Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Hey Peoples!

You are are some of my favorites here on AOAND.

As I ponder this group, I am assuming the main topic refers to how to get back or stay in some sort of "romantic love" sort of scenario....

A plug should be given to the fact that loves can come in different forms and can be quite satisfying: including that for one's pets, children, parents, friends, buddies, God, self, etc.

Just to throw one out there--as my first stab at a discussion group--I wanted to know who believes romantic love is the "highest" form of love.....

And if you agree with the statement, how can one find that love. Many say: "it's when you are not looking, that it is found."

If you think this is corny or rhetoric, that's o.k. to note as well. My feelings won't be too hurt....HA!


Views: 77

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Romantic love is not the highest form of love but AGAPE love is the highest; Agape is a Godly kind of love that sees beyond everything ; it does not look at who you are, what wrong you have done
. Anyone without God’s Holy Spirit dwelling in them is assumed to be utterly incapable of possessing or sharing this special love. This ‘unique’ “agape” love is said to be “God’s Love”, and that no human can “love” with “God’s agape love” unless that person has the Holy Spirit dwelling within them
Thanks Marcelle and Maureen. That's two votes for God! Being a moderator of this discussion to stimulate further thought, I would just have each one to recognize that each of us will view that differently. Many people are agnostic (meaning God would have to be proved to believe), or frankly aetheist (meaning their is a rigid belief in no God). I believe whatever force that directs the natural life is responsible for governing the life of such people as well, ALL of us irrespective of WHAT we do or DON'T believe.

Furthermore, a common proposition in established religious thought is that the love of God works through the acts of people. Some say marriage for example, is 50% of a person's religion in one tradition.

Lastly, I would have you to ponder the fact that how one relates to other's is a direct function of how one view's oneself. So the topic of ego and how we treat ourselves is very important to how love is expressed.

Thus with that, any more votes? HA!
A nice musical commentary on the subject by Rita Marley, wife of Bob......

Some say individuals are most fulfilled when the loving relationship exists.
agape is the highest form of love. it is the giving of love expecting nothing in return. The best example is the love of God for man. we can give nothing to God for all that we have been given.
When you are good to someone you do not know. You may never see the person again. What is interesting is that if you adopt this attitude then good things happen to you. What we put into the World has a way of returning to us.
How many wonderful thoughts:
"When you are good to someone you do not know"
"What we put into the World has a way of returning to us"
"it's when you are not looking, that it is found."
I think about wife and husband which creates new citizens: that is undenyable truth including the responsibility the family has. But who says that love has to create new flesh? For some reason is a game, the game of love in which fortune plays a too much important role and is the most natural form of attraction to many considered as one of the main engine of society.
Instead true love comes from afree. It has to be like "charging the ground with electricity and connect it many miles away"
Instead I am convinced that in each generation knows a degradation, someway we should begin to stop procreating.

Romantic love is a degradation and is in service of the love supreme.
Love supreme goes beyond family, male, female, even one specific religion.
Love supreme is a concept wich goes beyond conquer, majority hooplas, Love supreme is a sort of mystical comunism : "I give as much as possible and take as much as possible with no borders gender or quantity limit"
He Carlos and other childs of visions - music is the engine to make us run in such a way - starting from his inspiring music
Love supreme is beyond god.
1) In the measure that god IS IN THE CENTER of the universe.
2) many religions adore one god but finally god is only one when all dimentions and forces departs and concentrate.
3) Love supreme IS ALL the universe. is intergalacting and its "discovering knows no end"
That's the reason why many child of vision never get old like Carlos.
4) Instead there's so much greed in a single bridegroom's family and even god idealism could lead to wars which are not good

Lorenzo Abbiati said:
How many wonderful thoughts:
"When you are good to someone you do not know"
"What we put into the World has a way of returning to us"
"it's when you are not looking, that it is found."
I think about wife and husband which creates new citizens: that is undenyable truth including the responsibility the family has. But who says that love has to create new flesh? For some reason is a game, the game of love in which fortune plays a too much important role and is the most natural form of attraction to many considered as one of the main engine of society.
Instead true love comes from afree. It has to be like "charging the ground with electricity and connect it many miles away"
Instead I am convinced that in each generation knows a degradation, someway we should begin to stop procreating.

Romantic love is a degradation and is in service of the love supreme.
Love supreme goes beyond family, male, female, even one specific religion.
Love supreme is a concept wich goes beyond conquer, majority hooplas, Love supreme is a sort of mystical comunism : "I give as much as possible and take as much as possible with no borders gender or quantity limit"
He Carlos and other childs of visions - music is the engine to make us run in such a way - starting from his inspiring music
Hierarchical question:
devotion cannot be felt in pairs.
Mentors "hate" their disciples and mentors are afraid their disciples to create a different "sympatetic but accomodating path"
Disciples do not need to shake mentor's hand because they are already blending with them - the whole.
The little inside the bigger. But the bigger lives with many little.
"it's like ejaculating current into the ground: it's many difficult the imprinting and someway difficult collecting. but current in the ground could run many miles like teletrasportation of really buffles are only to try it!!


Lorenzo Abbiati said:
Love supreme is beyond god.
1) In the measure that god IS IN THE CENTER of the universe.
2) many religions adore one god but finally god is only one when all dimentions and forces departs and concentrate.
3) Love supreme IS ALL the universe. is intergalacting and its "discovering knows no end"
That's the reason why many child of vision never get old like Carlos.
4) Instead there's so much greed in a single bridegroom's family and even god idealism could lead to wars which are not good

Lorenzo Abbiati said:
How many wonderful thoughts:
"When you are good to someone you do not know"
"What we put into the World has a way of returning to us"
"it's when you are not looking, that it is found."
I think about wife and husband which creates new citizens: that is undenyable truth including the responsibility the family has. But who says that love has to create new flesh? For some reason is a game, the game of love in which fortune plays a too much important role and is the most natural form of attraction to many considered as one of the main engine of society.
Instead true love comes from afree. It has to be like "charging the ground with electricity and connect it many miles away"
Instead I am convinced that in each generation knows a degradation, someway we should begin to stop procreating.

Romantic love is a degradation and is in service of the love supreme.
Love supreme goes beyond family, male, female, even one specific religion.
Love supreme is a concept wich goes beyond conquer, majority hooplas, Love supreme is a sort of mystical comunism : "I give as much as possible and take as much as possible with no borders gender or quantity limit"
He Carlos and other childs of visions - music is the engine to make us run in such a way - starting from his inspiring music
Love without anything in! It can be done but is not easy, especially with the confines of this individualistic and capitalistic society.

I'm sure you have heard John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" from your remarks Lorenzo. What a tribute from a person who was in the last of his days, but had such a profound conviction for developing and honoring the God concept. And with John, he found his equal yolk in Alice, who was quite gifted in her own right as a musician. Mr. Santana is not only so young, but also is so wise for honoring those that set that bar and from whom he drew influence. We are honored to be amongst the midst of these great musical geniuses.

Each of these are powerful lessons in this conception of the "highest form of love."

oh tank you..... we (at least many here in the website) are all aware of being part of the love supreme

drmike said:
Love without anything in! It can be done but is not easy, especially with the confines of this individualistic and capitalistic society.

I'm sure you have heard John Coltrane's "A Love Supreme" from your remarks Lorenzo. What a tribute from a person who was in the last of his days, but had such a profound conviction for developing and honoring the God concept. And with John, he found his equal yolk in Alice, who was quite gifted in her own right as a musician. Mr. Santana is not only so young, but also is so wise for honoring those that set that bar and from whom he drew influence. We are honored to be amongst the midst of these great musical geniuses.

Each of these are powerful lessons in this conception of the "highest form of love."




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