Architects of a New Dawn

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Don't anyone post in the I heard a Rumor discussion until Violette makes the 333rd posting!

Violette---would you please report to the I Heard a Rumor discussion thread?

Thank you all for your prompt attention to this matter of utmost urgency!

Hurry the heck up, Violette!

Views: 44

Replies to This Discussion

OK What's the significance of this 333 thing? Does it summon half an antichrist or something?
OK. Everybody please check you navels... I think Violet's lost her thong again!

Violette Ruffley said:
Can I go back to my navel/naval now?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Jesus Christ Almighty, Violette! You freakin' Crone! Stop being so stubborn! Would you PLEASE make the 333rd posting?
No navel business now---just make the post already!

Violette Ruffley said:
Can I go back to my navel/naval now?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'm not sure...rumor has it that there is a high amount of energy that will be released, IF only Violette would make that 333rd posting! Almost all of the civilized world, and about a third of the uncivilized world, is waiting for this energetic portal to be opened. At that time, whenever dear Violette decides to make THAT posting, we will all rush forward in our ascensions, or our paths, or whatever this thing is that we're doing----
She's holding up our progress right now. That's all the Ascended whatevers are telling me right now...

Ron Tocknell said:
OK What's the significance of this 333 thing? Does it summon half an antichrist or something?
Are you suggesting that one of us is secreting Violette's thong in our navels?
What incredible news!!!!

Ron Tocknell said:
OK. Everybody please check you navels... I think Violet's lost her thong again!

Violette Ruffley said:
Can I go back to my navel/naval now?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
I'm calling every kind of spiritual entity right now Violette, including Greg Braden---he's cute so maybe he can convince you to post the 333rd reply!
So, I beg you---sit in your favorite wing chair there over by the window---
Quiet your thoughts, well try to anyway---
Now breathe in and out.
There now...
As you breathe in and out---
Think about Braden's mane of hair, framing that good lookin' face---
Imagine yourself running your fingers through that hair---
Imagine him looking up from your breast---(figuratively speaking)
And advising you in those rich, husky tones in his voice---
"Violette," he purrs, "Go through time and fractal space---to the I Heard a Rumor thread and dammit, post, woman!"


Violette Ruffley said:
Half and anti-christ, Ron???????????????????????
You know what Violette?????????
YOU are really getting on my absolute LAST nerve right now!
I'm channeling Greg Braden for you, and all's you can do is post here?
Don't make me channel someone else----
Now go there, girlfriend!
Get thee to the I heard a Rumor thread---
I'm really whining now!

Violette Ruffley said:
While preparing my bucket list I have decided to include !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and ?????????????????????????
I'll give you a number alright---
We can end this madness right now---please go post something spectacular so we can get the energy of the 333.
They're telling me that the entire world is waiting with bated, baited or something like that, breath for you to do this!
Next lifetime, I want to be an Aquarius so I can pull this kind of crap on everyone!
You and Beach Buddy, bloody Aquarius, plus my sons----


Violette Ruffley said:
Give me anumber so I know when I can stop these inane comments.
I agree with you, but I swear to God, if he starts in with oracle cards, or mass commercialization crap---which he may be doing already, I'm gonna throw a fit.

Violette Ruffley said:
By the way some years ago I attended a seminar presented by Gregg Braden. He is not a tall man and has the hand of a child. However, when I shook hands with him, a bolt of energy flew up my arm. He is quite an extraordinary gentleman with a precious wife.

A dear friend that sat in the front row just below the stage where he spoke, said he had the most glorious, huge aura surrounding him, that filled the stage.
Enough of this chit chat already, Violette. It's 11:11 please go post!
Dammit---it's 11:12---crap, missed the energetic gateway....

AkashicWreckage said:
Enough of this chit chat already, Violette. It's 11:11 please go post!
Did anyone ever tell you that you're a real pain in the thong?
I need to get into the shower, Violette. I've tried asking you nicely, and I've tried channeling the masters and mistresses---and of course that hunkadunk, Braden---
Just post something, anything---so we can get onto the energies of 377----
Oh the humanity, Violette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Violette Ruffley said:
Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez (I like that) AW are we finished yet???????????????



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