Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Chun Yu
  • 58, Female
  • San Francisco, CA
  • United States
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Chun Yu's Friends

  • Tammy Rouleau
  • Arne Jin An Wong
  • julian pena, jr
  • mermaid sutra
  • marstraveler
  • Loylang
  • Barry Mack
  • Frizzey Greif
  • Marinspin
  • Dania McManus Wong
  • Sylvia
  • Richard Lukens

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Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 10:10am on May 11, 2009, The Ancient One said…
Life Is Filled With Possibilities
by: Larry S. Chengges

life is filled with possibilities
that challenge us each day
to take a chance, try something new,
see things a different way.
And it's through these special moments
that we learn to change and grow,
to explore the precious gift
to who we are and what we know.
Unless you take a chance or two,
in order to begin...
there's nothing we can hope to gain,
no prize that we can win.
For it's not until we try
that we find out
what we can do...
so don't wait until tomorrow
to discover something new!
At 5:27pm on April 11, 2009, mermaid sutra said…
hi Chun,
thank you so much for accepting my request here,
nice to connect with you,
and no hurry, just write me when you can,
my friend in japan is busy with his exhibition anyway :)

At 11:59am on March 4, 2009, TOMMY- THE MAVERICK SOUL said…
Hope everything is cool in your world! Keep the light lit, and just keep on keepin on! Peace and much LOVE always. Tommy
At 10:04pm on February 26, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
Thanks again Chun... I will be seeing you next wednesday...
At 12:26pm on February 26, 2009, Richard Lukens said…

It was so nice to get to know you.... let's talk again about this opportunity soon...

At 7:51am on February 20, 2009, TOMMY- THE MAVERICK SOUL said…
You have a beautiful light around you. Thanks so much for the friendship. Peace and much LOVE always. Tommy
At 8:26pm on February 18, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
In the Xian area there are many many archeological sites yet to be unearthed and many that have been recently revealed.... I have a friend that has access to these antiquities and has interest in having a North American show... we have to investigate to see if it is something worth getting involved in...

I also have technology ventures there and some opportunities to take top level western artists to perform in China.... many other opportunities, to discuss as well, including super computing grid network, and the development of a digital theme park....

I am free wednesday next week if you have time to get together to discuss some ideas and get to know each other...


At 10:25am on February 18, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
I looked at your website... half of my family went through the Cultural Revolution in China... they were at very high levels in the government and they suffered greatly... My daughters mom is from Beijing and her family lived through those times...

I have several large opportunities to bring art exhibits here to North America right now.... I can't deal with it as I don't have the time currently... but perhaps you would like to know about it....

I hope you are having a nice day... it's sunny here in Marin County...
At 10:11am on February 18, 2009, Richard Lukens said…
One of my goals in life is to bridge American and Chinese people through art, music, technology and culture.... I have been doing that since 1985 when I visited China for the Live Aid concert for Africa.

I have brought large (very large) performing arts troupes from China to North America twice in past years... I travel and work in China still now and have several projects there currently..

I am happy to know someone from the SF area that is interested in the same thing....

I would love to know more about your work, interests, activities, etc... thanks for the reply to my initial greeting here on the Architects site...

Very best wishes to you... please keep up the good work... it's important that our countries do not fall into the "enemy" category with each other... there are many people that want that, in order to further the war machine...

Let's work together...

At 10:35pm on February 17, 2009, Dania McManus Wong said…
Welcome to another chapter, I think this is going to be great for you to meet some very quality creative folks. Happy to be sharing it with you.


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