Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

"The brightest, most successful and ambitious of these will emerge as truly Sovereign Individuals."
In response to your article on Sovereign Individuals, I 'd like to share my perspectives on such ones.

My understanding of holding sovereignty on oneself is choosing one's experiences. Holding firm, unshakable boundaries over what one will and will not allow into one's energetic system. contrating to engage with individuals who are holding unconditional love and beyond . and of course holding unconditional love and beyond in oneself. This requires a fierce dedication and unflinching will to align to one's highest truth. and to release anything from one's system that is less than one's highest, brightest, clearest potential.

I know there is still more to add. Please do.

By all definitions of what most of us do now, this is a tall order and it is doable.

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I'm going ot reply soon, need some quiet time and nows not it - but this is a important subject, and it's on my list.

Here's my book related to the Sovereign Individual, I uploaded it for all who wish to read it.

Providing a equal forum for people to interact as sovereigns, something not possible under the laws applying to citizens of competing states, is One purpose of the Free Digital Universe; a place where sovereign individuals interact through Avatars derived from a "Sovereign Digital Soule."

It truly is doable! In law, "consideration sets the law forum" - meaning the "money" you use defines who has authority over it's use, taxation, and law as applied to you, it's user. To empower Sovereign Individuals, we'll need new, free law forums where the inherent sovereignty (based on our spiritual character) of the Individual is recognized; and alternative forms of freer currency/"consideration" (mediums of exchange) that honors the sacred labor of each individual. With the advent of Cyber-Space this is not only do-able, it's being Done!
Sovereignty is important because it is the very nature of our Self as free will beings, the common denominator in each of our personal relationships to the Creator/Source of life, whatever you may call it.

Until the people of diverse cultures recognize the inherent nature of the sovereignty of every other person, irrespective of differences in belief, color, politics, or other affinity divisions; the suffering caused by competition and fear will continue on this planet. A holistic approach must be developed, one which recognizes the sovereignty of each individual.

The Dalai Lama summed up well the characteristics of sovereignty (as we mean for the word to be used) as a combination of liberty, freedom, and nature; when he stated on October 21, 2007:

"Brute force can never subdue the basic human desire for freedom. Freedom is the very source of creativity and human development. It is not enough to provide people with food, shelter and clothing. If we have these things but lack the precious air of liberty to sustain our deeper nature, we remain only half human."

Sovereignty is partly the freedom to joyfully create your life, your own unique truth, and live it in harmony with the rest of creation; even more than that, sovereignty is the character and nature of our consciousness, spirit, Soul, existence. Sovereignty is always waiting to be remembered and claimed as it is your very nature, it can never be lost - only forgotten by the mind. To claim (remember) your sovereignty requires exploration into self-knowledge, and engagement of the mind on the more subtle aspects of creation, to look inward with the mind as opposed to outward. Outward people interact in fictional realm called "commerce" through legal people called citizens. Remember that you are not a fiction, a number, nor even the thing named - You Are Consciousness, Reality, Truth - should you forget who you are, the Self, confusion and misery are the result.
Oh, gee, I did not realize I started a discussion. I thought I was commenting. Anyway,many great ideas are flowing here.
Let's look at just one.

Such as...

"Sovereignty is partly the freedom to joyfully create your life, your own unique truth, and live it in harmony with the rest of creation; even more than that, sovereignty is the character and nature of our consciousness, spirit, Soul, existence. Sovereignty is always waiting to be remembered and claimed as it is your very nature, it can never be lost - only forgotten by the mind.
We can find comfort and support to keep moving forward on self discovery with this statement above.Stopping to smell the roses is an easy way to open the doors to this way of being.

I love that u point the reader in the direction of finding sovereignty, for self reflection is a major key to interrrupting the cycles of self imposed victimization we attract to ourselves.

To claim (remember) your sovereignty requires exploration into self-knowledge, and engagement of the mind on the more subtle aspects of creation, to look inward with the mind as opposed to outward. Outward people interact in fictional realm called "commerce" through legal people called citizens. Remember that you are not a fiction, a number, nor even the thing named - You Are Consciousness, Reality, Truth - should you forget who you are, the Self, confusion and misery are the result."

Yes, its a bit of a jump for some of us to go from being ourselves walking around in the world responding to the stimulus therein to "you are consciousness, reality, truth."

In your vision ,how could life be different if one knows oneself as consciousness, reality, and truth?
warm regards,
"In your vision ,how could life be different if one knows oneself as consciousness, reality, and truth?"

Life is different when one knows who they are, and how the laws of the natural universe work (in other words - truth) because you can then become the conscious creator of your life experience. By knowing universal or spiritual laws you can trump those laws of man which would otherwise subjugate you, the reason being is "you don't buy into them." Remember, whatever you believe to be true, whatever you give credence too, creates your personal reality; in other words - our beliefs create our reality. The question is, where is your flow of consciousness, what is your Truth?

GOOD THREAD! Keep it up! here's some attachments people following this thread might like access too, (see attached documents) said:
"In your vision ,how could life be different if one knows oneself as consciousness, reality, and truth?"

Life is different when one knows who they are, and how the laws of the natural universe work (in other words - truth) because you can then become the conscious creator of your life experience. By knowing universal or spiritual laws you can trump those laws of man which would otherwise subjugate you, the reason being is "you don't buy into them." Remember, whatever you believe to be true, whatever you give credence too, creates your personal reality; in other words - our beliefs create our reality. The question is, where is your flow of consciousness, what is your Truth?




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