Tonight, April 15th on OM Times/Onefeather Journal Radio:
Onefeather has a revealing and enlightening discussion with Christopher Buck of Humanity Healing Foundation and OM Times Magazine.
Chris recently returned from Africa where HHF is establishing camps and resources for displaced children that have been subjected to ongoing tribulation and chaos for the last 5 generations and more. In Uganda, orphaned and internally displaced children in the northern refugee camps are suffering, having been marginalized by ongoing conflicts throughout the region.
Forty children at a time will be expatriated from the camps, enrolled in a partner NGO school for primary education and entered into the work-study program. This combination of education and vocational skills will empower these children, and allow them to be reintegrated into the dynamics of society and their communities. Basically, it will give them a life with the promise of a future that is filled with accomplishment beyond mere survival.
Humanity Healing Foundation Website (
Your donations and supportive prayers & meditations on behalf of the children of Uganda will make all the difference in this cycle of healing and renewal!