Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

- An ecology of peace consists of an educated population maintaining a culture of frugality.

- Nonviolence is the equalizing element of an ecology of peace. It is sharing responsibility, respectfully, trusting and supporting while maintaining honesty and accountability. It is practicing non-threatening behavior, including responsible parenting and seeking negotiation and fairness within economic partnership.

- Tolerance and diversity are beneficial elements of an ecology of peace. Within tolerance is an understanding and patience that leaves room for us to experience the diverse wonders of unexplored cultures not our own.

- Peace education would enlighten future generations of alternatives to violence from an early age and throughout life. The system of war we live in, practices an "educational process" throughout our lives in the form of propaganda; peace education must be at least equally diligent.

- Justice is a key element in an ecology of peace. It is truly "for all" and not just for a select wealthy and powerful. A global wide justice for all is necessary to realize the rewards of peace on earth.

- To attain a culture of peace, it is necessary to admit necessity of making specific arguments, citing specific examples of the concrete benefits of peace. Thus far, the peace movement has not been near as specific or pervasive as the culture of war and must become so.

- Principled negotiation, practiced in an ecology of peace, acknowledges positions on both sides of an argument and works to determine their true interests. Though it may require a dogged determination to reach complete agreement, the avoidance of militant conflict justifies the effort.

- International laws providing increased equality globally is an important element of an ecology of peace. Restriction on abuses, particularly of third world countries, would result; as would increasing opportunities for restoration and reclamation.

- Conflict resolution is necessary to the success of an ecology of peace for many reasons; one being the basic principle of the strength and stability within diversity. We need and benefit from each other. Embracing our differences and disagreements enlarges our perimeters and possibilities.

- Conflict resolution competencies are valued skills in an ecology of peace. Training and education in these areas should be as commonplace as getting a driver’s license. The citizenry at large would proudly develop these skills in a culture of peace.

- Nongovernmental initiatives comprise a committed portion of the ecology of peace. Organizations determined to be heard and felt have sprang up across the planet, working toward peace and sustainability beyond national or economic borders.

- Vegetarianism is a natural attribute of an ecology of peace. Recognizing the benefits of feeding more people on a plant based diet, and the resulting decreased environmental impact of supplying a meat based diet for millions, is crucial to a balanced ecology. An ecology of peace would also benefit from a renewed relationship with other species.

- Citizen based defense is possible in an ecology of peace. People looking out for one another as a neighbors and an extended family network would reinforce the sense of community, rather than depending on the police to "protect and serve them".

- Environmental sustainability defines an ecology of peace with the global realization of sustainable agriculture; food and agricultural systems that are ecologically sound, economically viable, socially just and humane.

- Human rights law enforcement is an integral part of an ecology of peace. All major issues are linked to human rights, therefore the understanding of equal treatment for all and an acceptance that every person has a responsibility to protect each individual on this earth, would be the law.

- Changing social norms is the norm in an ecology of peace, as is evidenced by the cultural shifts seen since the sixties. Sexism, racism and ageism are being discarded in favor of a mutually satisfying blended culture.

- Controlling overpopulation is necessary to an ecology of peace. Education about and birth control are crucial to our future on this planet. Eradication of poverty and minimizing disease is dependent upon controlling population growth.

- Controlling overconsumption is a way to maintain an ecology of peace. To take only what we need and use it wisely as our ancestors once did, is a way to restore and balance the results of our immediate gratification greed. Americans need to be re-conditioned to be responsible consumers.

- Disarmament would mean ridding the world of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction and creating genuine security for future generations. An ecology of peace requires these conditions.

- Promoting forgiveness strengthens an ecology of peace. Energy once expended on the anxieties of conflict can be channeled into creating peaceful and sustainable conditions for all. Only when we have peace within, can we deliver it outwardly.

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