We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.
Posted on August 16, 2010 at 4:21pm
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The Rebirthday Room
In every moment we die and are reborn into the void from
A nothingness that is the fecund, all pervading
Indivisible, preexisting, always perfected emptiness,
That is undeniably complete and total love-bliss consciousness.
Only in the room of the Divine Heart of this constantly appearing,
Revealed true nature of eternal, infinite, immutable happiness,
Can we find a refuge authentic enough to shed the hard
Skin of the ego's I, and make the translation to the truly real.
Let us embrace the icy fingers of the valley of separate death
That we may be reanimated beyond the shadow of seeking, fear and longing
Into the bright heart of devotion, compassion and endless
Forever now in recognition of our One and True Reality.
May we always know the Beloved on sight fully in every
Human, hill, animal, plant and stone, forsaking all illusions.
And may the peace that passes beyond our understanding
Be the walking path of our Sadhana reaching ever to the Star of Isness.
Hi Devin... hope you are having a nice holiday... just checking out your page tonight and enjoyed your poetry... thanks!
And like the Dew on the Rose
I will meet you like a diamond
Fire in the morning
On the horizon of eternity
Gentle grace of the Heart
Cries for tender Mercy
Burning in the infinite distance
On the horizon of eternity
Wisdom’s way passes here
Upon the face of the Monad
Where the crooked path falls straight
On the horizon of eternity
The parable of true Love
Shines daily in the Mind
Reflecting the Soul of Life
On the horizon of eternity
A preternatural sighting
Joins its twin of plain existence
In the Light of beingness only
On the horizon of eternity
Without words, without sound
Heard only in the cave of Understanding
Never to be seen, but singly known
On the horizon of eternity
If ever there was Time
It is now and primary
Spend all for All to have a glimpse

On the horizon of eternitySilver sliver fingernail points
From star and bright planet
To new earth pregnant now
Expectation and hope aligned.
Silver sliver sends a shiver
Down the mountainside
Creatures in the dark
Awaiting our decision and action.
Which way my brothers and sisters?
Toward peace and sanity?
Onward into the abyss of destruction?
Prayers rise up from tiny lives.
Oh, womb of the mind of man
Reach up with your innocence
And grasp the love that awaits
In the true heart of oneness.
To do,
To act.
One single movement
Commands total Awareness.
Within that One
Is the essence of all Being,
And all Existence.
From the perfection
Of The Elemental Act of Cosmos
Sprang the Entire Perfect Universe.
To command perfection
In all acts
Comes from the expression of perfection
In one single movement
And seed of time,
And it’s subsequent
Expansion of that one beautiful act
(For all perfection is beauty)
Into all the movements of one's being.
Let us begin therefore,
With one totally conscious and perfect act for someone else.
As the dawn comes,
Parts of life that have been
In the darkest places,
Are revealed.
When ugliness seems
To abound
Before our eyes,
That is when we know
The light is awakening.
In the fullness of the day,
All will be seen,
And blessing occurs
when the shadows
Are vaporized,
Cleansed by the purity
Of true substance.