Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

We all have dreams of certain places - places the call us deep in our souls - where's yours?

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Well I certainly hope that you have a bountiful journey! I am excited for you Greg! Take plenty of pictures lol!
~*~ felia
My best friend Catherine now lives in Australia near Perth. I would visit her. I also saw wonderful images of the water caves of Figi. A student of mine told me the water caves had healing powers. My children want to go to Greece and Spain. My Husband likes Spain and Italy. My travel is basically virtual...Gov. Arnie is issuing IOU's and cutting public school funding, That limits California teachers travel plans.
I always wanted to return to Hawaii and I finally did at age 55. This is a very mysterious and spiritual place. I live 5 mi. from where millions of tons of hot molten lava flows out of the ground and into the ocean. Pele, goddess of birth and destruction is busy here. The energy is very high here.
Hey Justin - sounds like you're on the big island?

Justin Williams said:
I always wanted to return to Hawaii and I finally did at age 55. This is a very mysterious and spiritual place. I live 5 mi. from where millions of tons of hot molten lava flows out of the ground and into the ocean. Pele, goddess of birth and destruction is busy here. The energy is very high here.
I'm in the Puna District, south of Hilo on a commune started by street performers. I have a nice garden here. This is a 20 acre 'Kapuka' where the lava has not destroyed the 300 yr. old ohia tree forest. All around is 'ah-ah' from about 70 yrs. ago (lava flow). There is a vibrant community here. Also underground burial caves, steam vents and craters.
Greg, I went to Cambodia and got married there. Went to Angkhor Waht on our honeymoon. I fell in love with the Cambodian people. I miss my (ex) in-laws. Me and a friend want to help some orphans in Takao Province. The place was being run by unscrupulous rip offs. My friend gave the kids string to weave into bracelets that he later sold here in Hawaii. One can help these people while on 'vacation' and for small money. I helped a village put in a pounded well for a grand. They were in a severe drought.

THIS Is from the Movie "Prometheus" I hope that this don't happen in my lifetime? BUt We will never know? DEBRA RINCON LOPEZ in Portland OREGON USA. GOD Isn't going to wait very much longer to get INVOLVED~




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