YES! The Great Shift is here. We feel it. We are aghast at the changes ~ wild, raw, magnificent, awe-inspiring.
The forces of Mother Nature and Gaia reshape the earth in front of our eyes. We watch in fascination and some horror on the news headlines every day at how fast the shift is changing things.
Our human systems tremble in anticipation, and in aligning to the new magnetics and connections of new dots on the great cosmic plan.
Crop circles install new energetic patterns into our planetary matrix... our psyches and energetics are effected.
Our soul delights in the ever increasing light and frequency. Our soul missions are coming into fulfillment.
And our bodies, minds and emotions go through various kinds of crashes. Rather they experience physical traumas, purging of old energies, scars, wounds, and ailments, mental exhaustion and fatigue, emotional turmoil and upheavals as the hurricane of change and the underground volcanoes rip through our life.
It is the compassion of our great friends of light that we are offered assistance to hold hands and receive personalized comfort and support during this upcoming passage through The Great Shift Eye of the Needle. All that is not of high frequency is being squeezed from us as we are re-shaped and re-configured to exist in higher light frequencies and vibrations.
Pat Crosby is offering an 8 session personalized series of hand holdings with guides Archangel Michael, Reshel (the feminine aspect of Lord Metatron who sees that all is created in Love), the Elohim Spirits of the Lake Titicaca Peru portal, plus your own spirit guides and angels to support, assist, comfort and help you internalize the rapid shifting changes, make sense of them, bring comfort to your mind in understanding the changes. The light being friends will be answering questions, and explaining the changes in human terms. They will be weaving new energetics into your system as is beneficial for you at each stage of your journey.
There will be structured journaling, record keeping, email support, plus one personal consult included during the 8 month of tele-classes. The group is small, and interactive, with plenty of time for questions, and personal directive messages to guide you through this upcoming intense period of rapid change.
Each registrant will also receive an emailed copy of the channeled booklet direct from the sacred portal of Lake Titicaca, Peru on how to release and let go with the grace of the Elohim Angels of Forgiveness for personal study and reflection and aid in discharging the hurts and bundles of the past.
The content of the classes is inspired and channeled by our spirit guides and archangels present at each session. Each class will also include a unique channeled guided meditation specific to each step through our passage way.
You can attend the teleclasses live or receive the MP3 replays of each class. All who register will receive the audio replay of each class. So you can participate even if you cannot attend the session live.
All participants will receive light flow energetics from the spirit guides, masters, guardians and angels overlighting, directing, inspiring and empowering this series of support classes for the next 8 months as we navigate the choppy waters of the Shift ahead.
Register and get more information at
Sliding scale is available for those in need. No dedicated lightworker is turned away for lack of funds.
Topics include - but are not limited to:
1. How the shift is playing out in your personal life - family, relationships, health, jobs, moving, etc. ~ Learning to rebalance energetically and vibrationally after each power surge.
2. How your psyche and emotional balance are being effected by the changes underway in the shift.
3. How to tell if you are going crazy - or shifting!
4. Monitoring your health and physical balance.
5. Learning to receive and understand messages from your dreams, meditations, and quiet walks.
6. Personal empowerment meditations channeled directly from the guides during each session.
7. How to balance and rebalance your energy during each jolt of the shift.
8. Coping with things falling away.
9. Decluttering and erasing chaos to make room for the new good coming into your life.
10. Problems, challenges and ways of letting go of the past - that which was and is no more.
11. Owning your full soul power to navigate the shift and your role in the shift. Your soul mission.
12. Empowerment to find your own answers, remove blocks, and communicate with beings of higher frequencies to receive your own guidance, inspiration, and good luck.
These comfort and support session are under the guidance and overlighting of Archangel Michael. They allow us to go in depth into the teachings and channellings being offered by Ronna Herman and Archangel Michael during this same 8 month time period of the coming Great Shift Eye of the Needle passage.
Is this Support and Comfort Series for you?
Please contact Pat directly for a no-cost discussion of the rightness for you.
Follow the nudging of your soul if this is right for you.
Live teleclasses held on Tuesday evenings, 7:30 to approximately 9:30 PM Eastern Time (New York). Replays available for each class if you cannot attend the class live. There is also individual email support for each registrant between teleclasses included in your registration.
Series begins Sept 28, 2010 - for 8 months - usually on the last Tuesday of each month.
Please join us 
I Hold YOU In the Creator's Light
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