Architects of a New Dawn

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Peace Portal

Holistic discussions and solutions for attaining greater Peace, personally and in the world. Where the AOAND Group "New Age Solutions" deals with living system technology (energy, water, soil, shelter, etc..) this group addresses spirit, feeling.

Location: cyber space
Members: 73
Latest Activity: Sep 29, 2014

Peace Portal ~ Peace Day

Peace Portal is a sustainable Solutions & Project Networking Community located at ~ have solutions to share, a peace to express? Do it here!

Our main outreach project is the International Peace Day Global Broadcast through which we share solutions, Peace Builders, and Non-Governmental organizations helping to improve the planet and peoples lives. Help us make Peace Day everyday, and tell us, "What's Your Peace?".
Please support our community by joining the community & linking to us at

Discussion Forum

2010 UN Day of Peace Global Broadcast Event

Started by Peace Portal Feb 15, 2010.

Peace E-Currency 1 Reply

Started by Peace Portal. Last reply by Deborah J. Boyd Jan 29, 2010.

Blessed are the PeaceGivers 3 Replies

Started by Ron Alexander. Last reply by Ron Alexander Oct 13, 2009.

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Comment by Steve H on August 12, 2012 at 12:08pm

Happy Peace Day everyone!

Comment by Steve H on July 1, 2012 at 9:10pm

Glad you agree Deborah, I feel the more the better. Kind of like how a maple tree sends out millions of seeds, it knows at least one will be a tree of the same size it is years from then.

Speaking of spreading Peace, I just got this:

  On July 6, the His Holiness the Dalai Lama will celebrate his 77th birthday. To help celebrate, we’re asking you to show your commitment to peace in Tibet by sending him a birthday message.
By sending your card, you will help:
Show the Dalai Lama that we stand with him and the people of Tibet.
Focus global attention on the fatal shooting of unarmed demonstrators, the detention of political prisoners , and the self-immolation protests.
Work for the sustainability of Tibetan communities in exile, thus ensuring the viability of Tibetans and their culture.

Peace to All,

Comment by Deborah J. Boyd on July 1, 2012 at 6:05am

Steve H., I had someone ask me, one time a few years ago, if I considered other organizations for Peace on Earth as competition. I replied that each person who thinks enough of World Peace to join any organization is a step in the right direction. There are as many paths to Peace as there are to God.I think music is a wonderful way to Peace.

Comment by Steve H on July 1, 2012 at 2:16am

I have a project where we get together and make Music for Peace. We start with a focus on inner Peace and have the intention that we will infuse it into the music and send it out to all Earth and all her inhabitants. Positive energy is vital in the transformation that is happening and for us to achieve a loving Peaceful planet.  There are many things everyone can do and not all of them must be physically in the same place as others. Join with people when you can or just pray or  meditate and create, poetry, whatever. It spreads positive energy, strengthens your spirit and encourages others to do the same and on it goes....

Thanks and Peace,


Comment by Ron Tocknell on August 6, 2011 at 7:48am

Getting the message out is only the start, Larry. Governments are at the mercy of the corporations that generate revenue and provide employment so, despite the fact that we elect our 'leaders' (and note that the only available candidates are those whose background is in corporate law, corporate accountancy, business leaders etc. whose priorities are serving corporate interests), there are no 'free countries' until we insist that we select our own candidates that represent the interests of society.

The elected 'leaders' will not compromise the interests of the corporations, which, in turn, will not compromise the status quo on which they depend.

What is the key to power? MONEY. And what is money? An idea and nothing more. Is a dollar bill equal in value to the things that can be purchased for a dollar? Of course not. It is just paper. A coin is just a disk of cheap alloy. Money is just data and has no intrinsic value. People say that the "value" of their home has either increased or decreased in varying economic climates? Has it really? Does it house more people when it increases or does a room suddenly disappear when it decreases? Of course not. The "value" of a home is in the comfort, protection and shelter it provides. Only the price of a home can vary and this is because price is fictional. Value is real. Money is a fiction that is used to regulate the distribution of goods. It is an illusion and it only works the way it does because we all buy into the illusion.


So I'll ask again: what is the key to power? An ILLUSION.


We can't take the key off them.... but we can change the locks. We can stop buying into the illusion.


We need to stop expecting those whose interests are served by the status quo to change it. It aint gonna happen.


The message we need to get out is not to congressmen or senators or even the President. It is to you and me and the guy next door. The message is: "Get off your knees and start taking society in the direction it needs to go"

Comment by larry on August 6, 2011 at 5:54am
Even in the free countries, ther is a direct correlation between the income disparity betwwen rich and poor and violence in society.  Japan and Norway have the smallest wealth gap among the develped world and they also have the lowest levels of violent crime.  It is not a coincedence.  the wealth gap feeds crime.  So, if the US raises taxes on the rich, it will create jobs, improve education, improve infrastucture, make America more competitive AND lower crime rates.  How can we get this message out???
Comment by Angel Callings Sanctuary® on July 28, 2011 at 9:22pm
 " When the power of  love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."  Jimi Hendrix
Comment by Peace Portal on December 9, 2010 at 11:09am

Comment by Ron Tocknell on July 20, 2010 at 5:29am
There are a number of groups on AOAND that either promote taking a non violent stand against those who allude to power to the detriment of us all or offer sustainable alternatives to the current unacceptable status quo.

The way I see it, if we're all going in the same direction, it would help if we could all join hands. We need unity on this. I would urge all who feel strongly to join and lend support to any of the groups below of which you are not already a member. This will give us all equal access to shared information and ideas. Let's please unite and share.
Comment by Peace Portal on June 26, 2010 at 3:54pm


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