Architects of a New Dawn

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Anti-war or Peace Activist
Ron Alexander

Peacemaking - How can you "make" peace? How can you make people have peace? Lord, I have tried and tried. I have posted on blogs, sent many emails, letters to editors, made sarcastic remarks, argued, prayed, attended peace vigils, and marched in anti-war parades.

My dear Brother was killed in Viet Nam, quite an impetus to be a “peacemaker”. I was in the Army, and because of him, not in Viet Nam. Barry volunteered to pilot medivac copters, a dangerous mission, as he wanted to save lives rather than kill. He loved the Vietnamese, and all people, that I know of………he was a special beautiful person!

Going to the Viet Nam War Memorial (The Wall), while participating in a Peace March, and getting Barry’s smudge (trace of his name) was a very cathartic experience for me. The long peace march to the shadow of the Pentagon was like flowing in a tide of wonderful humanity, including many youth and Iraq vets and their families. Sure there were radicals from both sides, but overall, walking in peace united in purpose with a large group was wonderful and healing.

When I have found myself in a fighting-rebellious atmosphere in my family and workplace often “making peace" has been like beating my head against the wall. Interestingly, in the old times, guns were called “peacemakers”.

So If I can't "make" peace, what can I do? How can I be a peace blessing to my friends, my community, my family, and the world? I bless myself with a peace of mind first, and then bless others by bringing them my peace - not my arguments, sarcasm and anti-war opinions. It is helpful, to not resist their ideas but listen thoughtfully, ask gentle questions, with possibly a subtle hopefully humorous rebuttal, or at best remain silent and radiate my love and peace . I joyously expect to be the "blessed peace giver"! This newly found philosophy has been much more successful than trying to be a peacemaker, at least to my own peace of mind. Being peaceful takes constant attention for me. If I find that I am having angry fearful thoughts, I go to work on my thinking. My favorite tools are
meditating (Vipassana, I find is deepest) reading inspirational literature, and journalling inspirational sentences & affirmations daily. Moment to moment, I find peace within by praying without ceasing. This deep peace at the center of my being radiates outward to all that I meet and beyond! I am so grateful!

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My brother, Tim, was also in Vietnam (101st Airborne) and got out in summer of 1968. He was among the ones who survived. He used to be kind of a racist and hung out with only Mexicans from our home in Chicago. Since Vietnam and there, he was transformed and now is a peace person who embraces everyone in love. This is truly a wonderful event of so long now. My sister started the Port Alberni Environmental Coalition in Port Alberni, BC, Canada. I live in Seattle now since 12/23/77. I love it here, but want to travel more to be more active in this movement to create peace. I am learning to meditate more and talk less. lol With thoughts, Jane
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew 5; 9,
And he said to unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
Revelation 10; 11.

In Peace Forever

I supprt Peace 365.
God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

Marek hope not to sound defensive here, but Bible has been through at least 7 languages since the original language of Jesus - Aramaic - "peacegivers" fits Jesus's language better than "peacemakers." to giving peace, ron

Marek Zielinski said:
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew 5; 9,
And he said to unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.
Revelation 10; 11.

In Peace Forever

I supprt Peace 365.



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