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Onefeather Journal Radio

The new BlogRadioShow flying the mastheads of HHN ~ & OM Times Magazine

Location: Earth & Eternity
Members: 12
Latest Activity: May 1, 2018

Onefeather Journal Radio
The Latest Entire Radio Edition of Onefeather Journal Radio:
The latest Entire Edition of OM Times Radio Show Artist, writer and intuitive, Chris Anderson/Onefeather has spent the last forty years in a variety of creative and spiritual pursuits that have ultimately caused him to place his identity away from the corporeal personality and more toward recognizing “self” entirely as spirit. Educated in both the values of the prevailing society as well as having been raised by grandparents who contributed Native American spiritual and ethical insight to his growth, he now has devoted his life to mystical spirituality and unraveling the grand questions of life: Who are we? Where did we come from? Where are we going? His new radio talk show/blog is a vehicle where Onefeather is able to dialogue with people and interview individuals who are committed to “doing the work”, to participating in the current wave of expanding consciousness. Over the coming months he'll be interviewing people who are implementing a variety of skills, healing modalities and spiritual practices that are a part of this quickening... a quickening that appears to be gaining momentum in the global awakening unfolding in the minds of mankind. The “Spirit” of humanity has struggled for eons with issues of survival, identity and visions of the future... the future is now upon us. Let's examine it, let's talk about how we feel, who we see ourselves becoming and how we can lift each other up with compassion and Grace. Join Chris and his guest hosts as they explore a wide variety of subjects during the coming months on blogtalkradio! Check out his YouTube Channel at: Here are additional places where you can find Chris/Onefeather... join the tribe and embrace Life in expectation of Signs and Wonders, Miracles and Awakenings. Visit Onefeather Journal Radio

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Discussion Forum

April 15: The Christopher Buck Interview!

Tonight, April 15th on OM Times/Onefeather Journal Radio:Onefeather has a revealing and enlightening discussion with Christopher Buck of Humanity Healing Foundation and OM Times Magazine. Chris…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather Apr 9, 2010.

The Toronto Pictures Interview!

OM Times Magazine in association with Onefeather Journal Radio and Humanity Healing Network is pleased to present an interview of Toronto Pictures founder, Director Bruno Pischiutta and Executive…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather Apr 9, 2010.

The Kristin Reitter Interview!

Listen to the entire interview here! Onefeather and Kristin Reitter (aka The Full Moon Goddess), a music and sound therapist and healer, discussed music, healing modalities and a wide variety of…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather Apr 8, 2010.

The Trevor Hall Interview

Join Host Chris Anderson/Onefeather and cohost Twylah Bleu with an interview of recording Artist Trevor Hall, a part of the new wave of consciously evolving artists who are committed to bringing…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather Apr 8, 2010.

The Swami Beyondananda Interview

Join Onefeather and Steve Bhaerman as they dialogue about life in the material world, contemplate all the possible conspiracies that might be directing mankind's future and share a few well placed…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather Apr 8, 2010.

12 Seconds for Peace: The Steve Gooch Interview

The Steve Gooch Interview 12 Seconds for Peace... Would you be willing to give that much time out of your many years on Planet Earth?It can be the 12 seconds that's needed to change Humanity and…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather Apr 7, 2010.

The Christopher Witicki Interview for OM Times Magazine! 1 Reply

OM Times Interview of Christopher Witecki from Chris Anderson/Onefeather on…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather. Last reply by Vicente N. Carranza Mar 30, 2010.

First Flight: Premier of Onefeather Journal

First Flight: The Yuval Ron Interview The Yuval Ron Interview from Chris Anderson/Onefeather on…Continue

Started by Chris Anderson/Onefeather Feb 25, 2010.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Onefeather Journal Radio to add comments!

Comment by The Ancient One on February 26, 2010 at 3:53am
by Edgar Guest

How fine it is at night to say:
"I have not wronged a soul to-day.
I have not by a word or deed,
In any breast sowed anger's seed,
Or caused a fellow being pain;
Nor is there on my crest a stain
That shame has left. In honor's way,
With head erect, I've lived this day."

When night slips down and day departs
And rest returns to weary hearts,
How fine it is to close the book
Of records for the day, and look
Once more along the traveled mile
And find that all has been worth while;
To say: "In honor I have toiled;
My plume is spotless and unsoiled."

Yet cold and stern a man may be
Retaining his integrity;
And he may pass from day to day
A spirit dead, in living clay,
Observing strictly morals, laws,
Yet serving but a selfish cause;
So it is not enough to say:
"I have not stooped to shame to-day!"

It is a finer, nobler thought
When day is done and night has brought
The contemplative hours and sweet,
And rest to weary hearts and feet,
If man can stand in truth and say:
"I have been useful here to-day.
Back there is one I chanced to see
With hope newborn because of me.

"This day in honor I have toiled;
My shining crest is still unsoiled;
But on the mile I leave behind
Is one who says that I was kind;
And someone hums a cheerful song
Because I chanced to come along."
Sweet rest at night that man shall own
Who has not lived his day alone.
Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 25, 2010 at 4:56pm
Spread the Love Harmony With Nature Peace On Earth

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