Maria Moyano Co-founder.
How the Angel Callings Sanctuary ® Began…
I wish I could say that it was my idea to start the Angel Callings Sancty ®, but it wasn’t. I was guided from the beginning and that steady guidance continues to lead me today. It all began when I thought that I would like to create a Zen garden. Suddenly, a thought entered my mind asking me, “Why not start an angel sanctuary instead?” At the time, I couldn’t understand why. I wondered why an angel sanctuary and why me? This mental tug-of-war went on for several months. The recurring thought to start the sanctuary persisted. When I asked why, I was guided to understand that I was to start the sanctuary to bring people together. Despite the differences that exist among cultures and religions in the world, the common thread among many is their belief in angels. I was led to understand that even my name was part of this sacred plan. When I asked, “Why me?” I was told, “Aren’t you Maria de Los Angeles (Maria of the Angels), do you think that this is a coincidence?” I realized that this was all part of a plan that I was being guided to follow. I finally understood my mission and began working to start the angel sanctuary. I slowly acquired angel statues to adorn the grounds. Many days as I worked on my sanctuary I would look up at the sky and see angels among the clouds. You can see many of those amazing images on my website. With each angel that graces the sky, I am once again reminded of this important journey. A joyous and inspirational journey that I hope others will take with me. Those who visit this special place will feel the peace and tranquility that exists here because you will be among angels.

For more information on holding your spiritual gathering at the Angel Callings Sanctuary ® (
www.angelcallings.com) please contact us: EMAIL ADDRESS: angelcallings.@yahoo.com or call: 954-806-3423

Ms. Leilani Schmidt~Graham, a native Hawaiian, is a vibrant speaker and engages the show guests as well as the listeners with a positive and spiritual attitude about LIFE. She pursues compelling and exciting topics and draws out her guests to interact with her call-in listeners to create a greater understanding of the subject and how it relates to our world today. Leilani is also a Reverend, Spiritual Teacher, International Speaker, Founder of the Multi-Dimensional Healers of Arizona®, a Kahu Healer and a Teacher of Universal En Sof
Leilani is dedicated to the Voice of, "We the People" and all its many facets as the wave of the future to bring forth to the People, Truth, Knowledge, Wisdom and the Understanding that "We are all One" and that each of us and our experiences affect One Another thus empowering the Voice of "We the People" to be heard worldwide and translate into an everlasting Love and Peace for Humanity.

The Universal Spiritual Connection®, Live Radio Show "a great beacon of "Light and Hope," "Bridging the Gap" between all peoples and cultures around the Worlds
This show is Fun and opens up a whole new world of exciting topics and "Welcomes" your Questions and Comments. The show explores a variety of subjects from the Spiritual Eastern, Western and Native American Indian beliefs to the basic concepts of Love and Success.
Join us today as we explore such subjects as: Quantum Physics, Scientific discoveries, Health, Metaphysical concepts, Eastern and Western Wisdom's and Universal Laws with the intent to give all Listener's subjects with substance for contemplation and exploration.
Come and join us weekly every Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm pacific @
www.blogtalkradio.com/universal-spiritual-connection Our SHOW CALL IN NUMBER: 347.994.3992
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You are more than dust and bones.
You are spirit and power and image of God.
And you have been given Today."
— Shauna Niequist (Cold Tangerines: Celebrating the Extraordinary Nature of Everyday Life)
Thank you for reaching out to me ..
I will check your web energies as soon as I free up!
I am sure there is a difference to contribute to ..

"Appreciate" You !! :)Sincerely...

jbI AM so greatful to be apart of the Angel Callings Sanctuary...a true blessing. So many people will be amazed just how many Angel's make themselves know to the people that come to be of greater service to humanity at the center...thank you!
Together sharing a place of Unity and equal common ground for all peoples and cultures. A Unity not built on separation and blindness, but a solid foundation built on the respect for all walks of life molded byt the thirst of the people for change. In Unity...bridging the Gap for world peace and love.
The Universal Spiritual Connection®, Live Radio Show "a great beacon of "Light and Hope," "Bridging the Gap" between all peoples and cultures around the World.
This show is Fun and opens up a whole new world of exciting topics and "Welcomes" your Questions and Comments. The show explores a variety of subjects from the Spiritual Eastern, Western and Native American Indian beliefs to the basic concepts of Love and Success.
Join us today as we explore such subjects as: Quantum Physics, Scientific discoveries, Health, Metaphysical concepts, Eastern and Western Wisdom's and Universal Laws with the intent to give all Listener's subjects with substance for contemplation and exploration.
Come and join us weekly every Tuesday & Thursday from 6:00 pm ~ 8:00 pm pacific @ www.blogtalkradio.com/universal-spiritual-connection Our SHOW CALL IN NUMBER: 347.994.3992
Gods Love,
Talk Radio Show Host