Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Franklin Levinson
  • 78, Male
  • Snowmass, CO
  • United States
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  • Ravinn O. West
  • David Kapralik

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Franklin Levinson's Blog

Fear Vs Trust

Having trained horses for over 40 years I have come to learn that, for a horse, there truly is only fear or trust (feelings of peace and safety). The fear is in not surviving and the trust is that it will. As a horse is a prey animal, eaten by predators, if it senses danger, it continues to move until it feels those all important feelings of safety and trust. By becoming peace bringers to horses (helping it to have feelings of safety and peace) we… Continue

Posted on June 30, 2009 at 7:34am

So happy to be involved here.

Thank you Jerry, Diane, Carlos and all for Architects Of A New Dawn. I am thrilled to see its creation and implementation. My life's mission has been to teach the values of compassion, kindness and wisdom through the metaphor of success with horses. It is a wonderful mission and I have had the honor to have been mentored by Jerry and Diane for many years. I look forward to being involved in and supporting this wonderful project in any ways I can. Thank you, Franklin Levinson

Posted on March 3, 2009 at 10:45pm

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At 11:05am on July 2, 2009, Ravinn O. West said…
In one of your comments there is the line, "The fear is in not surviving and the trust is that it will." We can apply that to us as well as horses. The ego, the emotions, the fears, the obsession with persona and possession can cover or smother our essence. Survival relies on our ability to unpeel the layers of 'conditioning' be it cultural, educational, or emotional in order to reveal the pearl at our center; the real deal; the energy that animates us (which can never be destroyed). Once the phoney reasons for our fears are dismissed, for us at least, it is no longer even a matter of trust; we're free then. Free to live out the energy that we are and that is so much more than survival. As you train horses as I do, you have seen that even with horses, once the fears are gone, the animal becomes powerful enough to give us its gifts.
We need to be warriors against the FEEE-UURR wherever it lurks.


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