When you were a child, did you ever wonder
how it was we humans decided
that whatever land we lived on was ours?
or wasn't ours,
and was owned by someone else
who should be paid for the use of that land?
Does that sound like a silly question?
OK, then consider this:
I bought land… Continue
Added by Dianne on April 23, 2009 at 11:00am —
nothing is more
than a decision away
it will be
perfectly made
in the present moment
decide to be
so strong
as to be completely
for only then
will you ever know
the divinity
of being absolutely
(c) jim cole 04112009
Added by Dianne on April 23, 2009 at 10:52am —
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on the wings of shadow
You swoop down from utopia whence you hail
Scattering all at once timely blessings
Bestowing wholesomeness and purpose
You're the much-needed vessel
On which I ride to soar to heights unimaginable
to dreams I've never been to
through time that ceases to value
to see wonders no one has seen
to touch, hear and… Continue
Added by Dianne on April 23, 2009 at 10:30am —
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