Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

What a speech!!

I congratulate all Americans on this historic day. At times like these I wish I could be part of the American dream, to be motivated and inspired in this way. May America play a leading role in the awakening of a new dawn. I have no doubt that nothing is impossible for an inspired and committed nation.

To your success!

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You know, this is a free country, regardless of what anyone thinks, or says, or believes. I can't say that Bill is right or wrong, but he is simply stating what he knows in the world, and no fascism should be involved here. If someone says something you don't agree with, don't hagle them about it. That's why nothing ever moves forward, becasuse we're all speaking the same old bipartisan, BS fascism that's been spoken for years now. I listen to people using derrogatory comments about all kinds of different walks of life all day long sometimes. Do I judge them? No. They believe what they do, and I believe what I do. My mother is always trying to get me to go to a Christian church. Well, I don't believe that Christianity is my path. She doesn't understand, but she and I still get along, and love each other. So in closing, Bill, I say, thank you for speaking your mind. Just because I don't agree with everything you're saying, doesn't mean I can't appreciate your opinion.
Marinspin said:
Bill I think this statement says a lot.

"Massimo........Italy is one of many countries that can call themselves "free" today, because American soldiers died there fighting to liberate your people from the Nazis."

Shame on you calling anyone "you people"

It shows a lot of arrogance. How dare you judge someone for speaking their mind. This is supposed to be a place where anyone can speak their mind. It doesn't matter if they are "left wing," "right wing," etc. That has been one of my problems with the Liberals for a long time. You can say what you wish, but if someone says anything different you start complaining that they aren't open minded enough. Well, I don't agree with a lot of things that the conservatives say, or the liberals, but I work along side them, and I talk to them constantly, everyday. On here, on, etc. I'd rather someone tell me who they are up front, so I can say okay you're either my enemy or my friend. And if they are brute honest I usually end up being friends with them, because they didn't fiddle fart around the situation. Later. Marinspin, I'm not trying to badger you here, but to not read something just because you don't agree with it is worse than what was written. Educate yourself, at least to know thine enemy. Not saying that Bill is your enemy, but at least educate yourself for other forums, that you might learn to understand him better.
Excellent advice which I realized three days ago. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion no matter how hurtful it can be. Forget about it, dont argue and move on with your life in a positive manner filled with love, peace and gratitude.
Marinspin......Thanks for writing back. I need to point out one important detail before continuing. If you read what I wrote carefully, you'll see I said "YOUR" people. I get your point, but what I wrote has a different connotation, than the pejorative nature of "you people".Contrary to what you may have gathered from our corespondances I have respect for ALL good intentioned, honest, people regardless of nationality, or religion.

If you want to celebrate the new president, then party on! I think he's an extremely bright, well spoken, confident, man, who has ideas that lean toward socialism. I gather that you are a socialist. I am not! Therefore I didn't vote for him, and until he he starts putting America first, instead putting America the rest of the world, I will continue to have trouble embracing him as the messiah, that you and your friends obviously do. He's no more than the pied piper in a business suit, leading you all down the garden path, while you gush, and fawn at his feet. Not me....sorry!
I never suggested that anyone worship anybody. I simply stated that we live in a very dangerous world, I know it, and I'm relatively certain the our former president know it too.The problem is that you ( when I say you, I mean you and your lot ) have your heads in the clouds, or maybe somewhere else. Because I'm more of a gentleman than you give me credit for I'll just stay with the clouds reference.

Would't it be just wonderful if all the peoples of the world could put their differences aside, join hands, and be one, and just love one and other....wouldn't that be just great.......Wake up! I got a flash for you.... it's not going to happen. You can elect a hundred Barak Obama's president, It won't make a damn bit of difference.
You need to get to know the enemy a little better. Never mind George Bush. Forget he ever existed if you want. It's not going to change things. War was declared upon us many years ago. Our enemies are very smart, and determined, and they're out there hi-fiving each other, and laughing you, while you sit with your backs to them, cover your eyes, and ears and lull youself deeper into your fantacy world.

Marinspin said:
Bill I think this statement says a lot.

"Massimo........Italy is one of many countries that can call themselves "free" today, because American soldiers died there fighting to liberate your people from the Nazis."

Shame on you calling anyone "you people"

It shows a lot of arrogance. This is an international website and forum meant for all people of all countries and this thread was to celebrate our new President not to tell people why they should be worshiping the USA and Bush. I honestly wish the cyber-police would lock you up for egotism and throw the key away.

I can't even bother to read half of what you post. To me you are acting like an ugly American and I guess every forum has one. I just wish this one didn't but lets be inclusive and say welcome Bill. This is a world of dualism and maya so Bill glad you are here just do not expect me to read what much of what you have to say.
Hi James, We'll help you out here in Gainesville, FL! Right on! nance

James Murff said:
No more discrimination? You don't live in the south!!! The people are still socially separated. And it is pushed from both sides. I have not seen a growth down here, at least from the old timers, and some of the new. Now I hope that we can push past this, but I was just told this morning, "This country is F'd up because women and blacks are allowed to vote." Now this is what I listen to from not only Older people, but younger ones as well. Now if we want a change both sides are going to have learn to start talking, without oustide opinions.
James......Thank you for your support. You seem to be a logical and open minded man. I hope that I'm wrong about all this, but I don't think I am. I worked in a security capacity as part of my regular duties for fifteen of my twentyseven years at my former occupation. I had been privy to sensitive information fifteen years ago, that is now in the public domain. At that time it was extremely I stated to someone else.....was years before anyone ever heard the term
Al Qaeda. I was directly involved in, and supervised the searching of passenger aircraft for bombs, during a period an extremely credible terror threat to 11 American aircraft in 1994. I asked my new friend Marinspin, to reference the name Ramzi Yusef, and read about this man. Fortunately he is in prison, and his plans thwarted. However, there are still a lot of his "friends" out there, with plenty of evil intent for us.

I have seen with my own eyes demonstrations in London, by Islamic groups vowing death and destruction to us and our European allies. Do you remember the bombing of the trains in Spain a few years ago? The bad guys won that round in case anyone's keeping score. The Spanish bailed on us immediately. Now we can't even on our own people....oops, sorry I used the "P" word again.....I mean countrymen....stand up for ourselves. Now we have a new president serving as their cheerleader.

Once again James, I respect you open mind. I wish that others would follow your example. Having said that, I can make no appologies for own views. Again, they are based largely upon my own experience. My only daughter was in a subway train underneath the World Trade center, when the second plane struck the building. She wasn't hurt, but did actually feel the impact as the vibration shook the earth, and caused air to compress in the subway tunnel.

James Murff said:
You know, this is a free country, regardless of what anyone thinks, or says, or believes. I can't say that Bill is right or wrong, but he is simply stating what he knows in the world, and no fascism should be involved here. If someone says something you don't agree with, don't hagle them about it. That's why nothing ever moves forward, becasuse we're all speaking the same old bipartisan, BS fascism that's been spoken for years now. I listen to people using derrogatory comments about all kinds of different walks of life all day long sometimes. Do I judge them? No. They believe what they do, and I believe what I do. My mother is always trying to get me to go to a Christian church. Well, I don't believe that Christianity is my path. She doesn't understand, but she and I still get along, and love each other. So in closing, Bill, I say, thank you for speaking your mind. Just because I don't agree with everything you're saying, doesn't mean I can't appreciate your opinion.
Bill thanks for the socialist label. You have no idea who I am or what I think politically so don't bother to label me. Good to see you have some supporters I am just not one of them.
First off, Marinspin, I am not a supporter. I am a realist, and I don't give into fundamentalism. Whether it's a conservative, liberal, pascifist, activist, I am not a part of any group. I stand for myself. I don't believe in ANY man, whether he's a good one or not. I do not like the fact that you think just because someone thinks different they are against you apparently. I get with this 21st century neo-hippy idea. I believe in progress, evolution. And buddy we are not evolving as a country as long as we have a bipartisan, republic, dictatorship with a twist of socialism. That sounds like a really bad cocktail. At any rate. I have nothing against you, but you need to stop putting people in groups who don't agree with you.
Marinspin......You're right I don't know who you are, but you give plenty of clues as to your predispositions. Forgive me for drawing my own conclusion. I do assume that you are an intellegent, and thoughtful person, or you wouldn't have joined Architects. I'll also assume that you are one of the majority who voted for Obama. I'm absolutely possitive that you did so based upon his policies....right? But there are plenty of folks out there that voted for him because he's relatively young, good looking, smooth talking, a good dancer, hip, and plays basketball. Did mention he's a snappy dresser? There are actually people out there,that voted for Barak Obama, that couldn't tell anything about his policies, or even who his running mate was! One woman actually thinks she'll never have to worry about paying for gas, or paying her mortgage agian, because Barak is going to take care of her. Now how in the world do you think she arrived at that assumption? She was probably paying some attention though, because she did pick up on his promise to socialize America. She didn't get it. When Ronald Reagan was running for president he said he was going to get government off the backs of the people, and everyone said Yeah!!! I want the government off my back, but they never understood the implication, and he was elected in a landslide victory. Ronald Reagan was another great orator, but politically he was the polar opposite of Obama. Some people either don't pay close enough attention, or are just not sharp enough to understand everything they're hearing. Or, they only hear what they want to hear. I'll give you a great example. Puncuate the following sentence, and let me know where you put the comma: ( A woman without her man is nothing ) I look forward yo your answer.

>Marinspin said:
Bill thanks for the socialist label. You have no idea who I am or what I think politically so don't bother to label me. Good to see you have some supporters I am just not one of them.
No comment.
I'm so very pleased that people around the world have witnessed so positive & inspiring an event as this inauguration, and all that it entails. That a man who instills the values & vision & temperament as Barack Obama, swayed enough Americans to vote him president, not to mention transcending his race & politically incorrect name, was something I had become afraid to even dream of!

After the horrors of the '60s, seeing one after another "bright light" gunned down, from JFK, to MLK, Malcolm to Gandhi, & at the time, one many felt our final hope, RFK, I had forever feared no leader of real vision & goodness would ever make it into office. Seeing the unrealized potential for good in the Carter & Clinton presidencies, only affirmed my pessimism.

Even that night in 2004, watching a heretofore unknown legislator from my hometown, speaking at the Democratic Convention, causing me to rise up out of my chair, to stand there tingling with feelings I hadn't experienced in decades, left me with mixed feelings. I knew with all my soul, that this man was going to become our president; at the same time, I had that queasy feeling in my belly I tend to get every time I traverse that kitchens of hotels I may be performing in....

At those moments I still can't help but recall those haunting images of Robert Kennedy, moments after the elation of winning the California primary, lying on the floor, mortally wounded, yet another light in the darkness, snuffed out....

Last year, I got to perform at the SCLC 50th Anniversary Gala, and sat less than 10 feet from Barack, as he both celebrated his birthday, and gave a short, but inspiring speech. At that time, the feeling of his spirit, melding those of both MLK & RFK, again thrilled & chilled me.....

But he's made it, I pray for his & his family's well–being daily, and I'm feeling like I still must be dreaming... Not that I feel he is Superman, or the WIzard of Oz, but he's about the best hope we have, if we're ever to right this floundering course our nation finds itself on, and I'm amazed, and proud as hell, that YES WE DID!
I am proud and excited too. I look forward to seeing what unfolds with Obama in office. My hope is the medical system in the USA will improve among other things.

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