Architects of a New Dawn

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09-09-2012 ~ The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ The Melchizedek & Pleiadian Light Network ~ Anrita Melchizedek

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09-09-2012 ~ The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light

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 09-09-2012 ~ The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light Invocation

 (File size: 26.242 MB - approx download time 3-6 min - audio 18  minutes )  

   Written invocation

09-09-2012 ~ The Elders on the Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light
 (File size: 27.050 MB - approx download time 3-6 min - audio 45  minutes. Please note there is a slight background noise to this recording to which we do apologize.)





Mother Mary 


On September 9th 2012, we enter into the ninth initiatory Gateway of Light through the ninth ray of Highest Potentials and the Overlighting of Mother Mary and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.


The ninth ray of Highest Potentials is one of the more prominent rays connected to our Service work, and has the most influence on our original Divine eight-cell blueprint, and our etheric, emotional and mental bodies. It is the ray that focuses most on the probability of achieving our Highest Potential as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love through purpose, passion, joy and Divine Love.


Through this initiatory Gateway of Light, we experience ourselves as The Servant as we align into our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, the blueprint of our Sacred Contract, embraced in a beautiful Blue-Green Flame of Light. Additionally we step out of any power struggles, resistances and stresses, into an alignment of Light that is expressed through a deeper integration of the Divine Feminine aspects within ourselves and an opening of our heart to one another and to all Life. This initiation takes us to a place of stillness within, in knowing and wisdom, where perceived conflict and dynamic right action step into a natural flow and equilibrium through the Grace of Mother/Father God.


As we experience these increased Solar Light frequencies and New Earth Templates of Divine Love being activated at a cellular level within the body, we are invited into Table Mountain, Cape Town, to experience all timelines of our Divine Feminine aspects through the Overlighting of Mother Mary. Additionally we activate this Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potentials and Divine Love by creating a bridge of Light into the timeline of Lemuria and through our Lemurian Higher Selves, bring into this Now the etheric wisdom crystals of our many gifts as healers, teachers, artists, Priests and Priestesses, scientists and metaphysicians, to name a few. As these etheric wisdom crystals further activate our dormant DNA, we come into the knowing that we have already achieved Self Mastery. Furthermore, as we experience this timeline, we open our hearts to receive the sacred flames of unity, justice, peace, wisdom, creativity, joy, mercy, unconditional Love, splendor, compassion and Divine guidance. We further anchor and activate these celestial Blue-Green Flames of Highest Potential within and around the 144 Crystalline Grid of Unity Consciousness, assisting all Life to truly know themselves as sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.


From here we are invited into the Ascension Seat within Sirius to activate our Light Bodies/Merkabas to the recalibrated New Earth Template geometries of Light and experience a deeper alignment into our original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint through the merging of our future Selves in this Now. Additionally, we anchor the ninth Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.

As we experience the Equinox energies on September 22nd/23rd, we are bathed in the Solar Light frequencies of Divine Love and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. As we align to the inner Earth Sun, the Golden Solar Sun disc of Light within our hearts, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun, we open our hearts to receive the Crystalline based Solar frequencies of our Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection and the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.


As our Light Quotient increases over the month of September, surrounded in our vibrant blue-green cloaks of Self Mastery, we use this Divine Light as The Servant to bring balance and equilibrium into all areas of our lives as these sacred Master Beings of Light and co-creators to the Company of Heaven. Furthermore, we allow all Life the possibility to experience the Love of the Divine Mother in compassion, peace, joy and purpose through the Overlighting of Mother Mary and the entire Company of Heaven. And so it is. 


Invocation to the Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light


 I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,

the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,

the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,

the Mighty Elohim,

the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,

the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.


I now call forth to Mother Mary and the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light

to take me in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,

into the Ascension Seat within Table Mountain,

so I may undergo my ninth initiation as The Servant,

so I may experience passion, purpose, stillness and joy,

so I may experience all my gifts and Highest Potential,

so I may open my heart to my Self and others,

in the knowing of my unique puzzle piece within the collective.


As I enter into this Ascension Seat,

I am surrounded in a beautiful Blue-Green Ray of Light,

greeted and welcomed by Mother Mary as a transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,

I am now placed in a Christed Timeline Chamber of Light.

Through the Christed Timelines I am shown the doorways into the parallel realities in which I have been unforgiving and unloving.

As I now forgive and Love all Souls with whom I have experienced karmic ties in these timelines and in this Now,

I embrace and integrate all aspects of my Divine Feminine Selves through the Center of Divine Love and this beautiful Blue-Green Ray of Highest Potentials.


As I open my heart to my Self and others,

I now find my Self merging with my Lemurian Higher Self.

As I come into the remembrance of being an initiate of Light in this timeline,

my Lemurian Higher Self now places an etheric wisdom crystal within my heart.

As my DNA is now activated to the maximum Cosmic Law will allow,

I experience the timelines of my Highest Potential as The Servant,

the Student and Master, Servant and Teacher,

 and the many gifts I have in this Now in my World Service Role.


I now receive the sacred flames of unity, justice, peace, wisdom, creativity, joy, mercy, unconditional Love, splendor, compassion and Divine guidance through my heart chakra.

I now assist the many Legions of Light from On High,

in surrounding the Earth and all her Life is this sacred Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potentials,

allowing all Life to experience compassion, peace, joy, purpose and Divine Love through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now find my Self within the Ascension Seat in the etheric of Sirius.

As I enter into this Temple of Highest Potentials,

I find my Self in a beautiful star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of Light,

greeted and welcomed by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light.

As this star tetrahedron, this star merkaba is now activated within my original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint,

I align my will to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God,

truly surrendering and trusting to the Divine.


I now find my Self within the New Earth Templates of Divine Love through the 144 Crystalline Unity Grid of Light.

As I now integrate the geometries of Light within the Unity Grid into my emotional, mental and physical/etheric bodies,

I activate my Light Body/Merkaba to this fifth dimensional Solar Crystalline Matrix of Divine Love through the Fibonacci ratio of 21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity.


I now anchor the ninth major Cosmic Christ Holographic Disc and two minor discs along the spinal column.

I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my nervous system, meridians and chakras.


And now, within this Center of Divine Love, of No Time, No Space,

I merge with my future Self of the Light.

As I take on all the keycodes, fire letters and geometries of Light through my future Self, I bring them into this Now through the Christed Timelines and my Beloved I Am Presence,

co-creating my reality within the One Reality of All That Is,

and manifesting my creations of Light according to the Divine Will of Mother/Father God.


And now, as I experience the Equinox energies,

I align with the inner earth Sun, the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within my heart, the earth, the Sun, the Central Sun and Great Central Sun.

I now open my heart to receive the Crystalline based Solar frequencies of my Highest Potential through the Patterns of Perfection and the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.


I now find my Self within the Unity Grid of Divine Love,

connecting to all the Light Workers, Star Seeded Ones and Beings of Light from On High assisting in this Ascension process.

I now download and activate my individual keycodes from within Planetary keycodes of Light,

as I open my heart to all Life in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.


I now find my Self back in my sacred space,

grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,

and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I am now surrounded in this beautiful Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potentials,

and the Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness,

Overlighting this sacred year of 2012.


I Am joy,

I Am wisdom,

I Am splendor,

I Am passion and purpose,

I Am a sacred gift of Life,

I Am a transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,

I Am All That I Am.


Music by Micheal Hammer

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
Artwork by Brian Exton and
Daniel Holeman

09-09-2012 - The Ninth Initiatory Gateway of Light
Transmission by the Elders ~
Mp3 download


Welcome, sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, as you enter into this ninth initiatory Gateway of Light on the 9th September, 2012, and indeed, sweet ones, it is but in the blink of an eye that you will find yourselves transcending into a greater depth of Divine Love and the understanding of your magnificence and preciousness as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. For this has already occurred in so many of these timelines and parallel realities, and it is again simply to come into this remembrance that will take you in to Self Mastery and allow you to see with vision and clarity the pathway before you, the pathway of Divine Love, into these New Earth Templates of Light.


As you passed through the eighth initiatory Gateway in August, through this beautiful sea-foam green and violet colored ray as The Warden, the Keeper of Justice, indeed the archetypal energies coming through of the Divine Mother and Matron, and the Warrior on his Chariot took you in to areas of perceived conflict within your lives - areas that needed to be cleared - whether through karmic ties and relationships, or simply in bringing a focus to your co-creations, and letting go of old comfort zones to make way for the new. You are merging the personality aspects of yourselves through the energy of your Beloved I AM Presence, and as you lift yourselves in Cosmic Consciousness awareness into the higher dimensional frequencies of Divine Love you are experiencing not only increased Light and Divine Love, but having the tools to stand in Divine Love and work with whatever issues and clearings that you still may need to embrace or transmute. And now as you enter into this month of September, the stresses and resistances are brought into an alignment of Light through a deeper expression of the Divine Feminine aspects of yourselves; in finding balance and equilibrium through this plane of duality, in balancing both the shadow aspects and indeed the Divine aspects of yourselves. This journey has not been easy, and it has propelled many of you into taking another look at the deepest aspects of yourselves needing to be integrated, and we say for all of you, sweet ones, this integration comes through the balancing of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine aspects to yourself. These archetypal energies are being played out in every way within your Life, and within the collective consciousness. 2011, as we have mentioned before, was the year of the Divine Feminine, taking you deeper into the integration of your Light, in compassion, in peace, and Love, into the knowing of yourselves as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, through the Overlighting in particular of the Divine Mother, and now in this year of 2012, the Divine Feminine Principle embraces the Divine Masculine Principle. Through the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness and Empowerment you merge in to this beautiful pink-orange Flame of Illumined Truth and Divine Love. And to open your hearts to yourself and to all Life indeed requires of you, sweet ones, the ability to truly allow yourselves to be revealed, to truly step into your authentic selves, sharing and receiving, supporting and loving. And it is from this center within yourself that you open your heart to others. It is in the integration of the Divine Feminine aspects of yourselves that you come into the merging of the Divine Masculine, into wisdom, into the Higher Mind teachings, expressed in this energy system through the Left and the Right Eye of Horus; and in this Now as you go deeper into an understanding of these Higher Mind teachings, you do so as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and in this initiation in particular, as The Servant,  as you align yourself into your original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, the Blueprint of your Sacred Contract, you experience a deeper knowing of your service work, in passion, in joy, in harmony, in compassion, and in Divine Love.


Let us set our sacred space with you now, traveling together as this beautiful Soul family of Light, opening your hearts to one another, truly seeing each other in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness. Wherever you are in your sacred space sweet ones, ground now into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God; merging now with your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that You Are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. Calling in now your Master Guides and your Guardian Angel, and all other Beings of Light that you personally acknowledge, as you open your hearts to one another, as you connect into the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, as you connect to the Star Seeded ones, the Light Workers, and all the Beings of Light from On High, through the Planetary Grid of One Unity Consciousness.


This Unity Grid surrounds you, this fluid matrix of geometries and keycodes and Light frequencies, it is within you and around you, supporting and guiding and loving you. Through the Christed Timelines and the New Earth Templates you are finding the tools to truly embrace all aspects of yourselves in Divine Love. Let this always be your guiding Light, sweet ones, in whatever the perceived challenges are before you - there are never any victims or victors, there is only Divine Love that guides you, embraces you, and asks you to be forgiving and loving in every moment of every day. For this is what will bring about your personal ascension and assist in Mother Earth's Planetary Ascension. Bring in a now a beautiful pillar of Light within your sacred space, and your personal antakarana, your fluorescent tube of Light, breathing through this tube of Light, connecting into all dimensions of Light as you bring in the energy once more of your Higher Self of the Light, your Guardian Angel, and your Beloved I AM Presence.


And now, experience the radiance of this beautiful Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potentials, of the knowing of yourself in Self Mastery, as you surround yourself and wrap every sub-atomic particle within your Beingness in this beautiful sacred ray of Highest Potentials. As the sub-atomic particles spin in increased Light frequencies, this ray is amplified through the heart chakra and you create now a personal bridge of Light into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, into this 144 Crystalline Grid of Unity Consciousness. Hold this focus collectively, sweet ones, hold this focus of purpose and passion and joy, of knowing and wisdom and indeed that place of stillness within yourself that comes to be when you bring control over the lower bodies and control over the lower mind.


In this transmission you are invited into Table Mountain, Cape Town. In ancient times Table Mountain was part of the continent of Lemuria or Mu. Africa was joined to the Americas. This time, sweet ones, one of the most ancient times in your parallel realities, took you into an advanced society, living naturally and in harmony with Mother Earth, working with energy of the Divine Mother in particular. The Lemurians were gifted individuals, highly telepathic and psychic, and beautiful Spiritual Beings of Light, moving in their own way through the teachings of the Order of Melchizedek and the teachings of Light to bring about a deeper level of knowledge and wisdom as to their advanced Ascended Master gifts and skills. Living in lush forests, working on the land, attuning their bodies vibrationally in harmony and balance. And indeed too, as they worked through their initiations of Light they carried advanced technology, gifted from the many Star Beings, and in particular the Arcturians, the Pleiadians and the Sirians. Lemuria was destroyed through natural earth disasters, earthquakes, the movement of the pressure plates, and tectonic plates, and as large parts of this continent were submerged the Elders were able to save a lot of the knowledge of these teachings of Light and place it in wisdom crystals. These wisdom crystals were then taken, as they joined collectively in consciousness with the higher Light Beings, and with their Merkaba Vehicles of Light, transported to Tibet, then known as the continent of Asia. They set up these Temple teachings of Light on both the inner lanes and outer planes, creating initially what you know today as the teachings of the Great White Lodge and the Brotherhood of the Light, and these teachings in turn would come to pass to bring about the Golden Age of Atlantis.


This Golden Age of Lemuria, this energetic matrix that takes you into this timeline, is indeed found within several of Crystalline Cities of Light and vortex portals within and around Mother Earth, and Table Mountain is one of these vortexes, taking you into this timeline of Lemuria; and it is within this timeline, sweet ones, that you can truly know the preciousness of yourselves in Self Mastery through the many gifts that you had as teachers and facilitators, as healers and scientists and astrologers. So we take you in to this timeline, into the integrated aspects of the Divine Feminine.


You are now taken in this group Merkaba Vehicle of Light with all your Soul family and friends of the Light listening to this recording, connecting with you on both the inner and outer planes. As you are taken in to this Ascension Seat within Table Mountain, you are surrounded within this beautiful Blue-Green ray of Light, activating the heart chakra at a deeper level, welcomed and embraced now by Mother Mary, the Chohan to this ray. Within this center of Divine love, sweet ones, you experience yourself embraced within the Cosmic Heart of the Divine Mother and all the Divine Feminine Beings of Light from On High as they gather around you now - Lady Nada, Lady Quan Yin, Pallas Athena, White Buffalo Woman, Lady Portia, Lady Guinevere, all those feminine Beings of Light and Deities too, that you may acknowledge in your spiritual practice, you bring into this Now. Embraced upon these angelic wings of Divine Love you find yourself moving now through the Christed timelines, through the doorways in which you are needing to embrace and integrate the Divine Feminine aspects of yourselves. Those timelines in which you have been unforgiving or unloving are presented for you now, for you to clear - embrace and love yourself, and all the souls that you are with, within this timeline. As you surround these souls now, one at a time, in this beautiful Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potentials and Divine Love, let each soul know "I Love you and I forgive you as I Love and forgive myself. I Love you and I forgive you as I Love and forgive myself."


These old karmic contracts have been cancelled, sweet ones, although indeed some of you may still be choosing these life-changing and transformational journeys through pain and heartache. As Initiates of Light, each journey you have chosen has been in agreement with the souls with whom you chose to play out these contracts and pre-birth agreements. These souls become your greatest teachers when you indeed acknowledge the roles you chose, when you see how you have moved together through the lower dimensions; the anger and the pain, the betrayal and abandonment, the loss and the heartache, to be able to truly open yourselves to the deepest levels of your Beingness in Divine Love and to truly forgive all those souls. And at this point you move then on to the Path of Transcendence, where all the relationships before you are Soul contracts in which you are offered this opportunity within the New Earth Templates to simply discover a deeper level of your Beingness through Divine Love in all your relationships, in all your connections. But acknowledge in this Now, upon the plane of duality, you may still be facing in your own perceived challenges and the way to embrace this is through loving and forgiving. Open your heart truly to Love - Loving your Self first, appreciating your Self, nurturing your Self, and take this appreciation out to others, moving beyond judgment as to whether they are worthy of this or not. This unconditional Love in all its facets holds no judgment, only observation - it is the lens of Self Mastery. Truly mean it now, sweet ones, open your hearts in forgiveness as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, for even forgiveness becomes transcendent within this vortex of Unconditional Love.


And now the Divine Feminine aspects of your soul appear before you - those aspects of your Selves needing to be re-integrated in this Now, into the beautiful Beingness of where you are now, sweet ones, Feel this Love from all these soul aspects of yourselves that have felt betrayed and unloved - be embraced in this Divine Love, strengthening you in your Light as you open your heart on all levels to yourself and others.


And now you find yourself merging with your Lemurian Higher Self - your Lemurian Higher Self that has achieved Self Master. This sacred Being of Light holding these memories in this timeline, in this alternate reality, appears before you now through the Christed timelines, in this beautiful Ascension Seat in Table Mountain, South Africa, and presents to you now an etheric wisdom crystal which he or she now places within your heart. As you receive this energetic matrix and keycodes and downloads through this energy of Divine Love, you take yourself into this knowing of your Highest Potential as this Servant, servant and teacher, student and master - into the many gifts you have and bring forth, as the High Priest and Priestesses, as the healers and teachers. As you align deeper into your sacred contract you see clearly your Life Task, your purpose, in this Now, in this Now moment, in this Cosmic Grand Plan of this New Golden Age.


You now receive the sacred Flames of unity and justice, peace and wisdom, creativity, joy, mercy, unconditional Love, splendor, compassion, and Divine Guidance being anchored and activated in a beautiful Blue-Green Ray of Light through your heart chakra. You feel yourself coming into your original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, surrounded in the geometry of the star tetrahedron. The geometry of Light that further activates your Light Body, your Merkaba to the fifth dimension of no-time, no-space, is being re-activated and recalibrated to take you into your sacred contract in this alignment of Light and Divine Love. As you merge once more with your Beloved I AM Presence through these timelines, know that you are always Overlighted and guided by this Divine Being of Light.


You take this energy out now through this beautiful Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potentials, wrapping Mother Earth and all her Life, through your personal portals, and through the collective legions of Light, allowing all Life to truly experience this beautiful ray of Highest Potentials, to experience peace and joy and compassion, purpose and Divine Love.


Wonderful. You are now taken in this external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the etheric of Sirius into the Temple of Highest Potentials. As you enter into this etheric Temple of Highest Potentials and Divine Love you are welcomed by the Sirian Archangelic League of the Light and indeed too by many of the Beings of Light from the Great White Lodge who exist within this dimensional frequency too. As you enter into this Ascension Seat you find yourself in a beautiful star tetrahedronal shaped Temple of Light. Have a sense of the star-tetrahedron, this star merkaba, sweet ones, within the original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, and within each cell in your body. This shape is now replicated, bringing in the qualities of this ninth ray, and the knowing of yourselves as these Ascended Beings of Light. As you feel this support and Love, take this shape around you now, placing it in a sphere of Light, 10.8 feet in diameter around you. See the top apex of the top tetrahedron reach up to a point 2.4 feet above the crown chakra, coming down to just below the knees. The bottom apex comes from a point 2.4 feet below the feet - the bottom tetrahedron reaches up crossing the heart chakra. As you bring a focus now to this etheric star tetrahedronal shape, superimpose over it the emotional and then the mental body star tetrahedrons. Experience this spin slightly now, within this sphere of Light 10.8 feet in diameter around you. The emotional body gently rotates in a clockwise direction, the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter-clockwise direction, differing speeds, giving you the sense of both clearing and bringing in higher Light frequencies. Visualize this shape clearly now within your heart. A beautiful golden sphere of Light 54 feet in diameter comes in around you, imprinting within it this Golden Flower of Life, taking you into the memories of Light through the Left and Right Eye of Horus, into the teachings of Light from the timelines of Lemuria and Atlantis and ancient Egypt, the Mayan and Aztec cultures, bringing the knowledge and wisdom of these parallel realities and the knowing of yourselves as Initiates of Light, fulfilling your role now, sweet ones, as The Servant.


Now, within this sacred space, this beautiful Ascension Seat, and with the assistance of these Beings of Light, your Light Body/Merkaba is now activated to the frequency of the New Earth Templates of Divine Love. The Fibonacci ratios spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons to the ratio of 21:13, 33 times God Speed to infinity. Wonderful. Have a sense of your Light Body being activated to this fifth dimensional frequency of connecting into the Unity Grid of Divine Love, into the Solar Crystalline matrix, merging your Light Body to the new geometries of Light found within the 144 Crystalline Grid of Divine Love.


And now, sweet ones, you anchor the ninth major Cosmic Christ Holographic disc and two minor discs along the spinal column. As we mentioned before, these Cosmic Christ holographic discs, thirteen major and twenty minor, are connected to the major chakras and vortices of Mother Earth as well as many of the Crystalline Cities and Retreats of Light, and in our next transmission with you we will tell you more about these Retreats and Crystalline Cities connected to the twenty minor Cosmic Christ Holographic discs. For now, know that as you recalibrate these Cosmic Christ Holographic discs through the body, through the cerebral spinal fluid, and recalibrate your nervous system, meridians and chakras, you are assisting in doing this for Mother Earth's sacred chakras, and with this too, in assisting and opening the 33 Cosmic Portals of Light.


You now find yourself within the Unity Grid receiving the Templates of the New Earth frequencies from the center of Divine Love as you experience the Equinox energies. Align into the Inner Earth Sun, sweet ones, to the golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, to the energy of Mother Earth, through the Crystalline Grid, to the Sun, Central Sun, and now Great Central Sun. Allow these Crystalline Gates, the frequencies of your Highest Potential, to be experienced through these Patterns of Perfection and the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, as you take on the planetary keycodes of Light and indeed your individual keycodes, as you open your heart to yourself, to all life, in One Unity Consciousness.


Wonderful, sweet ones. As the earth becomes this spiritual Sun, as you shift into Solar Christ Consciousness, and experience your  Ascension through the Flames of Divine Love you are assisting all Life through the Pathways of Light you are creating, and know that you are doing so well - you are never given more than you can handle, in terms of your perceived challenges; so have the courage, the strength and the belief in the knowing of what you can achieve, as these transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and Master Beings of Light. You have done this before and you are doing this once again, because you can, as a leader and way shower, and facilitator of Light.


As you come back into your sacred space and ground once more into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth, keeping this connection open to the many Legions of Light from On High, surround yourself in this beautiful Blue-Green Flame of Highest Potential and now this Golden Flame of Empowerment and One Unity Consciousness. You are doing so well, sweet ones, this time of balance and equilibrium is coming, and you will experience more and more the sacred Flames of Divine Love being awakened within your hearts and the hearts of all humanity as collectively you come together in this new Golden Age of Light.


We honor you for your service work, we bless you, and with this we bid you a most magical day.


Transcribed by Eadie Miller




For invocations and channelings on previous initiatory Gateways of Light, please view


Brought to you by The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network 

Higher Consciousness Resource Network Website  


The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light Network | Gordon's Bay | Cape Town | 7140 | South Africa

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