Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Sacred Fire Decrees + Invocation to the Etheric Retreats ~ Rites of Passage ~ Children of the Sun


Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation



Requesting Your Support ~ Calling All Flame Holders! 


  • Continental Shepherds of the Sacred Fire
  • Stabilizing the Grid ~ Invocation to the Etheric Retreats
  • Sacred Fire Decrees in Group Formation










Establishing our Group Radiance



Beloved Sun Family,



 We are about to undergo the most intense series of initiations we have ever taken as an evolving Group Avatar in service to Humanity. In an effort to prepare the containing energy matrix required to receive the maximum benefit from these back-to-back initiations, we are calling everyone to the front lines to transmit the Sacred Fires in full force throughout the entire duration of the Rites of Passage program.


Children of the Sun Foundation has organized three programs to assist in the grounding and stabilizing of this Sacred Fire energy matrix. These programs are designed to build and sustain a worldwide radiation of intelligently focused light through the means of divine decrees, etheric retreat attunement/invocation, and the continental shepherding of the planetary rays. All programs are detailed further in this newsletter.


Now is the time to come together in a solid demonstration of focused group endeavour, gathering with our teams, light networks and fellow Planetary Light Servers to call forth the mightiest dispensations of the Cosmic Fire as we light up the entire world with our united brilliance. 










 Special Planetary Assignments ~ Support Information













globe gold   

Program #1



This program has been devised to maintain a globally inspired balance of the Sacred Fire throughout the course of the Rites of Passage.  


Listed below are the seven continents that will have the sacred privilege of shepherding the Flames of God Perfection to all the Earth:

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Australia
  • Central America
  • Europe
  • North America
  • South America 

Every continent will be assigned a new focus of the Sacred Fire every week in tandem with the release of the Rites.


Please download the PDF assignment sheet that lists the weekly shepherding duties of each continent.


You may want to set a reminder to refer to this document every Sunday as a new Rite is released to ensure that you are aware of the flame your continent is responsible for transmitting during that particular week.  



Continent Schedule  
PDF Horario Continental









Program #2:  



During the entire 12 weeks of our initiations during the Rites of Passage, we are invoking divine intervening support from the mighty Ascended Host, Elohim and the Legions of Angels.


The consciousness fields of these Divine Beings are heavily concentrated in etheric dimensions that are located in the multidimensional bands that encircle the Earth. These so termed "retreats" are situated above cities, mountains, bodies of water and entire countries. Each location is a very important nucleus of energy, providing stability to the planetary grids while nourishing life and sustaining the action of the Sacred Fire.


Through the Law of Invocation, we can command the full radiatory support of these divine powerhouses to assist with our every need and intention during our Rites of Passage initiations.


We are calling upon every individual to assist in this global endeavor by invoking intervention and support of the etheric retreats that are located in your country of residence. In an effort to maximize the supporting radiation, please expand your calls to include the retreats in the surrounding areas of your region/country as well.


List of Etheric Retreats

PDF Retiros Etéricos

In addition, you may wish to explore the possibility of visiting these etheric retreats during meditation and sleep as means to further assist in the initiation process facilitated through the Rites. 












Program #3 




"Thou shalt decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee."



Children of the Sun Foundation gifts to everyone 16 original Sacred Fire Decrees to be utilized in concert with our divine assignments. This collection of powerful invocations has been co-created to assist  in magnetizing all seven planetary rays to work in perfect synergy with our group endeavor.   


It is recommended that these Divine Decrees be used on a daily basis in the silence of your sacred space or in the amplified presence of a group harmonic. It is through the Universal Law of Invocation working in tandem with the Law of Group Endeavour, that we consciously direct and command the release of the Sacred Fires into benevolent action.

Sacred Fire Decrees


As we raise our collective voice to send forth these mighty fiats, we abundantly aide in the revelation of our potential God Emergence.


















The successful implementation of these three programs is largely dependent upon our global cooperation. It would be highly beneficial if all GEO Teams and Group Leaders had ALL THREE program documents readily available should any inquiries come in regarding participation and country assignments.


Please take the time to familiarize yourselves with all of the information contained within these documents to ensure that all unfolds in perfect synchronicity.


Thank you once again for being pioneers of divine consciousness. Your leadership and dedication to our group mission is greatly appreciated.


Bright blessings to you all.











~ Sacred Fire Central during the Rites of Passage ~ 



We are gearing up for an ENORMOUS saturation and radiation of the planetary rays in our weekly Transfiguration Chamber during the Rites of Passage.  The ENTIRE active membership base of The Center of Illumination is to serve in Sacred Fire Shepherd Groups instead of the usual solitary spark held by one member.


With nearly 500 active members preparing to transmit every Sunday, we can be assured that this increase in divine light activity will assist us in staying further connected and grounded as we undergo these higher levels of initiation.


Please join us as we blaze the Light of God in loving service to our Group Body.



The Center of Illumination




Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation, Inc.
 | | 404 M. Mt. Shasta Blvd, Suite 320 | Mt. Shasta | CA | 96067

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