Architects of a New Dawn

We’d like to show the side of the world you don’t normally see on television.

Jeanne's Blog (5)

Choose words well

A traditional indigenous arrowmaker lived with starkness and functionality, as though living was chipped as deliberately as the arrows that he crafted… conditioned with an understanding of only using what is necessary… appeared to guide his life. When he took up an arrow and straightened it in his teeth, as it was right for him to do and drew it to the bow…he re-enacted centuries old traditions and habits, in just a few flowing movements. Simple and austere, portraying the dignity of ordinary… Continue

Added by Jeanne on July 22, 2009 at 7:51am — 2 Comments

why I love yoga

I love yoga, because it loves me. When I breath into a pose, the energy that comes back is regenerative and healing, like love. And so - it is love. It is the attention focused and care given to my body and spirit that returns to me multiplied and metamorphosed. Yoga is the (re)cycling of energy, moving from the point of intention within my distracted monkey mind through the breath, body, emotions and spirit divine; and back again to a more focused state of mind. With each cycle returning a… Continue

Added by Jeanne on July 16, 2009 at 5:41pm — No Comments

Do you know who the author is?

men of earth

brothers in eternity

shake your souls awake

the hour so long waited for

the promised hour has come

over the dark firmament of suffering humanity

is rising the morning star

heralding the day when you will understand

that mans most sacred duty is to be man

that is... to manifest life, intelligence, truth and love

there is no higher aim, no vaster problem

and you… Continue

Added by Jeanne on February 24, 2009 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

20 elements of an ecology of peace

- An ecology of peace consists of an educated population maintaining a culture of frugality.

- Nonviolence is the equalizing element of an ecology of peace. It is sharing responsibility, respectfully, trusting and supporting while maintaining honesty and accountability. It is practicing non-threatening behavior, including responsible parenting and seeking negotiation and fairness within economic partnership.

- Tolerance and diversity are beneficial elements of an ecology… Continue

Added by Jeanne on February 16, 2009 at 6:30am — No Comments

Has the environmental movement changed the way people understand and live in the world?

Environmentalism is a reactionary movement that has evolved with the technological industrialization of the western world. It has been the watchdog barking at the beast in our back yard, warning us when the beast has gotten too close or grown too large. While some have been hypnotized with the beasts impressive talents and promises of convenience, the watchdogs have continued growling at the beast's cleverly disguised veneer and sniffing at its rotten smelling smokestacks. The environmental… Continue

Added by Jeanne on February 3, 2009 at 6:43am — No Comments


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