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Strange Moments in Consciousness


Strange Moments in Consciousness

Location: texas
Members: 23
Latest Activity: May 1, 2018

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Abuse a blessing? .............NO.................not today.

Started by ahimsayinsarawatizen Jan 30, 2009.

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Comment by David Thatcher on January 27, 2009 at 9:28pm
Thought I'd seize the opportunity to express an initial thought here. When I saw the title of this discussion I had to sign up because my life has been filled to overflowing with an uncommon array of unusual, if not strange, moments in consciousness. These moments actually stretch into an overarching awareness and memory of human history through the past 18,000 years. How's that for strange?!

My first memory from childhood is at 30 days of age, astral travelling, being out of body. I recall many early childhood experiences--so early that friends in the helping professions have asked me if I was sexually abused as a young child.

My book, The Cosmic Alarm Clock and its website reveal several of my strange moments/experiences in consciousness. These include past life recall--from seven nite long vividly detailed memories as an employee of the CPR in Manitoba and Quebec, from June 1883 to October of 1912, in my immediately prior incarnation, to current, real time surveillance of the nationwide crackdown all over China, the nite of the Tiannenmen Square revolt in Bejing in 1989. I spent many nites, from the age of 13 thru 41, serving as an intercessor, assisting political prisoners all over the globe, most often during or immediately following torture sessions. I've remote viewed high level banking meetings in a highly guarded chalet in Switzerland and observed and listened in on specific schemes to carry forward detailed plans leading to total domination of the world by some clever, nefarious characters. I've seen how and when conscious separation from Spirit began back in Lemuria several thousand years ago.

All very interesting. All this has been both blessing and curse, because I've had to incorporate extensive first hand experience of all this in a world which dominantly views such insight as delusional. True for any who have explored beyond the box of standard-issue human consciousness.

As I've explored my deepening inner work, staying with pain/extraordinary experience, accepting it, letting it wash deeply into me--I've seen the infant and early childhood abuse I've often been asked about. Have you noticed how widespread sexual, especially early childhood sexual abuse is among us "lightworkers"? What a gift! I think such abuse, as we allow ourselves to truly, deeply process the trauma and allow healing to move into blissful thankfulness, it can be seen that such abuse actually is a gift. It has allowed the "vessel" of the human vehicle to be cracked. As some forgotten pundit once declared, "The light shines most brightly through the cracks in the vessel." So the light of consciousness is allowed to remain out of body, connected to normal waking frequency, able to travel and experience in ways others not so damaged are not as readilly able to consciously experience and recall. I say this because I believe we all have extensive paranormal experience. Most simply do not recall such experience as they return to the narrow bandwide of nomal waking consciousness.

So there we have a few initial thoughts. I look forward to seeing where this wee beginning takes us.


David Thatcher

Members (23)



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