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Carry great joy with you throughout this day. Spread it everywhere you go.
The quickest, most accessible way to experience joy in this world is to give it to others. Offer a sincere smile, a kind word, or a bit of assistance just because you can, and see how incredibly good it makes you feel.
The better you feel, the more you'll get accomplished. Express joy even though you have no specific reason, and you'll discover that joy is its own best reason.
With no sense of guilt, with no embarrassment, be the joyful person you know you can be. Give action and expression to the feeling of how truly fortunate you are to be living this day.
With joy as your constant companion, you can make a difference everywhere you go. By focusing on the positive side, you make everything more positive.
Add more joy to life today. And see how much brighter you can make your world.
-- Ralph Marston