We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Jackie asked me to correct one thing. The founder fo the Light Center was Dr. Jim Goure, while Will is his son, who I have met several times. I have added an aerial photo of this beautiful area. And thanks to you, Spirit Walker, for starting this page. Here is a poem inspired by my magnificent Unity Minister's Memorial Day's Sermon today - Rev. Margaret:
We Wounded Warriors
(In Memory of my Brother Barry Died While Saving Lives as a Pilot of a Medivac helicopter)
Ron Alexander
we wounded warriors
are veterans
of the battlefield
of the heart
all have been hurt
had hearts broken
several times
many times
for most sensitive
healing hearts
disabled or enabled
transforming brokenness
into openness
breaking hearts
wide open
able to receive
love in &
give love out
from & to
an enabled
wide open heart
becomes a healer
of the One Heart
This is a short story of a friend who, when I first met her, had mostly negative judgemental ideas. She asks me to read her a "treatment" everyday. "Treatments" are really readings from Ernest Holmes Daily Wisdom. Here is a sample quote: Today my love goes out to all people and all things. There is no fear in this love for "Perfect Love casts out all fear." There is no doubt in this love, for faith penetrates all doubt and reveals a unity at the center of all things that embraces everything. This love flowing through me harmonizes everything in my experience, brings a sense of security, brings forth gladness to all and well-being to everyone. I realize that the love flowing through and around me and all things is one vast all-enveloping essence and force animating from the living God.
Anyway, this friend has always tried to recruit me for a sales position with her. I even tried it out once last year. It was not for me. That was last year, now she is describing her colleagues as a beautiful married couple - she a Russian and he an Armenian. She says they just "ooze forth a loving essence that makes her work so much easier." Her description has almost convinced me to try working with her again. Anyway, I want to meet that couple, and I am delighted that my friend has attracted such "beautiful" colleagues.
I was the guest speaker at a Baha'i Devotional/Worship service. I did a musical presentation which culminated in declaring that small acts of service to others bring joy and unity to the world; that work done in the spirit of service to humanity is worshipping God; that there is only one race, the human race.
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