Architects of a New Dawn

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Some suggestions--Golden Keys- for those beginning Meditation

From my experience, setting your intention or alignment before you practice meditation--so you are only open to unconditional love and above-- is a golden key. Another key is being grounded in meditation and a simple way to do this is to visualise and feel "roots" of light from your heart down your body, out your feet and into the heart of the planet. Also clearing the space where you are meditating and your physical, mental and emotional bodies before you begin is valuable---there are many ways to do this. I like to visualise violet transmuting energy through the space and my bodies. Another golden key is breathing into your heart, having awareness in your heart centre and feeling that centre. From this heart space you can start to feel connected within and greater oneness with all. Being aware of your breathing and repeating affirmations are a great way to start a practice and continue! e.g. "I am peace", "I am love".
Enjoy :)

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Thank you Pattie,
Your suggestion of using the breath is truly a master key. In my practice eye have come to accept breathing deeply and consciously and trusting myself as my breath to be very effective. This is now for me the skill which eye have been practicing and perfecting until it has now become my second nature. In this way, conscious deep breathing is my contiouous activity. It is my "BREATH DANCING RITUAL" which eye do all the time.Try it for yourself. Breath dancing is simply paying attention to yourself as your life and breath, "one conscious deep breath at a time"as your permanent life style..
Thank you Patti!
These are the great suggestions, I do agree with what you've said. I feel blessed for all that you're sharing with us all.
To feel the unconditional love, be centered and grounded really are the most important keys. There are some more suggestions, that could be useful for who has never done it before and is not too experienced with it. Partly I want to share it here is that we had the collective meditation in Estonia for keeping some oak trees from brutally cutting down and this was announced through the internet list. There were some people, who had never done it before and here is something that happened to one woman. She was trying to send out the energy and everything was pretty well until she got scared that maybe she will lose all of her energy, if she is sending it out to somewhere so much. Then she instantly blacked out after thinking that and getting scared. So it is never too much said that how important is to stay in feeling of love. Before sending the energy to somewhere in whatever the purpose to help it is, it is NECESSARY TO FEEL THE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE INSIDE and to keep the feeling. The first of all it is needed to feel the love to yourself, it has nothing to do with being selfish or something. Then to get the connection with ones, we know and love, it should be easy for everyone to do. After it the loving connection with all the people and all living creatures. Then to feel the connection with the Earth and the Sun, all the planets, stars & etc. (It is not needed to move fast from one to another, more important is to get the feeling inside.) It should be understood that there are the worlds invisible as well, that is why it is vital to feel the unconditional love. Feeling the love inside keeps us safe, while meditating. What is really good about it is that it is impossible to feel the love and feel the fear at the same time.
So if the meditation has the intension to help someone, it is really needed to feel the love and connection with everything before starting to send the energy. When helping someone without the knowing you want to help, it is needed to ask the permission in deepness of the heart and feel the answer. When going to visit someone, we usually give a call and knock on the door, before getting in, it is the same with meditation.
Also it is really important not to expect too much from the first time, as the deepest feelings can be a little bit blocked by the how we are used to defend ourselves in daily lives. It is better to understand that meditation is also the part of our life, not to use it just for escaping from reality.
The feeling is like a compressed thought, it has much information in it. When finding difficulties with getting the loving feelings, it is good to remind some experience from our life when we felt happy and imagine as if it would be happening in the presence. If some painful feelings come out during the meditation, then it shows the way for what is needed to be cleaned inside. They won't go just by pushing them down, it just blocks all the feelings. When some painful memories from the past come, it is great to forgive all those who caused the pain and for ourselves, that we've been keeping these feelings inside for so long. Sometimes it feels hard to let go. Then it can be done with many times using the meditation. The memory can get even clearer, but the pain will go. Then we know that we are healed. Removing the pain can bring enormous amount of life energy back to our presence and we can live our lives more filled with joy and happiness.
These are just some things valuable for beginning. Love and harmony for you all, who'd like to get started with practicing the meditation. Love and blessings for the all! Thank you so much.
Thanks to all here whose postings may be simple but necessary reminders to me.



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