Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Diana Phillips
  • Female
  • Marysville, WA
  • United States
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  • The Ancient One
  • Angela
  • Bruce Kunkel
  • Mike Balitao
  • Sylvia

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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 5:51am on April 24, 2009, The Ancient One said…
When you look at a peony, you first see the whole flower, its color and shape.
As you keep looking, you see the petals and veins and stamens and pistils.
When you look more closely still, you see the segments and shading in the
petals, until you begin to feel the vastness of those details. to see the vastness
by looking at one thing in its details is to see its sacred connection to space and
to all other things. ... When you see an object illuminated by space, when you
see with your heart, the object actually communicates back to you. When you
cherish something, it glows. It tells you where it belongs and how you should
present it, because you see it so clearly. Then you follow its magical instructions,
you create a work of art."

- Jeremy Haywood,
A Guide to the Sacred World of Shamabhala Warriorship, p. 130
At 7:29pm on January 28, 2009, Mike Balitao said…
hi dianna hope all is well me chillin
At 5:41am on January 26, 2009, Sylvia said…
Hi Diana,
I'm glad to receive such interested repons to my discussion. Sorry the reply botton doesn't work well that is why I give you here the information you asked for. The groups where I have posted the information about the BIG HUG are:
iPeace, GandhiTopia, Architects of a new dawn, children of the sun, hijos del sol, Oneness, Lightworkers spiritual social Network, Opening our hearts, Planeta Luz Tierra, Camino de Christo, The Gathering and next also to Powerfull Intention Law of Attraction Group.
To all those I will present the logos that I have received until last day of January and with the help of all we will find our the best logo for the event.

I*m glad to be your friend, dear Diana
Love, Light and Happiness
At 4:01am on January 24, 2009, Angela said…
yes...simple, but not! Goodmorning to you, thanks for your comment.
Have a peaceful day ~ Ang


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