously do. Neither was I disputing that this is what you had photographed. It's just that the photos didn't look like anything unusual to me."

Not the greatest pictures, lol.
I have to tell you that the skies are criss crossed with this stuff on a daily basis. What I witnessed 2, 3, 4 years ago (n the sky), is nothing compared to what is now happening. It's going on late at night, early in the morning and is stunning to witness.

The "they've gone nano," was even hard for me to type! ;-)



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