Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Good Morning beautiful people!!!! What kind thing will you do today? Post it and let us know. Conscious Kindness can change the world!

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Last night at a birthday party for a very sweet generous friend at her house overlooking marsh, creeks, an inlet and an uninhabited island (I call the "Isle of Light"). A bright couple subtly handed out a sheet of paper for everyone to write on " what we love about Jackie". When we were near end of sumptious feast, and our host Jackie finally had sat down, I suggested we go around circle and say what we loved about her & how we got to know her. The couple had already written theirs, so Dr. Ben & his healer/artist wife Cayenne read & their words were "sweet as honey, soothing to the soul and healing to the bone."
Jackie had tears in her eyes and I think everyone else did also. Jackie got back to hosting & serving so we did not get to complete that circle of appreciation, but the rest of us have that colorful sheet of paper to write on at our leisure.

Today in the afterglow of this One-der-full celebration of Jackie's truly rich life, I am going to pay alot of attention to "what I love about Jackie" and may hand deliver it to her, as I left a few things over there anyway. Another excuse "to go back to the island, to watch the sun go down, to watch the sun go down" - part of a visit to Jackie usually includes a delightful walk on the beach of the wild island. The "isle of Light" is where I walk regularly to help protect the Loggerhead Turtle nests, but that is early in AM. It seems to be always a colorful neverending sunset when I walk with Jackie and her fun dog Yennie, and usually includes a prayer/meditation of gratitude.

Jackie is a Light Teacher trained by Will Goure at the Light Center near Black Mountain, N. C. She is following in the footsteps of her conservationist philanthropic Mother, who also trained with Dr. Goure. Her Mother donated !/3 of the barrier island to the local Coastal Carolina University. This University is in charge of the turtle nest protection, and does alot of research in the marine area around the isle. They are in the process of building an all green (leeds cert.) Marine Lab adjacent to island, and I am encouraging them to research growing algae (in a very controlled manner) out there for its use as a biodiesel fuel.

Jackie, a retired English teacher, was educated at an Ivy League school with a study semester in Europe. Now she spends alot of time at a nearby Spiritual Center and leads a Light Conscious Prayer at her home once a week.
When I asked her why she & her Mother decided to settle here in this bible belt red state, she said one of her Mother's favorite replies was "well, you know this is missionary territory." How true!

Jackie is always "late", yet now we just chuckle and know it as Jackie's "Divine Time"!

Where ever Jackie is - is light, joy, peace, hope, service, art, music, nurturing & laughter! Ah, and the talented sweet sensitive friends she has reflected into her truly abundant circle of light! I am so honored to be a part of that growing international circle. Soon there will be a "artist creative spiritual Light" retreat on her land just across from the Isle of Light fulfilling her long time dream. Y'all come, ya hear?

You are quite an amazing role model & teacher! Jackie, thank you for being my friend & I joyously expect many more sumptious birthday feasts! My mouth is watering reflecting on the grilled sauteed local jumbo shrimp, the sweet corn perfectly cooked in its wrappings on the same grill. And the homemade apple birthday cake with the cinnamon ice cream - whew! I have to keep swallowing the water gushing in my mouth.

Jackie is a great example of 'Conscious Kindness" changing the world!

Word of the Day (

Only gratefulness, in the form of limitless openness for surprise, lays hold of the fullness of life in hope.

David Steindl-Rast
Gratefulness, the Heart of Prayer (This is one of Jackie's favorite books also).

Spirit Walker, thanks for giving me a forum to write these delicious memories mostly now only 12 hours old! Ron
I love this story from your life. It reads like a novel and anyone who reads it would surely want to be a part of it. Jackie is a beautiful soul and that completely shines through in your writing. Thanks for sharing Ron and thanks for being such a consistent contributor to Conscious Kindness. Have an awesome day!
One love,
Jackie asked me to correct one thing. The founder fo the Light Center was Dr. Jim Goure, while Will is his son, who I have met several times. I have added an aerial photo of this beautiful area. And thanks to you, Spirit Walker, for starting this page. Here is a poem inspired by my magnificent Unity Minister's Memorial Day's Sermon today - Rev. Margaret:

We Wounded Warriors
(In Memory of my Brother Barry Died While Saving Lives as a Pilot of a Medivac helicopter)
Ron Alexander

we wounded warriors
are veterans
of the battlefield
of the heart
all have been hurt
had hearts broken
several times
many times
for most sensitive
healing hearts
disabled or enabled
transforming brokenness
into openness
breaking hearts
wide open
able to receive
love in &
give love out
from & to
an enabled
wide open heart
becomes a healer
of the One Heart
I don't find the pic. I would love to see it. Your tribute to Barry is beautiful.

Ron Alexander said:
Jackie asked me to correct one thing. The founder fo the Light Center was Dr. Jim Goure, while Will is his son, who I have met several times. I have added an aerial photo of this beautiful area. And thanks to you, Spirit Walker, for starting this page. Here is a poem inspired by my magnificent Unity Minister's Memorial Day's Sermon today - Rev. Margaret:

We Wounded Warriors
(In Memory of my Brother Barry Died While Saving Lives as a Pilot of a Medivac helicopter)
Ron Alexander

we wounded warriors
are veterans
of the battlefield
of the heart
all have been hurt
had hearts broken
several times
many times
for most sensitive
healing hearts
disabled or enabled
transforming brokenness
into openness
breaking hearts
wide open
able to receive
love in &
give love out
from & to
an enabled
wide open heart
becomes a healer
of the One Heart
Kind of sideways look from helicopter - to the left is the beach of the Isle of Light - the light blue is the ocean - the causeway is how we get there, unless we take a boat through the inlet.

This is house where Jackie lives. The inlet would be at bottom of photo not seen - there is a canal there, built by her grandfather and uncle for access to inlet to ocean.

This is a short story of a friend who, when I first met her, had mostly negative judgemental ideas. She asks me to read her a "treatment" everyday. "Treatments" are really readings from Ernest Holmes Daily Wisdom. Here is a sample quote: Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect Love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well-being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force animating from the living God.

Anyway, this friend has always tried to recruit me for a sales position with her. I even tried it out once last year. It was not for me. That was last year, now she is describing her colleagues as a beautiful married couple - she a Russian and he an Armenian. She says they just "ooze forth a loving essence that makes her work so much easier." Her description has almost convinced me to try working with her again. Anyway, I want to meet that couple, and I am delighted that my friend has attracted such "beautiful" colleagues.
Like attracts like. Sometimes we don't realize out true essence until we really take a look inside our selves. Some of the things we find will amaze us. I believe people can change, in fact I know they can from personal experience. What a beautiful thing!

Ron Alexander said:
This is a short story of a friend who, when I first met her, had mostly negative judgemental ideas. She asks me to read her a "treatment" everyday. "Treatments" are really readings from Ernest Holmes Daily Wisdom. Here is a sample quote: Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect Love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well-being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force animating from the living God.

Anyway, this friend has always tried to recruit me for a sales position with her. I even tried it out once last year. It was not for me. That was last year, now she is describing her colleagues as a beautiful married couple - she a Russian and he an Armenian. She says they just "ooze forth a loving essence that makes her work so much easier." Her description has almost convinced me to try working with her again. Anyway, I want to meet that couple, and I am delighted that my friend has attracted such "beautiful" colleagues.
I was the guest speaker at a Baha'i Devotional/Worship service. I did a musical presentation which culminated in declaring that small acts of service to others bring joy and unity to the world; that work done in the spirit of service to humanity is worshipping God; that there is only one race, the human race.
More & more people are beginning to "wake up" and realize that we are all one. It's a beautiful thing. Still lots of work to be done, but I have high hopes.
Love, RC

Walter Heath said:
I was the guest speaker at a Baha'i Devotional/Worship service. I did a musical presentation which culminated in declaring that small acts of service to others bring joy and unity to the world; that work done in the spirit of service to humanity is worshipping God; that there is only one race, the human race.
Again, thank you, Walter!

Baha'i Writings -- Be As One Spirit
(from Ron's friend, Sally - a brilliant artist & poet and a Baha'i)

Let your hearts reflect the glories of the Sun of Truth
in their many colors to gladden the eye of the divine
Cultivator Who has nourished them.
Day by day become more closely attracted
in order that the love of God may illumine all those
with whom you come in contact.
Be as one spirit, one soul, leaves of one tree,
flowers of one garden, waves of one ocean
yes can

patience out in the world, smile as i notice what is amazing, as i notice that all of it is part of the flow, and all is well...
help my bro with something he forgot, visit with his elderly cat for a while...
back home to be kind to myself, eat some wonderful food, drink lots of water - and be patient with my own sweet self as well.




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