Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.


Positive Action

This is a group for discussing ideas and options for positive actions we can each use in our own lives. Have you stopped using services or items because of morally dubious actions? Do you know of a positive action that could use our support?

Members: 8
Latest Activity: Dec 26, 2011

Discussion Forum

Cash only 1 Reply

I’ve always had some concerns about banking, especially now that we live in such a digital age that cash is rarely seen. Since our economies recent cash injection the entire financial system seems so…Continue

Started by Ruth Fuller. Last reply by Ron Tocknell Oct 7, 2009.

TV Licencing 1 Reply

I've recently been sent by mistake a copy of the letter that TV Licensing send out to people who don't have a TV license and since asking around I've found out that the same letter is sent regardless…Continue

Started by Ruth Fuller. Last reply by Ron Tocknell Sep 28, 2009.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of Positive Action to add comments!

Comment by Ron Tocknell on July 20, 2010 at 5:34am
There are a number of groups on AOAND that either promote taking a non violent stand against those who allude to power to the detriment of us all or offer sustainable alternatives to the current unacceptable status quo.

The way I see it, if we're all going in the same direction, it would help if we could all join hands. We need unity on this. I would urge all who feel strongly to join and lend support to any of the groups below of which you are not already a member. This will give us all equal access to shared information and ideas. Let's please unite and share.
Comment by Brotherhood Of Eternal Love on February 27, 2010 at 6:25am
Music is looked upon as something serious and holy, designed to purify the feelings of the people. The enthusiasm of the heart expresses itself involuntarily in a burst of song or the rhythmic movement of the body. From immemorial times the inspiring affects that moves all hearts, and draws them together, has mystified mankind.
The ancient kings made music in order to honor merit, and offered it with splendor to the Supreme Deity inviting their ancestors to be present. In the Temple folks drew near to God with music and pantomimes. The Ancestors were invited to these divine rituals as guests of the ruler of heaven and as representatives of humanity in the higher regions. This uniting of the human past with the Divinity in revering his ancestors with solemn moments of spiritual inspiration established the bond between God and man. Our first Earthdance and Theater.
Comment by Ron Tocknell on September 28, 2009 at 5:56am
What did I tell ya?
Comment by The Ancient One on September 28, 2009 at 5:50am
A Prayer
Max Ehrmann

Let me do my work each day; and if the darkened hours of despair overcome me, may I not forget the strength that comforted me in the desolation of other times.

May I still remember the bright hours that found me walking over the silent hills of my childhood, or dreaming on the margin of a quiet river, when a light glowed within me, and I promised my early God to have courage amid the tempests of the changing years.

Spare me from bitterness and from the sharp passions of unguarded moments. May I not forget that poverty and riches are of the spirit. Though the world knows me not, may my thoughts and actions be such as shall keep me friendly with myself.

Lift up my eyes from the earth, and let me not forget the uses of the stars. Forbid that I should judge others lest I condemn myself. Let me not follow the clamor of the world, but walk calmly in my path.

Give me a few friends who will love me for what I am; and keep ever burning before my vagrant steps the kindly light of hope.

And though age and infirmity overtake me, and I come not within sight of the castle of my dreams, teach me still to be thankful for life, and for time's olden memories that are good and sweet; and may the evening's twilight find me gentle still.

Members (7)



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